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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. yep... they drive on the right .

    took a bus from Had Lek to PP a few months back. the roads' condition ain't too bad.....

    Have no idea 'bout driving. And i won't do it. the ticket costs you as little as a few hundred baht from Koh Kong. be there early in the morning!! the bus station!

    the Cambodian officials are the most crooked in the world. if you wanna bring your car. be prepared for that!!!

    they'll make you pay dam**n everything.

    and some people said " 'bout the safety issue in SV' "....... be very careful!!!!!!!

  2. actually noticed the address is not complete

    Should be

    Pannikin Chupreecha

    80 Moo 9

    Soi Duangmanee 5

    Ngamwongwan Road

    Tambon Bangkhen

    Muang Nonthaburi

    11000 Thailand

    How about

    Nonthaburi 11000


    don't miss Moo 9. a guy works at a post office near my place said. it indicates the village's number.

  3. Marmite is a controlled substance in Denmark.


    As for Bovril, I'm always put off by the Billy Connelly joke that ends "... and we keep peeing in their Bovril".

    "I have to tell them it's illegal to sell it." a joke? but it's fact.

    sure many people don't like the taste.

    can't believe they banned my favorite food.

    Have they seen fermented fish from Cambodian and Japanese dried squid??

  4. Doesn't make me fat, because I hate the crap (never eat it), can't even stand to smell it :jap: :blink::bah:

    They give you good breath.... Calgate dentists recommended .

    stale rotten smell...

    one of 'em


  5. If they pee and poo at the side of the road without care and concern, would they care about littering? End of day, it's about respect, care and concern for the environment and fellow beings. When that is learnt, the littering will stop.

    furthermore, my soi has too much puppies' dung over the place....

    so disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..

    is this another issue?

  6. Slackjawed layabout children do what their slackjawed layabout parents taught them.

    I live 6km from town and nearly every time I drive in, I see some moron on a moto throw garbage off into the ditch on the side of the road. I will never get used to this charming aspect of Thai culture.

    How can you expect people to respect the environment when there's only one thing that they're forced to respect throughout their lives?

    They don't respect laws, they don't respect their neighbors, they don't respect government or teachers or their wives. They don't respect themselves.

    Is anyone surprised they don't respect the environment?

    Throw a party at the end of a dead-end soi and serve fried chicken. After the party count how many bones have been tossed on to the ground, into the flower pots or into your yard.

    Disgusting pigs much of the time.

    Thank you for your post. I doubt and hope I NEVER become accustomed to this dirty habit. I will not go to my "in laws" b/c they throw chicken bones over their shoulder while eating (outside of course) and the flies, chickens, dogs are numerous. Don't Thai people understand how this habit is dirty/unhealthy and breeds germs not to mention calling the rats to dine?????

    good point!!!! stated and mentioned.....

    not all - but most of the elderly people do.......

    the new generations are way better....

  7. A little birdy told me that these scammers have full backing of the police in Pattaya that are also in on the scam.

    If the bar owner refuses to pay up then the police are called that insure money changes hands, mostly by intimidation of threaten with heavy fines, closure of the farangs illegal business, imprisonment or even deportation.

    Rather you than me, I would never become involved with these businesses and the criminal element they attract.

    then this is similar to jetski scams where the police were there to negotiate with the jetski bosses........

    and make foreigners pay heaps of money.

  8. a senior lady sat on a provincial bus next to me chucked a plastic bag in front of me after finishing her meal. I was surprised...

    dunno why she did that....

    I see many times they leave garbage on public transportation.

    the face and other body's parts are well looked after. but the house is mess.... sewage dump in a KLONG and the SEA.

    work it out how come " this practice"... Not care for others, never been taught or trained at school or home.

    Cheat, Scam, Corruption, dishonest are included.

  9. Uhmm, what? :blink:

    Maybe you should ask the Skipper. Or even better, the Professor. He'll know.

    know a company in Rayong adopted ISO 9000 / TQM from a vendor. everything was smooth.

