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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. Welcome. Your educational qualifications are great. But whether you can find job teaching history or international affairs, who knows?

    Don't list address on resume, just local mobile #. And a full color photo, to eliminate the few bigots. There is no strong bias against male teachers. BKK is a better job area than elsewhere. Good luck.

  2. Ballpoint asked, "When was the last time you heard of an atheist suicide bomber killing thousands? Why do you never see a war between the atheists and the agnostics reported? Yet we see christians killing christians, christians killing muslims, ...., all for purely religious reasons." I've never seen reports of a devout Christian pacifist killing anybody.

  3. Dexadrine - called Ritalin in the USA
    Maybe I am I just getting old, but in the US I always thought that dexadrine was simply called "speed". Ritalin was just a politically correct name for the same drug often over prescribed to children.
    Jopha, maybe maybe we're both old already. :D

    5 or 10 mg doses of dexadrine don't equate to speed. For someone properly diagnosed with ADD or narcolepsy, it barely keeps us awake and alert. There are cases of misdiagnosis, but probably no overdoses. But if your dog eats an entire month's supply of Adderol, you'll have to have his stomach pumped, as my daughter had to get. :)

  4. I know I am a little slow, but i cannot reason out why tubeless tires hole air better than tubes.

    However, I also am checking and refilling the tires on my wife's bike. Whereas my CBR can go on and on with no problem.

    Same here. Don't understand why tubeless should hold air better than tubes, but it's annoying always having to go and check and refill the air.

    Could be something to do with porosity of the rubber, presumably a tyre is thicker and would retain air longer than a thin inner tube. Could the tubes in your CBR be imported from Japan and possibly be a better quality rubber?

    CBR = Tubeless
  5. I dread and postpone going back.The trips themselves. Nights in strange rooms. Fitting into their schedules. $80 meals, Trying not to mention I've been openly gay since 2001...

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