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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. To me, the most interesting thing about Pai is the trip going there. The ride up the twisting road and along the top of the mountain is great. Other than that, there's not much to do or see.

    yep..........same, same not different.

    ..... and the accommodation near the river amazingly cheap. 300 baht with a private bathroom, a palm tree roof and a mosquito net

    most 'o the things there are reasonable ....

    the sanctuary,a restaurant near the river where the Karen do their baptism is not too bad.

    the sanctuary

  2. The hard tofu is quite good crumbled up and mashed with mayo, some chopped fresh veggies and served like an egg salad.

    the soft tofu is in the plastic sausage looking bag and is commonly used in soups.

    every Thai market has tofu available. Tofu is a common food here like noodles.

    the yellow soft one is Egged tofu. it's not tasty and I don't eat it. being veg, tofu is the main source of protein. The hard one is yummy. Have you tasted b4?

    slice it into 2 or 3( if you can but i can't) pieces and shallow fry,

    when it till goes brown then take it out.

    Put some cabbage + onion + tomato and mayonnaise = a tofu sandwich.

    dice it, put some tomato sauce in a pan. heat it up then add some onion, mushroom, tomato, boil your spaghetti = tofu spaghetti in tomato sauce

    sometimes cool salad is not bad similar to what she said. but I usually bake it first= tofu salad

    googies + 10 mins = nice tofu menu :thumbsup:

  3. I have said many things in the past few months that could have lead her to think I didn't care anymore:

    - "phone calls are expensive"

    - "if you really can't wait for me, you can find another nice guy if you want"

    - "maybe we should just be friends for a while if you are so impatient or difficult communicating"

    Gotta admit, most women will take this to mean its time to find someone else.

    it's(was) not love.

    come.... and choose a good mother for your babies

  4. hi support team;

    to give you guys an idea of what is like, I have a screenshot below from my chrome. Plus,my IE7 has a similar display. everything is misplaced. Moreover, my IE8 at work won't load any bit and will freeze when I try to access the forum. My favorite browser is FF.

    Thnk you guys. Nice work!!!!


    dear George;

    Old cunnin' Fox


    our beloved Pu Yai Bann?

    have you ever come across the meanin' 'o Pu Yai Bann?

    )(*()*()*_)_&&*$%$R$R^$#$^&#&&^ please work it out ..... Hum?

  5. ... --- .-. .-. -.-- :passifier:

    . - / .--. .... --- -. . / .... --- -- . :giggle:

    My link


    01101010 01110101 01100010 01100010 01111001 00000000 01110101 01101110 01100110 01101111 01110010 01110100 01110101 01101110 01100001 01110100 01100101 01101100 01111001 00101100 00100000 01101101 01111001 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110011 01101111 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110011 01101110 01100001 01110000 01110000 01111001 00100000 01101100 01100001 01101110 01100111 01110101 01100001 01100111 01100101 01110011 00100000 00101110 00101110 00101110 00101110 :wacko:


  6. The problem has been corrected. Let us know if it is back to normal. If not, hit CTRL+F5 to reload.

    Not fixed for me. I've had this problem since 6am (Sydney Aust time) this morning. All CTRL+F5 does is load the same thing again.

    nope Tywais!.

    I hit CTRL+F5 Many times. The chunk of code is still there.

  7. inline.cod-1.jpgIn just under a week, "The Hangover Part II" made more than US$200 million worldwide. But many citizens in Bangkok -- the backdrop for much of the movie -- are growing increasingly upset about the image the raunchy comedy portrays of Thailand. Among their complaints is the way Bangkok in particular is depicted, from the gritty, slummy feel of the cinematography to the vulgarity of some boundary-pushing R-rated images.

    I suppose that these are the same people that see the "Amazing Thailand" ads from the Tourist Authority of Thailand and say, "Oh, yes. That is the Thailand I know and love."

    Do they have any idea how Thailand is perceived overseas?

    While some of those sugar-coated perceptions might be rooted in hyperbole or exaggeration, the images that we see in the "The Hangover Part II" are rooted in fact.

    Like it or not, the ping-pong shows, the lady boys, the prostitution, the weapons smuggling and the drug dealing exists here. And on a widespread scale.

    Drugs? News stories about foreigners getting caught at Suvarnabhumi International Airport trying to smuggle drugs in or out of the country appear regularly in the daily newspapers .


    read more


  8. first catch a bus to Trat. Many buses from Eakamai and Morchit2

    Stay there,downtown, for one night. I know one of them,accommodations, Bann Jai Dee 250-300 near the OLD French Military Compound.

    A Thai Lady has a Farang hubby is looking after the place. Her hubby owns a book shop near there. She can give you a lot of info. please talk to her for the more uptodated info. she is very helpful.....

    You can walk around you will find others too.

    minibus Thai style from the bus station to downtown B20

    usually there will be only a few services in the morning from Trat - Koh Kood. none of them will do after maybe 13.00 pm

    I paid B500 include the mini bus Thai style ,pick up service from Trat - Pier.

    Or a bigger boat B400 roughly all inclusive.

    On Koh Kood. You need to pay minibus Thai style to go around the island. I piad B50 to Bann Pai.

    and shared room with two bed B150. but there was no one else in my room.

    2 years ago dude!

  9. The Hangover 2' May Already Be Hurting Thailand Tourism

    May 27, 2011 at 12:20 PM | by cmb


    The Hangover 2 just hit theaters and its already expected to be one of the biggest movies of the summer, if not the plain biggest. That means there will be millions of people getting an up-close look at Bangkok, where the movie was filmed, but will they leave with a good impression of the city?

    read more



  10. very impressive statement!!!!!