    They only needed your money. (the vendor)

    the system is so so. many problems are still there in the real practices!!!!!!

    ISO certified doesn't mean lean and mean companies.... bunches of bullshit too...

    but when your clients don't see it , they assume your company is suck.

  10. In the youtube vids posted:

    1. You will see a woman in a white shirt & guy in lime green and a couple of other individuals who are part of the group.

    2. The guy in red is one of the main players and tries to pass himself off as police but wont show ID, look carefully you will see the same woman outside again in white and obviously the one who stops the filming is one too but not a clear face picture of him.

    how did you get the clip anyway? you shot it or someone else?

    Can't watch youtube while i'm in my office. I will do it later at home.

  11. the story gives us some info. 'bout Thai transportation system.

    excessive use for the air/cons.

    for my own case, i went to Mae Hongsorn by bus.

    It was fine when everyone boarded the bus cos' of the heat from the sun in the day time made it just 'bout right. once, we had to travel thru the night the temp. outside dropped drastically. The whole bus became like a flying freezer. I got sick too. even worse if you didn't prepare much clothing. fortunately, i took enough cloths to keep my body warm.

    and .....

    my mistake i wanna go to Pai but got the wrong bus. instead I could have taken a bus to CM and get a transit bus from CM to Pai without a hassle.

    cos' the coach staff didn't tell me the truth that the best way to visit Pai is to get a bus to CM. and on the arrival, I asked a bus driver,had a little smile like a cunning fox in this face whether i could book a return ticket to go back to BKK. His reply was I have to wait until 8.00 am they will get me a return ticket. Again didn't tell me the truth. Luckily, the bus company was closed as it was too early in the morning. So i went to Pai without booking a return ticket.

  12. Used to go to Hard rock Cefe in near the police HQ once. Nice!!!! they played aerosmith, deep purple,Pink floyd, Linkin park and so on. try that.....please

    In Pattaya , a couple of times HRCafe. a Filipine band..... Coool! but they do circle rock bands regularly.

  13. Chilly Night on Thai Train Sends Editor to the ER

    by Fenella Pearson05/30/11 p1000210.jpg Fenella Pearson in the outpatient clinic at the McCormick Hospital in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Photo credit: Dimity Kirwan If you’ve ever traveled on Metro-North when the thermostat is stuck on “arctic,” try imagining an overnight trip from Bangkok to Chiang Mai on Thai Railways (12 hours per the schedule, plus three more just for the heck of it) with the temperature set to “North Pole” and the fan speed on “tornado.”

    By the time we arrived in Chiang Mai, the tickle in my throat had developed into a case of instant bronchitis. I sounded like Bryn Terfel as the Commendatore in Mozart’s “Don Giovanni.” Of course, I’d forgotten to buy any trip insurance, so I was a bit worried that I’d blow my holiday budget on a doctor before I’d even set foot in Chiang Mai’s famous Night Bazaar.

    The hotel receptionist sent us off to the McCormick Hospital, just around the corner. When you live in a country like the U.S., with its world-famous medical institutions, turning up at a local hospital in northern Thailand has a frisson of adventure. As the taxi drew up to the Emergency sign, a pretty nurse in a crisp uniform jumped up to greet us. “You are sick?” she asked as I coughed and spluttered. She led me through a dazzlingly white modern building with gleaming tile floors and rows of neat blue chairs. Within five minutes I’d been registered, had my blood pressure and temperature taken and was sitting outside Room 2 waiting to see the doctor.

    The doctor, a middle-aged lady who spoke perfect English, knew exactly what the problem was by the time I croaked hello. “You have a sore throat, too,” she told me, whipping out an industrial-sized flashlight and pointing it down my throat. A quick listen to the lungs and heart reassured her that I was in no imminent danger of expiring on her watch, and she sent me to another row of blue chairs outside the pharmacy to wait for my prescriptions.

