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Posts posted by noitom

  1. The more interesting and informative documentary film would be following the private outsourced swat team with hoods and their capture of the two Thais M-7 and the other guy. It would be interesting to see how they got more information from them and how they acted on it on the higher ups in the food chain.

    We are all probably aware that girls get hijacked on false premises and get "handled" by folks like Rano and Sharo. What we never see or hear about is tracking the bigger busts up the food chain to the Thai Mr. Big and the Uzbek Mr. big who made the deals that make all this happen.

    It would also be interesting to see the USAID grant proposal that Galster submitted to get the funding. Did it include the use of black hooded outsourced secret guys with M-16s and AK47s? What does USAID believe that Galster is doing with this money and who did he hand it off to? There should be a follow up documentary on that.

  2. Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

    Interesting. The stories I read reported two very bad accidents both with legal drivers operating for registered bus companies and 1 going to legal casinos with a total of 15 dead and 1 heading from NC to NY with 4 dead.

    Also, I read of no illegal and unregistered tour bus companies being shut down but rather a huge crack down on registered bus companies over safety violations after the accident that killed 15.

    And although I don't know ownership of Casino;s in Atlantic city, most are run by very large corporations. As for Connecticut, they are owned by native Indians on Indian reservations.

    Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

    Interesting. The stories I read reported two very bad accidents both with legal drivers operating for registered bus companies and 1 going to legal casinos with a total of 15 dead and 1 heading from NC to NY with 4 dead.

    Also, I read of no illegal and unregistered tour bus companies being shut down but rather a huge crack down on registered bus companies over safety violations after the accident that killed 15.

    And although I don't know ownership of Casino;s in Atlantic city, most are run by very large corporations. As for Connecticut, they are owned by native Indians on Indian reservations.

    You know of no shutdowns? Here are a few NY Times notations on massive shutdowns - Just a few sources on the Chinese bus operators and the shutdowns. Dozens of accidents and stories, deaths, serious injuries leading to deaths - Federal Gov shutdowns, Local shutdowns, shutdowns. Do you seriously think that every Chinese tour bus operator is legal? You know of no shutdowns and only one accident. You miss the point again and again over and over - it's evident in virtually all of your response posts - proving that someone has made a statistical error in a post or some nomenclature difference.

    This is a perfect example of you missing the main point to leap on an opportunity to prove how smart and all knowing you are about all things forever and ever. The central point of this article and post was to refer to the Chinese tour trade and how the economy works as well as a note on the film that illustrates that.







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  3. Looking at these tables is striking. Just compare the looking around in Bangkok with any other major league city on the list. See how the Thais attend to its "tourism jewel." Take a look at all the electrical wiring hanging down to eye level and jumbled up like hundreds of dozens of spaghetti wiring nightmares and firetraps all along Sukhumvit and other main thoroughfares.

    Look at some of the side allys and sois off the main Sukhumvit sois and see the conditions. look at the flooding in the rainy season and off the rainy season. Check out the carbon monoxide from the buses, trucks, tuk tuks, and buses. examine all the pharmacies not counting the few in Emporium, Paragon, and isolated few in other malls or offices. See how the dark, no A/C facilities in the sweltering day and night heat benefit the medicines. Especially those in the super sized bottles that get counted out in the filthy metal tray sitting on the counter all day with hundreds of hands touching it and moving it. Check out the arrogant look you get from the Thai working there when you ask for a tissue to clean it or the counting tool off first. Take a look at the shelves and tops of bottles around the stores and see how long it's been since they were dusted or attended to. Calculate for yourself how often the stock is rotated

    Look at the broken sidewalks and phone booths stuck in the middle of the falling apart sidewalks. Try a friendly walk and see how many times a big Thai shot or little Thai shots almost run you down at the cross of the soi where they don't stop prior to turning into Sukhumvit or other main drags. Jump out of the way of motorcycles on the little sidewalks that there are. Check out the dirty rags behind checkout counters that get used to wipe down filthy counters with filthy hands that then handle your food. Food! Then checkout the street food safety, health, and hygiene conditions. Also check out the eating establishments for sanitary and hygiene conditions. In the few bathrooms around, check out that filthy hand towel or wash cloth on the edge of the sink. The same bacteria laden rag that they use to wipe down the cans and urinals.

