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Posts posted by noitom

  1. Try watching the movie Prime Gig with Vince Vaughn, Ed Harris and Julia Ormond. You'll conclude that if the scam premise seems solid and enough calls are made some of it will stick to the wall. It's not a bad movie.

    The call center "investment scam" reminds me of a Thailand scam in the late 90s run by Jean Pierre Gonyou. The Thai SEC was trying for years to locate and bring charges against him and his girlfriend. No sign of them ever was disclosed nor any follow up in the news.

  2. The last two paragraphs of this news story completely contradict the premise that it is not an issue of Thai sovereignty and parliament"s OK would not be needed. The first of the last two paragraphs states that surveys of Thai geography would be taken and therefore are a "national security issue." The last paragraph states that the establishment of a US agency could "cause a worry" about China's reaction and the Thai relationship. It would be difficult to imagine two more "sovereign" issues than those raised in the last two paragraphs. Therefore, the article , as written, is preposterous.

  3. After the Thais declared war on the United States and Britain on Dec 8, 1941, their relationship with the Japanese went south. The Japanese essentially turned Thailand into a colony and was very repressive. Some time around 1943, some Thais started getting behind a movement to reject the Japanese. The Thais started double dealing with the Chinese when it started to look like the Japanese might be defeated.

    After the war, for whatever reason, the US biased the reparation discussions and punishment of the Thais. It is my understanding that the Thais did not get all their land back that they asked for from the border with Lao and that they had to pay a reparation to the British of 3 million tons of rice. Small price to pay for allowing the Japanese in to occupy Burma and build the Death Railway. Much of this is never discussed in Thai history classes.

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  4. This The Nation point of view poorly articulates sweeping and delusional projections on global geopolitical issues as well as US election outcomes. The reality is that Thailand is merely a pawn in global affairs as another poster pointed out. As Thailand typically does, it attempts to maximize its financial gain and opportunity by compromising its own "strategic" benefit and making petty deals that can be maneuvered in and out of because they are nothing more than a "loose alliance" at the whims of those Thai politicians and elite business owners who benefit at the time. Purely monetray gain for a few versus benefit for the Thai people.

    Take for example, last week in this same newspaper, an editorial was arguing fervently for saying no to U-Tapao for the Americans. The reality is that this is the right decision for the American people, but obviously according to this editorial today, Thailand should be and will be willing to "trade off" probably for some attractive financial cash flow as they did at the start of America's involvement in Vietnam.

    This editorial states that the US and China are its main geopolitical/security alliances. Well who else would they contemplate aligning with? It's almost delusional writing by The Nation. Thailand's foreign policy management has been wishy washy to say the least for many years. The Thais saw no wisdom in trading with the west and it took gunboat diplomacy by the British 160 years ago to get them to agree to trade. Since then, the Thais have distanced themselves from the west and China at every opportunity to "maneuver" a deal without the sincerity of a true partnership. Try to play both sides against the middle in true Thai fashion.

    In WWII, the Thais quickly turned their backs on the allies and caved in to the Japanese, and declared war on the United States and its allies. After taking their investment money for years after the war, now Thailand claims that Japan is a key economic alliance and PM Yingluck made a trip to pander to the Japanese that the Thais "were in control of water management" so that they had nothing to fear and would remain the largest investor in Thailand. Now this editorial ignores this important Thailand/Japan economic partnership and plays the US/China game while ignoring the importance of Japan, and tries to convince the world that they are a serious "reliable" partner with these ludicrous and delirious editorials that project preposterous moves and outcomes on the key players.

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