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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. We got ours today, and it's lovely.


    who knows by easter, we could have enough users..... to get a rally going!!!

    this bike will be a cult icon by summer!!!

    imagine all the bar girls

    "if you love me... you buy me PCXi!!!"

    the features, colors, idling, key, tires, PGI, fat tires, alarm, storages, etc. Bar boys want them, too.
  2. Yeah the dogs in lakeland are terrible. Even if you go in with a motorbike, you will get attacked quite often. Forget about cycling or walking. But maybe if you live there you can befriend them by feeding... don't know if it works, but I would definitely try it. Sometimes a guard is cycling around there, so maybe if the dogs know you, they aren't so bad anymore.
    In 2.5 years there, I was never attacked on motorbike or bicycle. Walking, I carried a stick, and was accompanied by a scarred dog who wasn't scared, but he got run off at times. Like most moobaans.
  3. Bordering on failing to understand the question.. Why envy ??

    If a straight guy felt envious of gay guys couldnt he just exfoliate and get a pedicure ?? I mean outside of sexual attraction which is what it is for either 'team' isnt the rest basically just attainable through actions totally within your control ??

    I never exfoliated or pedicured. But I did other stuff on both teams.

    I don't understand the question much, either. I knew a gay man who adopted 2 straight teenagers and organized blood drives for federal employees. My accountant friend took custody of his 2 teenagers. In some jurisdictions, gay couples can enjoy all the disadvantages of marriage and divorce and remarriage. Straight people can do oral and anal; the Bible tells me so.

  4. If it doesn't matter to them, and it matters to me, we will do things my way.

    By them do you mean "thais" generally.

    Them has a nicer ring than terms such as the "help", the "staff", the "minions". :)

    "My bpen rai" ain't a common term in Honduras. It's a Thai language term commonly told by Thais to fellow Thais of varying social status. If something doesn't matter to Thais, they can do it my way. OTOH, if mai bpen rai refers to how my pen writes, they need to explain that.
  5. C'mon now, wouldn't it be a treat to see some of those pompous hiso boys and girls shaking their thangs for the delight of the expected influx of Nigerian, indian and Middle eastern tourists that will flock as economic conditions force prices down?
    Wow, kid - the very thought of those pompous hiso boys and gifrs shaking their thangs has me titillated.
  6. And if it's such a pain to have posts needlessly quoted, why not get rid of the quote function altogether? What's so special about the OP that it has to have its quote functions removed?
    Too many posters didn't follow common sense. So after months, we disabled the 'quote OP' function. Elsewhere it works fine. Note I'm only copying part of your post.
  7. I got Sripat's 3,300 baht chekup earlier this year.

    Hi PB. How did you find Sriphat's level of service? Were the doctors and nurses attentive or did they seem to be in a rush? Did they speak English?

    Sripat has always been great for me, my first choice. I speak no Thai, nada, soon. Doctors speak English; nurses less. But I don't believe in sleep tests. No, not in a rush but you have to ask questions.
  8. It's not English; it's Thailish. It's rubbish.
    8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand

    Going to be banning yourself then PB? :)

    It's not extremely negative to post that Thailish is rubbish in a thread about how to pronounce English. But kids named Pakadol in Thai can say Pakadon and so should we.
  9. In my experience, most Thais will understand some basic English BUT only if the English words are pronounced the "Thai way".

    Let me explain : I live close to Central Bangna. Not close enough to there on foot though, so I usually take a motorcycle to go there. The first few times I tried to get the driver to get me to Central, I had to repeat myself for a zillion times before he finally understood. Then I got it : instead of pronouncing Central "Central", they pronounce it the Thai way : "Centrahl".

    The same goes for a lot of other words. If you pronounce water "worter", there is a good chance that they won't understand you. Try "wahter".

    Central=Centran. Mahidol Road=Mahidon. It's not English; it's Thailish. It's rubbish.


  10. I've all but given up trying to order water in pubs/restaurants. I find WorTARRRRRRR! to be the most effective, but that only works about 10% of the time. I could understand if I were scouse, cockney, brummy, geordie or scotch, but I speak accent-less pitch perfect English.

    Ahem. Try it in Thai.

    Would that naam? Or na^am? Or nám, or naá^m with an inverted umlaut followed by a definer for a wet clear cool thingy?
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