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Posts posted by noitom

  1. Stay tuned. Soon you will see mock ups and illustrations of the food and menu fare. Boy oh boy - these Thais! Aren't they clever? Being this far ahead of the curve. Way out in front of everybody. These Thais, boy oh boy! Watch for a new major at leading universities in Thailand on lunch box reparation and packaging. They will beat the Japanese at their own games. Both high speed trains as well as lunch boxes. Get those fish balls ready. Boy oh boy - those Thais!!

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  2. I don't think they cost 'almost nothing to produce' -- many of the leading actors are very well paid, and there's even overseas location shooting.

    For example, a current show called 'Rak Khun Thao Faa' ('Love You As High As the Sky') is about an airline pilot who flies around, with a girlfriend in each airport lost-luggage office, and there have been scenes in Paris and along the French coast.

    Plus, it contains 5 'big' stars -- 'Ken' (the pilot), Ploy, Chompu, Cherry, Nok and Ay, his various love interests.

    It's all about ratings and advertising dollars. I'm not sure many Thais take it seriously -- any more than Westerners take Neighbours as a model of how to live.

    I mean, it wasn't the Thais who invented reality TV, so if we're talking dreck, we have to look somewhere else to lay the blame.

    And if they really want to transform Thai TV into a moral educational tool, they would have to take off virtually every program except the midday news.

    The dramas are very silly and tedious, but the notion of going round 'improving' people by raising the quality of the TV they watch seems to have so many things wrong with it that it's hard to know where to begin.

    Very sensible POV.

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  3. Does anyone know if Thai dentists ever provide dental records to verify identity of Thais? Can't recall ever reading that they do, but may have missed it. Maybe they just ignore the requests or they don't feel it is their concern. In this case, the photo, looks like the Thai holding up the dental xrays has an expression as if - see how wonderful we are- we found out who it is. I would like to know how the UK sent the correct matching dental records so fast when a previous story in The Nation stated that the dead were unrecognizable. So how did the Thais know to request the dental records from the UK and how did the correct UK dentist locate the match so fast?

  4. This reminds me of the film American Gangster where Russell Crowe and his partner found the $1million and turned it in after debate. They became marks of other corrupt cops after turning in the money. You also see this theme in Training Day with Denzel Washington where a cop refuses to take skim and becomes a mark of other cops.

    It was probably other guards in the jail who killed this guy not the inmates. The inmates woud just work around him. The other cops had money stream at stake with him alive. They should look within their own ranks rather than pinning his execution on some inmate already struggling to stay alive.

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  5. There is a very thin line between terrorism and freedom fighting. What is deplorable is that The Nation has not mounted a more illuminating point of view about the core issues and potential solutions and campaigned fervently for a reversal of thousands and thousands of deaths, family disruption, growing animosity, and escalating risk. The newspapers are the only source of objective points of view and The Nation has dropped the ball on being an informed influencer during the past 10 years of advanced conflict. The international press needs to give this more visibility and momentum. Deaths keep mounting to the ten thousand level plus countless maiming and other tragedies.

  6. I have the Platinium Amex (Thai Airways version) and the Platunum Citibank (Thai AIrways version). Excellent cards for getting airmiles with Thai AIrways. I get multiple business class trips to Europe just by my spending on these cards. If you are buying business class airmiles or upgrading on long haul, you're getting back 2.5% to 3% of the spending in the value of the airmiles.

    The cards also give you access to the airport VIP lounges, travel insurance and a lot more perks. Citibank actually has more deals with discounts and installment payments than most Thai banks. Amex has begun catch up but lags behind and quite a lot of Thai establishments won't take Amex. For Citibank, you can even get 10% discounts from fast food chains like Au Bon Pain, and a suprising amount of restuarants around the city give10, 15, 20% discounts for Citibank. Amex strong points include better promotions on airmiles and extra multipliers for weekend shopping.

