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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. There is an extant portion of the New Testament, a copy, reliably dated to the early second century AD. The Old Testament allowed Hebrew patriarchs to put their penis inside several body cavities of all their wives and concubines, and probably of Gentile harlots. Masturbation is nowhere clearly forbidden in either Testament. The NT does not restrict a Christian to one wife.

  2. For my entire childhood, the USA was obsessed with 3 boring team sports: baseball, basketball, and some brown ball with a point at each end. Later I realized those sports are only played in countries conquered by the U S Marines (Cuba, Nicaragua,Japan, Dom. Republic). I was a racing fanatic. My heroes have included Phil Hill, Kenny Roberts, Kevin Schwantz. But my heroes have more often been women than cowboys - Dorothy Day, Riboberta Menchú.

  3. Update:

    Teachers license Test registration is in effect from January 11th until January 31st (deadline) with the actual test taking place March 26th and 27th.

    I think that it is against forum rules to provide a link, so PM me if you need the link to the online application form.

    regards, Mizzi

    You can post a link to a govt. website.
  4. I took a spin around the block today on our PCX. Accidentally grabbed the left hand lever, which is a BRAKE. Couldn't get used to the controls.
    Other than that, how do you like the bike? And how would you compare it to your 150 CBR? Things you like about it versus don't vis a vis the CBR? Sure....they are altogether different kinds of machines. When people first told me I should possibly look into an automatic I scoffed at them and laughed having had something like six or seven manual transmission bikes in the U.S., ten manual transmission cars and three pickup trucks (get the idea I preferred manuals) versus a grand total of one automatic equipped car and one automatic pickup. I'm no longer laughing at them.
    Same as around the block on the old Phantom 200. As different as night and day, even worse. Same reason I never rode my pastor's BSA 441 Victor in 1997 - I hadn't ridden a backward Brit bike in 25 years.
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