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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. 1% of America owns 40% of the country. Its nice if Thailand improves free schooling and health care for poor people but its not going to result in a meaningful decrease in the wealth gap from your perspective. Why haven't the American social wealth distribution programs worked?
    One part of the USA's wealth redistribution was to give free state education to age 18 (in Texas, even to illegal aliens). But almost no free health care. They took kids out of sweat shops. Some programs succeeded.


  2. ....Now I realize many people leave their countries for negative reasons (they really hate their countries for whatever reasons) but in my view most of us leave our countries for POSITIVE reasons (because we have really good reasons to go the country we are moving to). Leaving doesn't usually mean we are more or less patriotic than our less adventurous brothers who stay home and it doesn't always mean we won't be back someday.....

    So my intention here is for expats from different countries to discuss whether there are political factions in their home countries which bash expats, or not. I really don't know or have any preconceived notions about it.

    This would have started it, Jingthing - no mention of the USA; something a Brit or Ozzie could have said. No, you had to drag USA into it. So you get what we have here.
  3. Maybe overall, the average Thai is becoming less tolerant of excessive farang long-term expats. Usually, I think most average Thais in the Thai social structure have been non-inclusive (xenophobic). If it's true that the Gini coefficients of wealth and income disparity here are still very unbalanced, perhaps Thailand will never ever be a first world country.

    My rose-coloured glasses broke, but it's still a great place to live cheaply.

    So this is a forum about Thailand, and I as a Thai person, think that I am allowed to voice my opinions regarding you and your fellow farangs who constantly discuss Thailand and its people. Foreigners who live in the Land of Smiles should also be subject to criticism just as Thais are subject to the onslaught of denunciations that you people are constantly throwing at us. The relationship between farangs and Thais goes sour, and and you still wonder why? People like you have only yourselves to blame.

    Like Jingthing, I welcome further posts by you, 'WhiningeingMoaner,' because your intent was not clear.

    Was it something I said in the post you quoted?

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