    It took a few calls of “Fenerra” before I realized that I was being summoned. The letter L doesn’t slide off oriental tongues. The cashier wanted to see me first. The bill, printed in English, came to 1,143 baht. I was still struggling with the conversion, so gave it to my daughter, Dimity, to figure out. “It’s $38,” she said. I asked the cashier, another perfect English-speaker, if this included the three prescriptions the doctor had ordered. It did.

    Now I don’t know about you, but with my medical insurance plan back home I have all sorts of co-pays. I added up what a trip to my internist and the three prescriptions would have cost, and it was more than this bill. I handed over my baht and had only just sat in the next row of blue chairs before my meds were ready. Total time spent in McCormick Hospital’s outpatient clinic: 25 minutes. It says so right on the bill.

    Have you ever been sick on vacation? Did you have a good experience?

  14. Injured girl's dad waits for SMRT aid

    He hopes plans for help will be in place in a week; SMRT says it has offered assistance

    By Jalelah Abu Baker ST_IMAGES_JATHAI31.jpg

    Mr Peneakchanasak with daughter Nitcharee at Tan Tock Seng Hospital, where she has been warded since her fall onto the train tracks at Ang Mo Kio MRT station, which led to her losing both legs. Mr Peneakchanasak said he was 'confused' and unsure of what his options for financial assistance were, but whatever help SMRT could give would be 'most helpful'. -- ST FILE PHOTO

    ALMOST two months after his daughter lost both legs in an MRT accident here, Mr Kittanesh Peneakchanasak is hoping that the train operator's plans for helping him will be in place by the time he returns here in about a week.

    'I haven't thought about what to do if it doesn't give assistance,' said the Thai national, who is the father of Nitcharee, 14, through an interpreter in a phone interview with The Straits Times on Monday from Trang in Thailand.

    He did not elaborate on what help SMRT has provided so far.

    An SMRT spokesman told The Straits Times: 'We have been in touch with Mr Peneakchanasak and officials from the Thai Embassy, and have offered our assistance. It is mutually agreed that details of our discussions be kept confidential.'

    She added that the case is still under investigation by the authorities, and that SMRT has been cooperating with them.

    A spokesman for the Thai Embassy said that SMRT has been in touch through meetings and e-mail messages, but possible modes of assistance had not been firmed up yet.

  15. Why bring in Vietnamese women ?

    I am sure there are thousands of Thai women that would become surrogate mothers for a fraction of that price.

    Take a wild guess.... skin colour? racial characteristics?

    you know why?

    in the history, Vietnamese migrated to where they are now from southern part of China. Vietnam was under the Chinese empire for 2000 years. Surely, they are more like Chinese, Taiwanese than Thai. The skin color and the eyes!!!!!

    although, originally the Thai are from somewhere in Yunnan.... but very different from the majority Chinese.

  16. How 'bout the quality as below in Phnom Pehn? it's not the worst. Have worse than this one. if you think it's too much don't go there. Very childish!!!!!!! to ask for an intervention from the 3rd party.

    Give you some options!

    1. xxxx

    2. xxxx

    3. your local Video rental shops

    4. cable companies - loads of crap too, movie, drama, lifestyle, news, asians,sport and documents

    Ads too long ?, have a quick nap then - OK, this makes sense. we pay to see Craps? shouldn't be there.

    junk Foods , too expensive? fix your own tea then

    what i will see is "the place is secured". some pictures in a department store. the last show is usually late. so they lock up the place to protect their goods.

    Absolutely, Don't agree to complain 'bout them.


  17. I'm still on my original 50B top-up after 6 months, and hope to string it out to the full year.

    You mean to say for a 50B top-up the validity period is 6 months..if so which teleco is it...thanks

    DTAC is 2 baht per month

    yep.... to extend the calling period.

    have done that............... Cheapy cheap!!!!!!

    50 B/top-up for 6 mths. dunno!!!!!. ... Maybe!!! can

    check with True... there are so many options..... if you don't make too many calls or make lots of calls - available for u to choose from

    depends on yr needs

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