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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. homophobia, a word far newer to English than homosexual which was coined mid-19th century, is defined more broadly than most -phobia words. It includes the hatred of homosexuals. Most ignorant people are both anti and afraid.

    Phobia does not mean hatred. it means fear.

    But maybe I misunderstand you. I do not find your post clear, " far newer to" ,

    Can you explain the last sentence - using most and both is not clear.

    Yes; I'll be glad to try to explain.

    phobia is ancient Greek for fear. Thus most newly coined -phobia words mean fear of the other part of the word. E.g., agoraphobia, fear of crowded places like markets. homo- is ancient Latin for man.

    Almost as soon as homophobia was coined as a word in the 1970's, it came to mean both fear of same-sex actions, and hatred of the persons who do them. Linguists decry it as improper, but the coined Greek-Latin mishmash means both. Most people who fear gay sex also hate it. That's my opinion. I never met a gay who hated guys who shove their willies into females.

  2. Also, could someone kindly let me know when school terms and holidays typically fall in Chinag Mai and what time it typically gets dark (1800?).


    School schedules vary. International schools start in mid-August. Thai academic calendar starts in May; first semester ends this week.

    Today is equinox; sun rises and sets abruptly at 6:14 local time. Never daylight savings; days vary from 13:20 to 10:40 hours. Northern hemisphere; very short and mild winters.

  3. In addition to Mohammed's hotel, there are other hotels and guesthouses that cater to gays and advertise it, but you don't notice them unless they are literally flying the gay pride flag. Today at lunch, I sat in a restaurant with my boyfriend and the owner of a competing restaurant chatted with me. Both restaurants are owned by gay farang but you wouldn't notice that. Our gaynesses were not mentionad.

  4. http://finance.yahoo.com/news/Job-losses-e...066651.html?x=0

    The depressed US economy is forcing many US older, unemployed workers to take SS retirement earlier than planned.

    The much-quoted 'negative savings rate' in the USA was always hog slop. FICA and SE taxes force workers to save. Their homes were investments until recently. Millions had company pension plans, IRA, Keogh, 401(k), teacher plans, etc.; and they gambled in equity markets.

  5. I was wearing a lap belt in the family car starting in 1956; shoulder harness installed in my Vauxhall in 1962; required by USAF to wear motorcycle helmet in 1961, etc. If being a teacher in Thailand is on topic, my best student, a Thai genius, died from brain injuries sustained in a crash when stopped at a light; no helmet.

    I bought a Thai full-face this month for 500 baht ('farang price' :) ). Better ones are around 1200 baht.

    Good luck on Koh Samui.

  6. Most drivers/riders in CMai usually obey most traffic signals.

    Only my experience, but I find more people going through red lights here than in the uk.

    If you mean running through 2 seconds after yellow changes to red, I agree. Slightly worse than Houston. :)

    Yes;, CMai city is not designed for autos.

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