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Posts posted by Gsxrnz

  1. Every mechanic (and I use that term generously) that I've come across understands the Thai loan word "fil-der". Rising tone at the end, as in "eli-cop-der"

    And your diagnosis of the problem could be a number of things so don't assume it's just the fuel filter. Could also be attributable to a clogged air filter, dirty/blocked injectors, worn out plugs, poor tuning/mapping, air leak in the injector rail.

  2. coffee1.gif


    She could just leave the bar at no cost to you.

    However, if she does that she will be blacklisted by that bar if she ever wishes to return, and blacklisted by any other bar that the owner may have influence over.

    It's kind of an insurance policy for her safe return to work if/when you dump her or she gets sick of you and things don't work out. It also gives her "face" in front of her fellow workers.

    It's compensation to the bar owner for the lost bar fines that you would otherwise be paying for the forseeable future. And compensation to the owner for all the education and training that has been given to the girl during her tenure at the establishment. You know.....English fluency in understanding drink orders, how to flirt with the customers to extract maximum number of lady drinks/bar fines, shoulder massage technique, which switch controls which ceilig fan, how to put the beer in the fridge, etc.

    And if it's a Bar Beer, the going rate is 6-10k. Some bars give a percentage of the money to the girl, some don't.

    Interesting information! I have been living in Thailand one-year and This is the first I have heard this. Makes sense. What else so don't I know? Ha ha ha. Never mind. I like surprises... well most!

    Well......if you look really gullible the mamasan will tell you it's customary when you buy a girl out of the bar that you celebrate her liberation and to throw a party at the bar, pig on a spit, balloons, food etc. and that will cost you 25k plus. But don't worry, she'll organise it all for you totally commission free. whistling.gif

    And if not the party, you'll be pressured to ring the bell a few times at least.

    But hey, look at the positive side. No further bar fines to be paid, and your girl will enjoy drinks at the standard cost with no ladydrink surcharge. blink.png

    We'll wait for your next post about your girl insisting that you go visit her family in Nakon Nowhere and that marriage is a must because her family will never accept you without having a country wedding. She's a good girl, don't you know.

    The sin-sodt post will follow soon after. coffee1.gif

    Hey OP, I'm taking the piss a little bit, but generally the information I've given is accurate if you take out the sarcasm.

    Cheers and good luck. You aren't the first and you won't be the last to be facing your current dilemna. thumbsup.gif

  3. She could just leave the bar at no cost to you.

    However, if she does that she will be blacklisted by that bar if she ever wishes to return, and blacklisted by any other bar that the owner may have influence over.

    It's kind of an insurance policy for her safe return to work if/when you dump her or she gets sick of you and things don't work out. It also gives her "face" in front of her fellow workers.

    It's compensation to the bar owner for the lost bar fines that you would otherwise be paying for the forseeable future. And compensation to the owner for all the education and training that has been given to the girl during her tenure at the establishment. You know.....English fluency in understanding drink orders, how to flirt with the customers to extract maximum number of lady drinks/bar fines, shoulder massage technique, which switch controls which ceilig fan, how to put the beer in the fridge, etc.

    And if it's a Bar Beer, the going rate is 6-10k. Some bars give a percentage of the money to the girl, some don't.

  4. Never been scammed in a super market or 7 eleven ,and I always check the change, maybe just been lucky .

    I'm in the same boat as you. In fact i can recall at least six occasions where I've been given too much change or they forgot to ring up cigarettes.

    In my experience, 99% of the staff at the two chains go out of their way to demonstrate how much you give them (eg. they will say 500 baht either in English or Thai), select the change, and then make themselves very visible to you while they count from one hand to the other.

    Regarding the alleged half baht "scam"........frankly i wish thy had a tip jar there so i could dump the useless things into it.

    Edit: Forgot to add I always returned the extra change or pointed out the failure to charge for the cigs. They are invariably super grateful, and they remember you next time you go there.

  5. No! the authorities decided it was a bridge too far.

    When asked what they pleaded,they all went not guilty due to 3 no trumps.


    I heard they've been playing Monopoly instead of bridge till the bridge affair was sorted out with the court.

    But they got busted playing Monopoly as well.

    The 28 BIB that raided them the second time also took three property developers, a crew from the land office, and a surveyor. Apparently they'd heard rumours of illegal multi billion baht property deals occuring without proper registration or taxes paid, un-permitted hotels going up on every street corner, and some bugger was selling off electrical and water utilities.

    However this raid never made it to the papers because they all waived "get out of jail free" cards at the BIB. coffee1.gif

  6. Yeah, well we have this <deleted> all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

    We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

    Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

    We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

    Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

    When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

    Looking at people, there's a few differences between Australians and New Zealanders.

    See, there's loads of people from New Zealand who say that they are Maori, or that they've got a bit of Moari in them. But you talk to Australians, you'ill never hear an Australian saying that he's got a bit of Abo in him, or that part of his ancestry from the indigenous people of Australia.

    Why is that then ??

