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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. I've never been to State schools in Australia or UK; graduated from a top 10 secondary 'state' school in the US. i suspect that's off-topic.

    In the UK you would need to attend a University to graduate.

    I suspect a university degree is required in Thailand for the majority of good jobs.

    So whilst your 'state' school education may have qualified you to be a teacher in what you describe as the best state schools here, though well below the international schools, I think it is hardly relevant.


    lainiain, state secondary schools outside Thailand are irrelevant. "Graduate" in American English includes secondary completion; I didn't mean to confuse. I attended countless tertiary colleges, unis and community colleges before earning a BA from a third-rate liberal arts uni in Texas :) How's that for coming down off a high horse? :D

    jackr, I was condescending; I apologize. Two of my worst students went to Prem.

  2. I've never been to State schools in Australia or UK; graduated from a top 10 secondary 'state' school in the US. i suspect that's off-topic.

    I taught in the best State schools in Lanna, and tutored students attending APIS, Grace, Lanna, etc. The international schools in northern Thailand are head and shoulders above the best State schools here. Maybe the private Thai schools here are brilliant and run by clever Thai educators who renounced or escaped this culture of stupid educational methods and returned to save the Kingdom, and have been allowed to run them. But I doubt it.

    Of course, this is just my opinion based on years of experience on the ground here. My measly anecdotes may be wrong.

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