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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. That's neither my experience nor observation. The farang I know may support a stepchild, but not extended family. The Thais we know aren't racist. Nationalistic, sheltered; but not racist.

    We're here for a mix of reasons, numerous and often stated. Nothing wrong with having a good Thai lady, if you like ladies.

  2. Nah, Regan was an insane warmonger.
    For just a moment I would ask you to contemplate whether such a statement reflects much more about you than it does about Reagan.Do you have that level of self awareness I wonder?...........Sometimes wickedness has to be addressed, and sometimes that means showing one's military and moral strength.

    I an an absolute pacifist because I am a conservative Christian. Reagan and Bush 2 showed they were neither. Moral strength comes with religious pacifism: Jesus as a peaceful Jew; Gandhi, King, Oscar Romero, etc.
  3. Pardon me for stirring the pot further off-topic.
    exactly. it's the Nobel Peace Prize. here we don't need the opinion of a pacifistic hippie and longhair. he, he.

    war is the fight for peace and only warriors and brave soldiers doing it.

    He he, ha ha, 55. It's the Nobel Peace Prize, not a warrior's prize. When the pacifist long-haired Hippies were nonviolently protesting against several insane, immoral wars in Southeast Asia, I was retired USAF/disabled veteran/Baptist minister, blessing the boys as they marched off to war. Then I found the Prince of Peace, right there in my New Testament. Now my hair is the longest ever. :)

    Peace works. War destroys. Have a nice peace-full eternity. :D

  4. Nobel PP trivia

    Winner VP Dawes wrote the pop song "It's All in the Game."

    The first female laureate was Baroness Berta von Suttner, who probably inspired Nobel to create a Peace Prize. She wrote Lay Down Your Arms before Lennon and McCartney.

    First African-American laureate: Ralph Bunche.

    Only declined by a Vietnamese Communist.

    First two-time winner: International Red Cross, founded by the winner with a Bangkok street named for him.

    Ahh. At last, a Thai connection. :)

  5. The Prize has a checkered history, It went to a lot of deseerving recipients. Gandhi deserved it and didn't get it, It went to a US President who gained fame in the War of 1898 (Teddy R); a VP who was in WW 1;Al Gore; a 5-star general (Marshall), various former Jewish and Arab terrorists; etc, The Red Cross, several UN agencies; some great peace groups; etc,

    The winners, please:


    Congratulations to my President: Sir, go make peace.

  6. The article in CityLife presents a flawed understanding to this educated Westerner, of what sex is, and what sexual orientation is. It sounds as ignorant as what some Christians present. I'm sure I didn't understand the thoughts expressed by the monk and professor.

  7. Like mcgriffith, I was posting as a member, not a moderator. And as a gay non-Buddhist who understands nothing about Thai Buddhism (although I am practically 'married' to a devout, Thai gay Buddhist who spent several years at the wat), I gave an honest semi-academic critique of what was presented about gay life by two alleged experts. Rubbish. IMNSH gay opinion.

  8. The pink issue contains 2 accounts of Buddhist 'experts' - the 'monk chat' monk and a Thai prof at CMU. Rubbish comments, in my non-Buddhist opinion. 'The Buddha never mentioned it because there never were any gays in Asia. :) Suure, like Queen Victoria saying there are no lesbians. Third sex? :D Rubbish; 99.9% of all babies are clearly either male or female; two genders. I dunno, but it sounds like the same same-sex rubbish preached by Christian anti-gays. In my homo opinion.

  9. Forum rules

    7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

    8) Not to post extremely negative views of Thailand or derogatory comments directed towards all Thais.

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