    Yep, i know many Maori who are whiter than me (a Pakeha) with names like Manu O'Driscoll.

    The reason it's favourable to claim maori ancestory in New Zraland is because it's the key to the gravy train. Special voting rights, special benefits, membership of a tribe that gets Treaty of Waitangi settlement moneys, the right to play in a seperatist rugby team, get special education grants and preferential health treatment, and the list goes on.

    In Australia, it don't quite work that way. Our colonial histories are totally opposite and the Aboriginals were never afforded the equalities that NZ gave the Maori as regard voting and social standing.

    However, NZ has now gone way over the top and in to the realms of sheer stupidity. It's verging on reverse racism.

    Hence the difference in the respective claims to being Maori or Aboriginal.

  7. Am I missing something here. Traveling at 100km/h it would take 30 minutes to cover a 50km distance.

    He did 52km in 25 minutes..... how was the speed between 217 and 257km/h calculated ?

    Good question.. but he could have gone slower at certain parts and faster at others. It depends of course on the amount of measuring points. Nobody said he drove a constant speed.

    If only 2 points were measured then sure.. your 100% right. But without knowing more we really can't say much.

    Stopped for a Macker's perhaps?

  8. Yeah, well we have this &lt;deleted&gt; all the time in NZ. You Aussies are decades behind us.

    We've been calling Maoris "Maori" for 20 years now. Somebody decided that the plural of Maori is Maori, so they're all one people.

    Our kids are taught the Maori version of colonial history from day one, and most think our forefathers were nothing short of rapers and pillagers who stole the country from the "indiginous" Maori.....forgetting that the Maori were late settlers on the land having emigrated from polynesia circa 1300.

    We are paying huge sums of money for our past sins under a treaty that has been interpreted in a ridiculous manner by a bunch of tree hugging academics and vote hungry politicians - so that now our largest corporation is Maori owned, and they don't pay tax.

    Every settlement is a "full and final settlement"......until the next time.

    When the Aussies start singing an indigenous version of their national anthem as well as the English version at Rugby matches, and your kids know more Aboriginal history than colonial or world history, you'll know you've truly arrived in the ridiculous PC world that we've been in for 20 plus years. thumbsup.gif

  9. There is virtually no yardstick for anybody to give you a valuation. I live in a village in Jomtien and two houses recently changed hand. Virtually identical and not far from each other. The prices paid varied by nearly 30%.

    Reasons - the cheapest was bought by a European with a clever Thai wife that knew how to negotiate and bought from a European owner that just wanted out. He'd been trying to sell for 2 years.

    The expensive one was bought by a European from a Thai. No need for further explanation. blink.png Oh, this will be the boat you're in.

    Anyway OP, the only person you can really go to is a dodgy Estate Agent. Even the banks haven't got a clue of valuations.

    So the banks don't know ,the ,"dodgy"estate agents don't know ,do you ,you seem to know everything else
    Surley he must know both parties showed him their contracts, we'll because thats what people do lol .. It's got BS Witten all over it

    You two must be fresh off the boat.

    There is nothing that happens regarding the sale and purchase of a house in a moo baan that is not common knowledge within minutes of the deal being done. Thais love to gossip and they particularly like to tell how much they paid for something or sold something for.

    I can even tell you what most of my neighbours are paying in rentals too if you wanted to know.

  10. The Bp sound you're looking for is a cross between a B and P, but it's neither.

    If you convince yourself not to say a definite P or a definite B, you'll probably get it right. I think of it as a slightly aspirated B. However there are other words that require a slightly aspirated P as well, so be careful.

    You'll also have to learn the DT sound. Neither a D or T.

  11. I for one am very happy the old flag has been retained and that sanity has prevailed. The time is not yet right for a chnge and the alternative flag was nothing but a tourist tea towel souvenir.

    Ironically, in both referendums, the question was never actually asked "do you want to change the flag?". A true balls up of a process but I'm sure next time they'll do a better job and have a better process to select a flag more befitting Godzone country. thumbsup.gif

    Bad luck John Key - your name won't be in the history books as the prat that stole our flag. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

    It's interesting you see things this way, as I see them quite differently. While I am no fan of John key, I refused to let my opinion be based on politics.

    I think we need a change, i quite liked the new design, and so had no problem if it changed. That the country voted to keep the old one, that's fine by me too.

    I also don't think the referendum was a balls up. Choosing a potential flag before going to the final vote was a sensible move. it gave people the chance to see what they would be voting for.

    You misinterpreted my reference to John Key. My opinion is certainly not politically based. I vote national and like his style of government and policies. However i think his ego got the better of him in this situation and he wanted to go down in the history books - his Swan Song, if you like.

    Regarding the referendum process - the public were never asked "do you want to change the NZ Flag". They made a basic mistake in not asking this question either initially, or as part of the forst referendum. They were simply asked to choose an alternative flag, and then vote to change to that flag or retain the status quo.

