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Posts posted by PeaceBlondie

  1. Yes, OASDI at 6.2% is an old age, survivors' and disability insurance program. Retirement plans can be private or public. SS is actuarially flawed. Investing the trust funds in govt. securities is an investment strategy that did not plummet by over 50% last year.

    Congressional pensions are separate, and they're high wage earners who earn pensions.

    Too many issues here.

  2. I'm gay, with six children. Parents don't say to their minor children, "that's where the whores get screwed."

    Where were we? Oh yes, the old SriTokyo hotel, where many gay men lived. I'll bet Lanna Lavender as proposed will not last 6 months.

  3. Since the OP knows Khun Churn, directly across from it is Khun Mor.

    What's Khun Mor like PB? I don't like Khun Churn, is it similar?

    Much larger menu. Lots of veggies but gai, moo, plah, beef as well. I've been going there recently and get chicken-cashew-steamed rice. Other times, I'm a cowpat guy. I like Kuhn Mor more, frankly.
  4. No, the world's best root canal rooter-outer may have been my specialist in Houston, an older Iranian lady who charged US$550 in the early 1990's. She took two hours and only one sitting. Crowns separately, later. Unlike Cheryl, all my RC's were one-stop; all 15 or more. My first rooter, who sang himself thru dental school and wasn't a specialist, said his technique was the modified Sargenti method. Wow, things remembered from Moore, Oklahoma in the 1970's. I hear the Thais can take 5 or more appointments.

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