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Posts posted by dunkin2012

  1. I've no doubt that all those rice farmers in Isaan (Faces to the mud, backs to the sky) are grateful that their elected representatives are using a communications medium that they've no hope of ever reading.

    maybe they can buy one using the subsidy money they have been happily receiving from the democrats .......

    now my cheap fone, Samsung can facebook. The technology is really affordable nowadays. On the other hand, trying to many 'em understand what is Faceboook will be hard work + wastefully wished.

  2. I´m happy - i still alive

    - yesterday i drove near Roi Et, as a Bus comes on the wrong side in a curve sidebyside with a truck, high speed and very nearby to loose the controll.

    If the driver would lose the controll of the bus, he would hit my car, i was in the direct line.

    But -the bus driver hold the speedy bus, me and any other people was only shoked.

    haven't you have any bad experiences with Motorcycles?

    Many times,I almost hit them. They are not as many as in Hanoi but these motorcyclists are crazy and very annoying........

    Don't like to see 'em on the roads....

  3. When a 747 loses an engine mid-flight, it is automatically downgraded to a 737. :ph34r:

    and who knows the meaning of 7*7?

    From this link:


    It was just a sexy number scheme that started with the 707 and stuck. the middle digit is just a continuing model number, not an indication of number of engines.

    707 first Boeing jet

    717 (renumbered MD-80 after Boeing bought McDonnell-Douglas)

    727 3 engines in tail

    737 2 under wing engines, very popular jet

    747 first "heavy" aircraft, first flew 1969, new 747-8i coming soon)

    757 Twin engine 707 "replacement"

    767 Wide body mid distance airliner

    777 Big wide body international (more economical than 4 engines)

    787 New advanced composite mid to long distance airliner

    797 Not official, possible 737 replacement

    2707 1970's proposed supersonic airliner (never built)

    Hope this helps..

    wow very interesting.... thanks

    clear now...

    good on you!!!!!!

  4. Please correct me if I am wrong. But surely any etra fuel on board would not be wasted. Also If the Airline is concerned about the amount of fuel carried. They should specify how much fuel a Plane needs to carry to complete it's journey. After so many years experience they should know how much fuel an Aircraft uses on a specific route.


    i read a book they know exactly how much fuel to fill in the tank(s).

    and calculate the extra to fly around when the weather is not permitted or else.

    don't know in details.

    fuel = distance + extra is the formula

    There's got to be some weight in that theory somewhere. :rolleyes:

    yep.......... Payboy i think you are correct.

    I don't really know much... I just read a book ... a pilot said he need to calculate the fuel

    i think you know the meaning of 7=? 4=Engines 7=?

    what are they? Please

    Ok I'm going to fall for it. What are they? :huh:


    nope I don't know ........sorry ...

    i thought Payboy knows cos' he knew 4=Engines.

    so the first 7 and the last 7 i also thought he knows..

  5. Please correct me if I am wrong. But surely any etra fuel on board would not be wasted. Also If the Airline is concerned about the amount of fuel carried. They should specify how much fuel a Plane needs to carry to complete it's journey. After so many years experience they should know how much fuel an Aircraft uses on a specific route.


    i read a book they know exactly how much fuel to fill in the tank(s).

    and calculate the extra to fly around when the weather is not permitted or else.

    don't know in details.

    fuel = distance + extra is the formula

    There's got to be some weight in that theory somewhere. :rolleyes:

    yep.......... Payboy i think you are correct.

    I don't really know much... I just read a book ... a pilot said he need to calculate the fuel

    i think you know the meaning of 7=? 4=Engines 7=?

    what are they? Please

  6. Please correct me if I am wrong. But surely any etra fuel on board would not be wasted. Also If the Airline is concerned about the amount of fuel carried. They should specify how much fuel a Plane needs to carry to complete it's journey. After so many years experience they should know how much fuel an Aircraft uses on a specific route.


    i read a book they know exactly how much fuel to fill in the tank(s).

    and calculate the extra to fly around when the weather is not permitted or else.

    don't know in details.

    fuel = distance + extra is the formula

  7. Qantas is having real issues on domestic flights as well. Apparently they are 'grading' pilots by how much fuel they take on board. 2 Planes have already been diverted because they didn't have enough fuel to circle the airport waiting for better weather.

    I have flown with them a number of times in the past but never again. I just can't stand the pompous attitude of the trolley dollies and other staff that think we should get on our knees and be forever grateful to be allowed on their planes.

    try Thai airways.....

    used an old fleet..

    the wheels got stuck and had to fly around Jakarta airport..... 45 mins


  8. I agree with many points in this article. I have only been in Thailand just over one year and have found that the stereotypical sexpat moniker applies to the vast majority of expats I have met in Pattaya and Phuket (I have no desire to ever return to either of these places), but not the ones I have met in Udon Thani, Kabin Buri or Hua Hin.

    Perhaps if your timing had been different you could have met them in Patong or Pattaya before they moved to the other cities.

    I know personally a guy that retired to Pattaya believing it was a dream come true, heaven on earth. He sold his houses abroad but after 1.5 years in Pattaya had exhausted much of his savings, then he moved to somewhere deep in Issan (inexpensive cost of living)with a woman he found in Pattaya. Reality was to eat vs not eat and run out of money in Pattaya.

    similarly, met an Aussie near Pattaya got lots of money from retirement,QLD's gov.

    went broke only just in a year later. Bought a house under the name of his daughter in law. imagine what happened......

    The wife is dead. Married a new Thai and she likes to gamble.

    Visa expired! Told him to go back but he said No to Aust. Last info. he lived somewhere in BKK.

    The embassy said there is the max. fine on that. can't recall how much.

  9. Anyway, back to your statement that "many of the Thaksin haters on this forum would dispute your claim most Thais supported the drugs war". Perhaps you could be more specific about where this opinion was coming from, because it's not one i'm that familiar with.

    Yes I could certainly name two or three of the obsessive Thaksins haters who have commented as I reported.I'm not going to name them openly for obvious reasons.

    I completely agree with you that it doesn't affect the immorality and wickedness of the drugs war no matter whether most Thais approved of it or not.

    they do.................

    when Thaksin was in Power.......... but they realized that it was wrong cos' Thaksin distorted the truth....

    Given the controlled media to expose things which are opposite the truth. " the innocents are Drug Dealers"?

    this ain't the truth.

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