    The outcome now reveals that (at least by implication), 57% did not want to change to the alternative flag. But did 57% not want tgo change the flag at all? We'll never know because thay made a basic mistake in their design of the referenda.

    Or......were they designed that way on purpose in an effort to achieve Key's preferred outcome? coffee1.gif

  12. There is virtually no yardstick for anybody to give you a valuation. I live in a village in Jomtien and two houses recently changed hand. Virtually identical and not far from each other. The prices paid varied by nearly 30%.

    Reasons - the cheapest was bought by a European with a clever Thai wife that knew how to negotiate and bought from a European owner that just wanted out. He'd been trying to sell for 2 years.

    The expensive one was bought by a European from a Thai. No need for further explanation. blink.png Oh, this will be the boat you're in.

    Anyway OP, the only person you can really go to is a dodgy Estate Agent. Even the banks haven't got a clue of valuations.

  13. If you bought the car after you were married, it's half hers anyway, as are all other assetts aquired while married.

    Or if you've come to some agreement regarding the division of wealth, get it done through a lawyer. Everything agreed and signed - and then he can supervise the payment and change of ownership via the use of a POA (power of attorney).

    However, it still has the potential to go tits up. Thailand, Lawyers.........not a great recipe. blink.png

    Alternatively, you could get a POA from your wife authorising you to make the payment and change the ownership. But being a farang, the chances are that a Thai person at the bank or the transfer office will make life difficult for you that may involve lubrication payments. Or they just may refuse to accept the POA unless the wife is there to authenticate it.

    Irrespective of all the above, you will need your wifes involvement/agreement to everything. Is that likely to be obtained?

  14. Mate, if you don't know enough Thai to say something simple like "that belongs to me, give it back", then how much Thai do you know? Why didn't you just grab the card from her anyway?

    If you've had the experience with the kid and the phone before and you haven't reeducated your wife that her sole reason for existing is to be at your beck and call and she should assume you will call for assistance at any time, then i suggest you reeducate her. I'd confiscate the smartphone and give her a 299 Baht Samsung for a month - she'd soon learn.

    Honestly, I thought this was a JT post for a minute. whistling.gif

  15. I for one am very happy the old flag has been retained and that sanity has prevailed. The time is not yet right for a chnge and the alternative flag was nothing but a tourist tea towel souvenir.

    Ironically, in both referendums, the question was never actually asked "do you want to change the flag?". A true balls up of a process but I'm sure next time they'll do a better job and have a better process to select a flag more befitting Godzone country. thumbsup.gif

    Bad luck John Key - your name won't be in the history books as the prat that stole our flag. clap2.gifclap2.gifclap2.gif

  16. As a comparison, the USA death rate from unintentional falls is 9.6 per 100,000 population.

    The suicide rate from intentional falls is 0.3 per 100,000 population. http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr64/nvsr64_02.pdf

    I can't find any Thai statistics but if we use the 32 falls (whether accident or suicide) as claimed in the linked article for Thailand, and various web sources that unofficially estimate the expat population for Thailand to be circa 400,000, then that would make the death rate by falling in Thailand to be 8.0 per 100,000 population.

    Just a little less than the USA.

  17. The world (well, the western world really) is following in the footsteps of every successful society before it. The Egyptians, Greeks, Romans to name but a few. Essentially our success leads to the ultimate failure and downfall. Some would call it decadence, which can take many forms and has changed over the ages in relation to societies and their ultimate downfall.

    There is no doubt that our western society is at or near its peak. There is therefore only one way to go.

    Society is subject to the laws of nature and science. Something is either growing or dieing, expanding or contracting, exploding or imploding. Continual growth is impossible - eventually the corner is turned and the decline commences - some would say our decline has already commenced. We'll be in the dark ages in 50 years and may need another 200 to claw our way out so we can start the declining process again. coffee1.gif

  18. I only get 60-70k out of mine, but I don't wait until they're bald.

    I would not be too concerned about age, as long as they look good and have good tread.

    What about pressure....

    So what are you and I doing to get 70k? I change mine when they get to the wear marks, so arguably there could be another 10k in them if they were pushed on until they bacame slicks.

    I'm quite fussy on tyre pressure because I know what under/over can do for wear as well as handling and safety, so I'm never more than a psi or two under recommended when I check the pressure - always with my own quality gauge.

    Even if you deduct 10% for speedo error, the guys claiming 120k are at 108k in reality. Deduct another 10k if they push the envelope and they're running them to bald and they're still getting circa 100k true.

    Rotation can extend overal tyre life, so let's say another 10k is achieved if they fastidiously rotate them. So there's still a differential of 20-30k between my 70k (at best) and their 90-100k. That represents a 28-42% variation on my 70k.

    So what am I doing wrong? I rotate once in their lifetime and I'm fussy on pressure, balancing, and wheel alignment. Wife does most of the driving and she's conservative. No heavy loads, lot's of long highway runs on good surfaces, and no shingle/gravel.

    I've had Bridgestones and Michelins.

    I don't get it.

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