    Besides BTS and MRT and a few of those modern bridges over the river, it's a useful exercise to ask yourself where in the world do Thais reinvest in their tourism business? Where do they spend all that money? If these charts are true, then Thais and the tourism trade should be hanging their heads in shame. Where does all that money go? It's an incredible incongruity. It's Thais sticking their finger in the eye of foreign tourists saying f--- o-- Use our women for sex and be happy that they are so cheap and plentiful, but just leave your money and stick that dirty rag where the sun doesn't shine. We are still at the top of the list in revenue from tourist trade. So there. If you don't like it, don't come anymore. But see where you will find such plentiful cheap sex elsewhere in the top 20 cities.

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  4. Over a dozen illegal and unregulated Chinese tour bus companies were closed down in the last 6 months in New York. They were servicing both Chinese tourists in NYC as well as the Chinatown runs to casinos in Connecticut and Atlantic City. Unfortunately, the Chinese new York tongs keep setting up new companies faster than the city can ease them out of business. There were two devastating bus accidents on I-95 last year where over 50 people were killed on each Chinese company tour bus with illegal drivers.

    A very good movie showing the NY Chinese gang control is The Day of the Dragon with Mickey Rourke - very good film, not exactly real but very good. The Chinese immigrants legal and illegal in all countries run very effective powerful underground and huge black money business. very few Chinese immigrants proportionately ever assimilate into their new country's system. They just remain in the "Chinese" thing and feed off the system of their adopted country. Now there are so many big Chinese communities like New York and San Francisco that they have their own elected officials, rarely if ever contribute or give back anything to their adopting nation, and rarely if ever spend any money outside their own network.

    Sure there is a growing native Chinese affluent upper middle class who shop on Madison Avenue, Sherbrooke in Montreal, and Place Vendome in Paris as onsies and twosies, but basically the "Chinese tourist" mainstream are the Chinese bus tour groups stumbling and bumbling around in groups of fifty and up following the leader around on day trips in cities around the world to gawk at Gwai-los. Bangkok would be the destination of the lower end of the Chinese economical pecking order as the result of its proximity and cheap accommodations.

  5. Those Thais know how to "lure" those Chinese. Boy oh boy those Thais are superb marketeers. They are about to abandon the cheap Charlie Europeans and Australians with struggling economies and do a student body left or right and chase down that "lucrative" Chinese market. The Chinese bus packages where the net package is the equivalent of 2500 CYB. Chinese travel for 2500 CYB all in air, food, room, and tour buses each day. They eat out once a day at a cheap Thai noodle shop and the big outing is a McDonald's once on the trip.

    This is definitely the market of the future for Thais and all focus should be directed at these big spending Chinese. Plus they don't usually complain about food poisoning, non working A/Cs, and no Chinese language around because the tour handler handles everything. The tour handler will also arrange in room sex from local Thai outcall services at prearranged "packaged specials" for quickies since the Chinese aren't interested in an all night. A Chinese quickie is even shorter than a normal farang short time, so the Thai pimps and outcall service owners can really churn out high volume low unit pricing.

  6. They say that they are looking for the police - They don't have to look too far Pratoo Chulalongkorn police station in Thanyaburi - just go to that police station and have the girl do a visual on all the coppers. The father should be dragged away in handcuffs, tried and sentenced for rape of a minor and tucked away in prison for 20 years. If the father was sent to prison in the USA the gangs in prison would make hi9m a girlfriend real quick.

  7. The headline leads the reader to believe that there would be a specific quote by the foreign minister stating that Thailand should severe its ties with the US. The article is poorly written and is an example of journalism at its worst.

    The Thailand severing its ties with the US should be a great circus to follow. Definitely three rings.

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