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Everything posted by Card

  1. Yes. The theatre kept going mainly from graduation ceremonies, festivals, conference presentations etc but if more fans had actually bought tickets instead of moaning about its demise then maybe it could have been saved for longer.
  2. What happens if the parents don't teach it to their kids? No, essential teaching should be done at least in schools otherwise some kids end up deprived. As for the rest of your rant, what about the Catholic church in the west, or orphanages and scout/sport groups? You make it sound like only Thailand suffers from child sex abuse. It is universal.
  3. No. You need to buy covid insurance up to the date of your visa expiry or return ticket not your re entry permit.
  4. Very unusual to see the BiB with wads of cash that are not clothed in brown paper.
  5. A disaster. The foyer was amazing. A few years ago there was a film made about that cinema and the workers behind it all that brought tears to my eyes. I don't remember how or where I saw it but think it might have been part of a film festival. I cannot find it mentioned on the internet. Anybody have any idea how to find it?
  6. Tell him you will take the case to the Bureau of Consumer Protection in Bangkok. That it will involve investigations of tax and immigration. He will be avoiding tax and probably not notified immigration of your existence. Stand your ground. I did this and my landlord coughed up my deposit tout suite. You don't have to go to the BCP but I did and they said verbally they would support me which is what I told me landlord, although I doubt anything would come out of it. Don't email them with documents or nothing will happen . The last thing any landlord in Thailand wants is any kind of investigation, even if fictitious.
  7. That is the worst possible way to save water I have ever seen. Imagine the world doing this - all the microplastics ending up in the drinking water, oceans and food. Looks like the yanks don't give a shot as long as they don't have to economise on their precious lifestyle.
  8. Same with Walking St which has huge covered holes that could have been repaired. Nothing done.
  9. Try it with the phone app and different browsers on a PC. It worked for me a couple of weeks ago. Internet explorer seems to be best.
  10. I agree. I could not believe the amount of stuff u can pack in the back with the seats down.
  11. I guess it's to make sure the covid certs are genuine. A country needs to make sure any covid tests are under its control. The pre flight tests will ensure at least most tourists won't be turned back at the Thai airport after a positive test. Seems sensible to me
  12. You are absolutely correct in your reaction to what happened. Just ignore the trolls on here. They are just winding you up. Don't even respond to them - only to those who are genuinely trying to advise you . I have heard of a similar case to yours but many years ago. I guess you have to accept it. Just keep all records in case there is a dispute down the line, which I doubt will happen.
  13. "Thais who arrive from countries and territories whose peoples are exempted from quarantine upon entering Thailand do not need to have health insurance coverage of 50,000 USD, unlike foreign tourists." What about foreign residents returning to Thailand? They are neither Thai nor tourists.
  14. Again Thais are blaming foreigners for an an industry that they, themselves, set up in their own country. Ok it was in response to their customer's needs but that is what entrepreneurship is all about. Would you put the blame of the dependence of the Thai economy on tourism on tourists themselves? What comes first, the chicken or the egg?
  15. So the victim has PTSD and they make him re enact the crime when they already have enough evidence against the woman? TiT
  16. Better still just add baking soda to a bowl of water and soak the veg or fruit in it for at least 15 min. Previously I used special veggie soap from Tops but recently changed to baking soda - much cheaper and probably safer. I also peel fruit and veg if possible. But like you said, it does not cleanse the produce from pesticides inside. https://cen.acs.org/articles/95/web/2017/10/Baking-soda-washes-pesticides-apples.html
  17. Thanks. I think I will go for the bank statement route and if they need a bank book will return the next day with the bank book for the savings account plus the statement for the e-savings account to show that I made the transfer from e-savings to bank book account to make up the 400,000. I could also take both at same time for first try but I prefer the statement route because that account has a higher interest rate but expect I will continue with the bank book route in future to save any future hassles.
  18. I made a mistake and my 400,000 reserve in my passbook account was overdrawn by a few thousand baht to bring it down to just below 400,000 for the interim period. The same day I replenished the account to bring it back up to higher than 400,000. But I am afraid that this will be taken seriously at Pattaya immigration. I have an e-savings account at another bank that has been consistently above 1 million baht for over several years so would like to use this for renewing my retirement visa but it does not have a bank book but I can get an official written statement from the bank. My question is 2-fold specifically regarding Pattaya immigration: 1. Anybody had experience of submitting a bank book for extension that had the amount dip below 400,000 for a few hours? 2. Are bank statements acceptable substitutes for bank books?
  19. Agree. I have a holiday home nearby. Nan has changed a lot in the last 10 years since they acquired major supermarkets and tourists discovered it. I expect the Chinese to take it over soon.
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