    I have other cards, but these two are my preferred ones. Note also that international banks like Citibank are likely to give you a higher credit line.


    The Amex Platinum card is the best. It's far superior to the Amex Paltinum Thai Airways credit card in terms of perqs and miles bonuses.

    Forgot to add the drawback is that the Amex Platinum costs 24,000 annual dues and may be tough credit check for some. The Amex Platiunm Thai Airways credit card is 4,000 baht annually and an easier credit check.

  7. I have the Platinium Amex (Thai Airways version) and the Platunum Citibank (Thai AIrways version). Excellent cards for getting airmiles with Thai AIrways. I get multiple business class trips to Europe just by my spending on these cards. If you are buying business class airmiles or upgrading on long haul, you're getting back 2.5% to 3% of the spending in the value of the airmiles.

    The cards also give you access to the airport VIP lounges, travel insurance and a lot more perks. Citibank actually has more deals with discounts and installment payments than most Thai banks. Amex has begun catch up but lags behind and quite a lot of Thai establishments won't take Amex. For Citibank, you can even get 10% discounts from fast food chains like Au Bon Pain, and a suprising amount of restuarants around the city give10, 15, 20% discounts for Citibank. Amex strong points include better promotions on airmiles and extra multipliers for weekend shopping.

    I have other cards, but these two are my preferred ones. Note also that international banks like Citibank are likely to give you a higher credit line.


    The Amex Platinum card is the best. It's far superior to the Amex Paltinum Thai Airways credit card in terms of perqs and miles bonuses.

  8. It's disgraceful that everyone openly discusses how the police use checkpoints as a money making grab. It's shameful for Thailand and makes them a laughing stock that it is so open and pervasively a part of Thai society.

    Another poster suggested that working camera surveillance monitored by a command center that was honest would catch some of the police checkers.

    This reminds me of the film Goodfellas where the opening dialog has DeNiro stating that in Las Vegas everyone is watching someone. The players are watching the dealers, the dealers are watching the players, the pit bosses are watching the dealers, and the section managers are watching the pit bosses, and the floor manager is watching the section bosses, and the casino manager is watching the floor manager and the operations manager is watching the casino manager and the eye in the sky is watching everyone. As the camera pans to the command center above the ceiling.

    Thailand applies this technique but with a different motive. In Las Vegas they are trying to inhibit stealing. In Thailand they are trying to maximize the distribution of the stealing.

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  9. She killed a "co-worker." In other words, she killed another Soi Cowboy Bar Girl. But as another poster indicated, why mention Soi Cowboy Bar Girl at all? It happened in their private apartment. Is the newspaper trying to engender some sort of feeling of "trouble" associated with Soi Cowboy Bar Girls?

    The whole idea of this open "prostitution business operation" known as Soi Cowboy as well as others is preposterous. It perpetuates the idea that Thailand is the sex trade capital of the world and all that goes with it. No other country in the world has exceeded Thailand's capabilities in attracting sex trade business and backboning an economy off the backs of the girls.

    Hats off to the Bar Girls, the true "backbone" of the Thai economy.

  10. Why in the world would he be authorized to have an Uzi? If he casually puts it on the dinner table, how many other "Thai officials" and non-Thai officials are walking or driving around with Uzis and taking them to meetings? It's not a great loss if they kill themselves, but spraying Uzis around puts normal everyday people and workers at risk.

  11. The Indians should focus on improving their own infrastructure and underclass problems first. If they plan to build a highway anything like the road from Delhi to Agra it would be a laugher. The road to Agra (the Taj Majal destination) makes India look like a country not to be taken seriously.

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  12. This Thai "creative" thing is disturbing. Several senior university students in a seminar course at Thammasat wanted to do something about Thai creative economy. When questioned as to what this meant, answers were all over the ballpark. The Thai senior students hadn't a clue what this meant or what , in fact, creativity was. Thais have a notion that "creativity" means cutting and pasting photos into a collage of themselves.

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