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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. When my twin girls were 15, they shared a master bedroom, down the hall from me. Unbeknownst to me, one girl had her boyfriend living in the closet! I discovered it when she came up PG. They're now happily married, 3 kids. Their eldest sister got PG in her BF's bedroom. Happily married, 3 kids. Not to be recommended, but I met two married sets of 14 year old Mayas.

    I'll bet they don't have sex in that motel room.

    We're not grannies, but I'm surprised I'm not a great-grandpa yet.

    Added: Ian, it's no concern of yours.

  2. I've never eaten mystery meat from 7-11. There are no English labels. To quote the Jonathan Winters sketch when the settlers are starving to death, crossing the desert. "Martha, don't touch that lizard! You don't know where he's been."

  3. May I ask you to each review your last 50 or 100 posts? Have you made mostly helpful comments, cheery remarks? How argumentative are you? Are you grumpy or angry?

    Wish I knew how to do this with your forum software. I just know I can click my username and then click posts but that only reveals the last 5-6 posts I've made. I often want to go back and look at prior posts and see if somebody responded (I'll also undertake the exercise you've suggested) - can anybody explain how to go back and look at our prior posts in bulk? I suggest everybody do this and report back the results if you feel comfortable.

    I think everybody can check your entire history. Left-click on your name. Select 'Find members posts'. I checked my last 140 posts.
  4. First, you'll seldom meet a Thai who's fluent in English, and willing to have a significant conversation in it.

    Interesting. I have near daily conversations with Thai's who speak fluent English. Granted they are not serving me food at restaurants or dancing on silver poles - but there are plenty of Thai's who speak fluent English.

    I spent my first two years here teaching English with Thais who taught English. Hardly any could hold a conversation beyond "this sticky rice is very sticky." My former landlady is high-so Thai who's fluent. Three Thais were fluent but I seldom see them and one is really Laotian. Leo was fluent but he's Burmese. Your mileage will vary. I'm glad you have daily, lengthy, significant conversations in English with Thais. I doubt if I could be fluent in 10 more years.
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