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Posts posted by noitom

  1. He stated by December, implying the coup to be before or at that time. It wouldn't surprise anyone, if all this went down what with the frequency that it is discussed in the Thai press. Sounds like the time frame is right at or around the kickoff of the big tourist season. Then all the big cheeses can carp about loss of tourist business and reassure the embassies that everything is under control and that they should remove their caution and warning notices.

  2. The headline state that it was the worker who was illegal, but it was the bus company. Let's get it straight The Nation.

    On the story, it's hard to tell what really happend, but this could happen almost anywhere except Japan. A few weeks ago, a New York cab driver found a bag of cash, more than 10K and he went back to the drop off point to search out the passenger and return the cash.

    Sorry for Mr. Banks who ended up getting stabbed over it.

  3. This newspaper story and the survey itself are preposterous. First of all, this is an extremely complex area of psychology and personality and intelligence testing. The terminology used in the story is incorrect and explained incorrectly so as to mislead the readership into believing that it is correct and the overall focus is to determine level of happiness. The Emotional Quotient Inventory is an evaluation and assessment of intelligence by examining an individual's social and emotional strengths and weaknesses.

    Any such instant "survey" conducted in Thailand and reported in this manner is preposterous. In fact most Thai surveys are merely agenda driven propaganda posters. They rarely explain what they are actually attempting to do, measure, and what it is actually and "really" based on. Check it out, see for yourself. Comparing the article to what you, a rational reader, can do in 2-3 minutes of research.

    So, Thais may have low IQs in general as compared to global averages and other statistics available. Thais may be ill-prepared to cope with societal and business environments effectively and lack decision making skills. One would assume that Thais would be low on the scale, just by simple observation let alone a wealth of data to support this. The issue is the representation of these most complex psychological and intelligence measurements in the way that this newspaper and its sources represent the "instant survey" and its spokespeople and interpreters.

  4. Condolences to Mr. Belanger and family and friends. It is very heart wrenching. Of course it is a coverup. if they are not covering up their lack of skills in tracking down the killers , they are covering up their ineptness in sorting out the chemical or food poisoning and the culpability of a manufacturer, restaurant or vendor. One way or another, Thais are always covering up. When you read about a story like this one it makes you sick to be associated with them. There is no recourse, no diligence, no concern, only covering up. It's so obvious too that they are covering up something either the guilty or their own ineptness and they seem to take pleasure in pushing it in your face when you challenge them or question them. The best way to snap the Thais into the real world is for the major embassies to declare Thailand a very high alert risk.

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  5. Boots on the ground. It's time that some asian nations did some heavy lifting. Thailand, China, Japan, Korea, get some crack svengali units in Mogadishu and the provinces going up against Al Shabaab and allied clans - let's go Asia, you can do more than pal around and sip wine and cognac at these conferences. Time for heavy lifting. Pay some dues.

  6. Freedom of speech. Rule of law applied to "all." No sakdi na system. No "settlements" or payoffs. Standards, professional ethics, newspaper investigative journalism. Charitable giving by the wealthy, regulations, compliance and penalty regardless of status, rank, how many nas one has. Individual freedom will grow and develop with raised education based on knowledge and parenting, reading, learning how to thin for one's self.

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  7. "The department will try to finish this draft as soon as possible before seeking opinions from relevant agencies and neighboring countries." Writing the draft "before" they consult with relevant agencies and neighboring countries. Not after consulting> Typical Thai approach.

    The deportation of a pregnant woman is a blatant move to limit the number of immigrant births on Thai soil and therefore entitling them to Thai citizenship. Let's call it what it is. It's not a new method of eliminating human trafficking. It is nothing more than Thais repressing the possibility of an immigrant worker offspring being entitled to a Thai passport and ID card.

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  8. 'Also, the hospitality of the local people leaves much to be desired, especially concerning unfair service'

    Complete rubbish. While I'm sure there are more than a few bad people there, the vast majority of the Burmese are as sweet as

    can be, far more so than the Thai's. On a different note, one aspect of this all that causes me to reflect a while, is that it would be an absolute

    travesty if the Burmese were to develop the same close minded materialism that their Thai cousins seem to be infected with.

    Anyone who has ever spent time is Burma will have seen the people's happy resilience to almost anything, and the last thing

    they need is some NGO do-gooder telling them how they should develop.

    And that NGO dogooder is getting a nice fat paycheck that gets funded by contributions from struggling tax paying countries.

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  9. No country can realistically hope to surpass Thailand in sex trade expertise. As Myanmar grows its legitimate tourist economy, Thailand will continue to invest and proliferate its sex trade. They are the masters. Thais know how to do this, they are the world's experts in selling sex. So if Schipani can decode the Thai black economy and figure out how much money the Thai sex trade really represents, he can then make projections that really count. It would be very interesting to see the "behind close doors" breakdown of the ADB "internal" discussions to see what they really think.

  10. A preposterous solution to the problem Putting their heads in the sand and not addressing the issue with rule of law and consequences, realistic opportunity, educational improvement, and parenting. The whole idea of the contest has no role to play in student violence and fighting. Thais should just look at one thing - how will the "losers" feel? Will there be any resentments?

  11. It would be good to see the press publicizing all the wealthy Thais who contributed to the design center or how they get their funding. It looks like they have great results and need more funding and charity contributions. It's for sure that there are many elite Thai wealthy who would like to give but know know where or how.

  12. Without second guessing the character, judgement, and astuteness of Ms. Kay, her sickness should provide good insight to the Canadian authorities to assess what happened/was eaten/inhaled/drank..etc. Ms. Kay's plight points out that keeping your status straight avoiding conflict helps maintain your rights. The fact that she was "working," and if this was illegal, exposes her to loss of rights with Thailand law, insurance companies, and anyone looking for a loophole to deny her a right.

    The Thai hospital action of witholding her passport is to be expected in Thailand, if they could get their hands on it in the first place. Having trouble in Thailand of any kind is not a pleasant consideration.

  13. 21 cases of bird flu H1N1 Avian Flu!! But no need for concern, "the situation is under control," according to a Thai health official. This is a Thai euphemism for "we haven't a clue," but you must realize that our primary directive is to safeguard the tourist trade rather than Thai people or foreigners.

    Actually, all chicken exports should be suspended until WHO officials certify the source and status of this outbreak of H1N1 Avian Flu in Thailand. This is a large number of cases.

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