    Vanessa May is half Thai / Chinese!!!! do you know her? Do you know how hard to play Violin?

    besides, we have been talkin' about jamming at a venue, that is in Public.

    from your comment, I assume that you can tune most musical instruments. what is the standard guitar tuning then? middle C ? .... what is no sharp no flat?

    many Thai groups in walking street ,Pattaya. I know them ... Excellent skills though

    -----do you think you are keith urban?

    Yeh! Lets give it up for Vanessa May. There are always exceptions to the rule and I'd wager it is the Chinese in her that causes her to excel, as they are often amazing musicians.

    And I've yet to hear any Thai group on Walking Street who doesn't make my ears hurt, and I've been here for a long time. Of course if you're drunk, I'm sure they ALL sound great. Maybe they sound better if you know them? The best bands I've heard in Pattaya are mostly made of foreigners.

    Sure, here and there I come across some talent in Thailand, as do we all, but it really is the exception to the rule. Most of them seem to literally be tone deaf, which I find most bizarre considering their language is based on tones.

    To answer your "who do you think you are" question, I attended Berklee and majored in music theory and composition, where I later taught for six years. An injury ended my music career, as I no longer have full control of two of my fingers on my left hand.

    Next. :whistling:

    Yep..Yah are invited to Walking street, Pattaya. (in that area) y0u are correct. however, had seen a couple of kids holding acoustic guitars and screechin' on the street.....

    i guess Russian lyrics?.

    have a word with 'em for a while you can judge how good they are at music and vice versa.

    a distinctive musical college's graduate! wouldn't be a problem then.

    Probably, clue 'em in on how to tune properly then ;)

    how accurate and easy these days with digital tuners!!

    BDDDDD's for iris........Don't forget DADAAE? EADGBE?

    gun 'n roses - tuned down one whole step.... though

    the edge - always messed up with the tuning in concerts

    metallica - tuned down half step in S&M

    Have ya been ..?:rolleyes: Play by ears?


  11. This may sound arrogant,but show me a Thai musician, who can do a better job than me!!! very hard to find my friends, not only are we artists,we are specialized entertainers,making people feel great and that's the name of the game,people feel great in a place ,they come back!

    I recently went to the opening of a open mic bar in Pattaya, they had a few foreign groups lined up and one group of Thai's, the foreigners nearly went home after hearing how good they played, they were possibly one of the best groups I have heard in Thailand and they were just 14 and 15 years old.

    That's a good call!

    Music is an art form NOT an Olympic sport (unless you're a heavy metal shredder where notes per second seems to be more important than taste). I've seen, met, and befriended many Thai musicians and to me they are just "musicians"; being Thai has nothing to do with it. They love music and they love playing their instrument, which is no different than anywhere else in the world. Music, much like Love, is an international language.

    Music, much like Love, is an international language. really touching ...........haha..

    Can I borrow?

  12. Lets be honest, Thais simply can't handle foreigners involved in anything that foreigners can do better.

    Thais slaughter live western music. It's usually beyond awful. I will not even go into a venue if a Thai band is playing.

    Many of them don't/can't even tune their instruments properly for professional recordings. Their guitars are often out of slightly tune even for top recording artists. How not a single person at a recording studio doesn't catch this is beyond me. Tuning an instrument "good enough" doesn't work, you're either in tune or your out of tune.

    I understand about WORKING. If you're going to work, get a work permit. But JAMMING... come on. What if you want to jam with a bunch of other foreigners at your house? They going to put an end to that too?

    I think it all boils down to local musicians losing face once a foreigner takes the stage, because most of them are as bad a musician as they are home builders.

    very impressive statement!!!!!

    Vanessa May is half Thai / Chinese!!!! do you know her? Do you know how hard to play Violin?

    besides, we have been talkin' about jamming at a venue, that is in Public.

    from your comment, I assume that you can tune most musical instruments. what is the standard guitar tuning then? middle C ? .... what is no sharp no flat?

    many Thai groups in walking street ,Pattaya. I know them ... Excellent skills though

    -----do you think you are keith urban?

  13. Worrying that people who aspire to positions of such power and influence believe in claptrap like this.

    This is so stupid it's unbelievable, little kids wouldn't do this again can you imagine say the Brits or Germans doing this ???........................Now add this to the Aussie interview with the opposing P.M. and -come on what do you really think ???

    I understand the thinking behind this in Thailand, BUT NOT at top Political level please.

    they believe this will wash away all jinx? Idiotic thing!!!!!!!!!

    l :cheesy: :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy: very funny!!!!!

    they will be Thai M.Ps? Nope!!!! no way!!!!!!!................ superstition?

    bullet proof vests and cars are what they should consider..........

    p.s. i wont even bother read this article. How did they come up with this idea? anyone??

  14. the government of thailand had better get a grip and wise up, foreighners have poured money into this country for years and still do, if this kind of behaviour against us continues we will find cambodia a more suitable place as do a lot of people and ex pats allready, these laws are just a slap on the face for us foreigners and it makes me think that thai people dont really want us here, or do not really even like us , they have stopped foreigners getting religious tattoo,s allready which is maybe fair enough but why not stop thai people getting religious tattoo,s ? double pricing against foreigners ? i could go on and on mad.gif

    Out of the frying-pan into the fire? i mean Cambodia is worse than Thailand, (corruption)

  15. A lot of <deleted> written here by posters.

    If a Thai musician, or sportsperson, comes to UK or USA to do their thing, they need a performers or sporting visa. No difference here.

    I knock Thailand a lot, but I don't see why people who can strum a guitar, or play the piano, should get off with financing their stay here by earning a few baht without the proper permissions and permits.

    can you play any?

    I understand them.... even they don't earn a buck..

    they will be happy to do so!!!!!!..... they are what we called performing "ARTISTS".

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