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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. My hippie son and his lady friend - backpackers - caught up with me in Chiapas, on the Guatemalan border. We swam to Guat. and walked back. Met several Israelis, recently discharged from military, and a S Korean girl. We all went hiking, swimming, riding kombis. Later we toured ruins of Palenque and swam in waterfall. Earlier I met backpacker who was a grandson of a Texas millionaire I'd known. None of these folks are normal, but we're happy.

  2. Some other points:

    Is being a moderator a full time job? And are there any incentives to being a moderator?

    I would think that this job is very time consuming.

    What about the legal aspects? How does admin know that a moderator is suitable for, well, being a moderator?

    Does one have to be tried and tested first, or can anyone apply?

    What about job vacancies, such as in admin. Do any appear from time to time and if so, where are these advertised?

    Part-time; as you have time. Mods circle the globe. No real incentives other than community service, seeing your name in red, a few free meals per year, etc.

    No need to apply.

  3. ALL whiskey is sh*t and anyone who tells you different is lying. Why do think that they have all those mixers, but to get the putrid taste out of your mouth. If you want something that tastes good, try pure fruit juice!
    UG is right. I never drank a hard liquor that didn't taste like kerosene. I never understood why you're expected to 'develop a taste for it.' Or why every toast or celebration must be drowned in crap that is toxic, until you're nearly unconscious.
  4. Maybe, PB means that Lamphun is too small to be recommended as a place to live and that being near Burma is dangerous. I don't know. The text is far from clear. Or maybe it is just a statement that Lamphun is smaller than Lampang. Heaven only knows what the post meant. It seemed very garbled.

    Lamphun has a population of about 65k, 55k of those are female (factory town, employees almost all female). It's about 15km outside of CM. Great drive with all the Dton Yang Yii (big rubber trees) lining the road most of the way.

    I find it a pretty exciting place to go, especially on a Friday or Saturday night when the factory girls are all out on the pull. You will need to speak some Thai though as there appears to be no English at all spoken in the bars and restaurants. Last time I was there (few weeks ago) my pal and I (50+) were practically dragged into a bar by a couple of slim and pretty 20yr olds shouting 'gin cow' and pointing at their mouths. We barely escaped with our dignity and wallets intact. (we pretended to not speak or understand Thai, always a good escape ploy)

    Not a place to go with a girlfriend though! (tea to China, etc.)

    Good golf course there too.

    Sorry but Lamphun is far from an "exciting place to go". I've been there a few times and I'd have to say it is one of the most boring towns I have ever been to in Thailand. A lot of those "slim and pretty 20yr olds" you refer to are actually men - well khatoeys. Watch out!

    80% are not female factory workers. And the gay guys don't dress as katoeys. Maybe 20 km south of railroad terminus; even the ride is boring on superhighway. Boring, but they dress well.
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