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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. I've got a couple of bowls and I feed mine once a week if i remember. Get the live breeding fish that don't lay eggs, there are many varieties. Buy a dozen, and in 3 months you'll have five dozen. Make sure there is weed/algae where the fry can hide until they're big enough not to get eaten.

    They tend to die off of their own accord either through old age or some disease, but a few always survive - wait 3 more months and you're back up to a few more dozen.

    I once counted over a hundred and fifty fry in one bowl when several females seemed to give birth at the same time. Within a week that number was down to about thirty. Natural selection.

    I used to segragate the fry but then you end up with millions of the little sods, so now I just let nature take its course.

  2. If you read the actual report from PWC (which is quite an extensive report from a reputed company), you'll see that it is the emerging economies that use social media for online purchases the most by far. Established economies predominantly use the traditional ebay, paypal, credit cards, company website etc.

    Conclusion - There is no established infrastructure in most of these emerging countries for online purchases as we know it in the west. Social media is a recent phenomenon in emerging countries and seems to have leap frogged the traditional online purchasing infrastructure due to a lack thereof. The PWC report infers that purchases through social media in the established economies is increasing, to the detriment of traditional online infrastructural shopping. If the trend continues, social media transactions will increase sharply in established economies in coming years.

    The report is well worth a read.

  3. Repatriating money is a BIG concern.

    I will need to sell my CONDO and repatriate the money.

    If I can't do that, I can't realistically go back

    As far as 800K funds yes that is hard to repatriate but I'm less concerned about that ... could spend down even take bags of cash on the airplane.

    I haven't mentioned before, I actually have about a TWO YEAR plan to make this happen.

    It's about my personal finances timing more than anything.

    If I could snap my fingers and be where I think I can be in two years, I would leave next week.

    So for those who like (or hate) my posts on Thaivisa ... there will be plenty of time to adjust. Ha ha.

    To repatriate the funds, consider finding somebody who can deliver USD to your US bank account in exchange for THB cash in Thailand.

    A buddy and I do this. He has surplus THB from working here and I need volumes of THB in Thailand. I can deliver AUD to his Aussie bank account from New Zealand by TT. I can pay him AUD from my NZ AUD FCA or just convert from NZD on the day.

    We both benefit from the exchange rate as we split the bank's margins between us.

  4. She could probably buy a pack here for the price of two in Germany.

    I'm a dumb American so I don't know if she was German, Swiss, Austrian, from Sudtirol, or where ever but she should have the brains to know if they can't scan it they can't sell it! I did not say anything because almost every time I tried to help out a gormless Farnung (without invitation) here they shouted abuse or manifested unrestrained hostility.

    Farnung? coffee1.gif

  5. The dilemna is of course, is the lone copper stopping you an actual BIB or a bloke that's managed to cobble together the semblance of a uniform and is out to scam you.

    Around Pats, if the copper is alone and on a main thoroughfare such as Klang/Third Road intersection in daylight, then it's fair to assume he's a real BIB....well, as "real" as a BIB can be I suppose. You see them all the time alone at the intersections controlling the lights trying their best to create traffic jam mayhem. It's reasonable to assume these are the real thing.

    However, a few times I've had single coppers alone at night, up dodgy, ill lit side sois that go nowhere in particular, try and pull me up. On both occasions I've scooted past with no problem. They just didn't look right - no helmet, uniform too loose, just looked dodgy. Apart from a few curses hurled at me, no problems. I suspect these were just locals out to cream a few baht off anybody they could stop in remote areas.

    One of the locations was up the back of Jomtiem betweeen Boonkanjana and Thepprasit, somewhere near the small lakes - no lighting, bugger all traffic, 3am, a road to nowhere, lone copper - I ain't stopping for nobody in a place like that.

  6. My mate just had gold chain stolen on beach rd pattaya. He come here first time. 2 girls put arm around his neck hug him and that. Before my gf gave me gold chain gift. I was standing next to street and 2 kids on bike grabbed it while passing by. They ripped of my shirt but not chain. Since then its in box.

    Sent from my SM-A800F using Tapatalk

    Your mate must be pretty fresh - he may need to brush up on his Ladyboy detection techniques as well, as the odds would strongly suggest that the two "girls", were in fact......not. coffee1.gif

  7. Now, now.....be nice.

    But it does remind me of a joke I heard as a kid back in the 70's.

    Woman drives her car (a 1967 Ford Anglia) to the garage and tells the mechanic that the car runs atrociously and has done for the three weeks she's owned it. It jumps and leaps everywhere and also she says the fuel consumption is ridiculously high.

    Mechanic hops in, goes for a spin, and the car performs beautifully. He tells the woman there's nothing wrong with the car at all.

    Woman get's hopping mad and insists he checks again....so off he goes for a longer drive and comes back with the same report - the car is perfect.

    This sends the woman into a frenzy, so to appease her the mechanic says "Ok Lady, you drive the car and I'll ride passenger to see what is happening".

    He gets in the passenger seat, the woman gets in the driver's seat, she pulls out the choke knob on the dashboard and hangs her handbag on it.......whistling.gif

  8. So Sheryl, I'm curious.

    You mentioned in your OP that your car was slow to accellerate. But if you have a slipping clutch that is so worn that increased pressure on the gas pedal doesn't result in appropriately increased speed, then the engine should be revving its nuts off and the rev counter would be heading out the drivers door when you tried to accellerate normally.

    And if you continually tried to increase the speed and the clutch kept slipping, there would be a noticeable aroma coming through the air vents. Ahhhhh, the delicious aroma of a burnt out clutch. Nearly as aromatic as an old two-smoker from the 70's.

    Is this happening or did you fail to notice this symptom? Because if you had, we could have told you the Thai words for "clutch" instead of fil-der.

    On the other hand, if you didn't hear noticably increased engine noise and a climbing rev counter (and the smell), then your mechanic's diagnosis is wrong.

    It's been said by others but here's a short rundown to test the clutch your self.

    Engine running on a level surface, handbrake off, engage 3rd gear, try to cautiously move forward by slipping the clutch moderately. If you are able to fully engage the clutch and the engine revs its nuts off and the car hardly moves and doesn't judder or stall - clutch buggered, plus it will smell sickly sweet.. If it stalls easily or judders forward and stalls, clutch ok. Repeat the experiment several times to get the feel of it.

    Anyway, i'd like to know if you had incresed revs as i described earlier, because that will be the clincher for the diagnosis. thumbsup.gif

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