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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. by the way , as I believe you were with IRS, can you define/explain the difference between drawing disability payments and being disabled????


    Yes. I receive benefits from the VA for a service-connected disability (loss of one eye). My coworker Sue received no such benefits even though she was severely crippled from birth (MS?). Sue earned a BA (brilliant; hard worker), and is retirement age now. My friend's sister was leg-crippled by polio. She earned a BS and MS, and reached GS-14 as a weather forecaster. It's not supposed to be a matter of what you can't do; it's what we can do. Losing an eye didn''t keep one rich Thai from ruling, nor Peter Falk from acting, nor Moshe Dyan from being Minister of Defense, nor Sammy Davis Jr....
  2. Mike Huckabee and Bill Clinton come from the same small town in Arkansas. Mike and I both earned a BA in religion at small Baptist unis, and dropped out of the same seminary. But I'm divorced, gay, politically liberal, and opposed to violence. I walk out of Baptist churches when they say the Pledge of Allegiance or sing the national anthem. Mike's theologically a heretic, in my opinion, based on S Baptist theology.

    Now, where were we? :)

  3. Maybe overall, the average Thai is becoming less tolerant of excessive farang long-term expats. Usually, I think most average Thais in the Thai social structure have been non-inclusive (xenophobic). If it's true that the Gini coefficients of wealth and income disparity here are still very unbalanced, perhaps Thailand will never ever be a first world country.

    My rose-coloured glasses broke, but it's still a great place to live cheaply.

  4. One night, I rode the bus with a guy who taught social science at a unit of the famous Bangkok private S-chain prathom school. No real English language curriculum or textbook. The references to what we call 'economics' were gibberish. Nobody could help him. When I taught M1 math, the Thai math teacher said I had to teach renal equations. That's your kidney. Wangsuda explained it to me: LINEAR.

    I took 6 or 7 courses in sociology (finishing in 1971). I can barely spell Emile Durkheim. It requires thinking outside a Thai box.

    Don't even pretend to try.

  5. Jing, if you don't want posters discussing American-bashing, don't mention the USA. Say that you were watching a Polish or Belizean politician bash his fellow citizens for not being scoundrels who wrap themselves in their flag. Talk about Thais worshipping the Thai flag.Pretend you're a Canuck....eh?

  6. Gonzo, I'm on the side of the disabled. I have drawn a disability pension for over 40 years, after the receipt of which I served in several professions. Yes, my best examples for Thailand to emulate are Western. The slogan here should not be the last seven words of a dead culture: "We've never done it that way before." :)

  7. My point about 1945 was to point out that by then a polio victim had been President. Steinmetz, a crippled dwarf, achieved fame by 1895. Edison invented the phonograph by 1877. They were not left to beg or sell lottery tickets. Schools became accessible; so did footpaths. Has a Thai Steven Hawking even finished prathom school?

  8. Two friends are returning from the Pacific coast of N America. They say the Aleuts are aloof, the Haidas are haughty, the Chippewa are cheap Charlies, and the bears are boring. They anticipate returning to awesome Akha, lanky Lanna ladyboys, and large Tai-Yai. Wave as they pass you going the other way.

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