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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. Very successful troll, kudos to the OP.

    Ok who's got the next troll? Make it a good one OK.

    Very true canuckamuck

    From post #69 to # 78 there are numerous posts about this thread bing a troll. I am amazed that it has now reach #95 with all the advice still being given.

    Maybe some posters do not read all postings.

    Yep, must admit, l am one. sad.png OK, suspend me, l can take it. w00t.gif

    I would not like to have you suspended. You give good contributions. I see we still have 3 additional posters with advice.

  2. I drink any bottled water. I live in a village and have wondered if the cheap water I drink is safe. I am still healthy after 8 months continuous drinking. I do drink a lot of water a day. I am no medical expert but I will continue to drink the cheap bottled water. Clean my teath with tap water.

  3. To the OP. My experience in almost 15 years here is simple.

    Be very wary of other foreigners. Every single time I have seen myself or friends get into trouble in Thailand it was because another foreigner whom was jealous of me/them decided that (s)he didn't like that the other was doing well and they were not. So I/they were fuc_ked over by the other foreigner. I have never from first hand experience seen a normal Thai causing trouble. Unless off course something was done to upset the Thai personally (not even competition wise!), in which case local thugs were used but never the police.

    So just be aware of other foreigners especially people whom are from the same country/city as you naturally trust them easier. They will be the first one to try and cause you trouble!

    I think it is called Jealousy. Very nasty disease

  4. I found this on the internet. Interesting reading.

    "We have an example of a client who took over the lease of empty land from his friend and registered the 30 year lease of with the Land Office. We advised him to build a house under his name, so he had to apply for the construction permit under his name. After the construction, he will apply for the House Registration Certificate (“Tabien Ban”) under his name, and many people laughed and objected at to this idea by saying that there is no law allowing foreigners to do such a thing. I just followed the principle, – “Foreigners can do everything, except where there is a clear restriction imposed by the Thai laws.” Nobody could find any restriction, but now this foreigner has the House Registration Certificate (“Tabien Ban”), under his name, and we have never paid even one Baht to anybody to obtain this proper legal document; – may Justice prevail for our community"


  5. It was

    When West Coast were 20 ponts up I thought that the Swans were gone. All I can say what a great result for the Swans. Sorry Old Croc

    Just turned on the PC to get the result.

    I pretty much knew what was going to happen and couldn't bring myself to follow it live.

    Sydney are getting stronger as the season goes on and are my tip for the flag. To play Hawks in GF.

    Eagles have lost too many goal kickers throughout the season to maintain momentum near the top.

    It was a hard fought game but the swans were relentless in their defence and pressure across the field. Swans are definitely a contender this year for the flag.

    I hope they can maintain their run. They have some hard games ahead. Next week Australian Network will show Sydney V St Kilda game at 1000 on Sunday

    • Like 1
  6. When West Coast were 20 ponts up I thought that the Swans were gone. All I can say what a great result for the Swans. Sorry Old Croc

    Just turned on the PC to get the result.

    I pretty much knew what was going to happen and couldn't bring myself to follow it live.

    Sydney are getting stronger as the season goes on and are my tip for the flag. To play Hawks in GF.

    Eagles have lost too many goal kickers throughout the season to maintain momentum near the top.

    I think that West Coast could be there if they can get there injured players back. When West Coast were 20 up I nearly turned the radio broadcast off.

    Interesting stat is that West Coast had won 18 games straight at home. The last time they lost was to Swans in round 3 last year. I would have liked to have seen the game though. West Coast play Adelaide next week. Swans play St Kilda.

  7. It does depend on the bank and the person you deal with. I opened an account with SCB with only a passport in 2008. I only had a 30 day exception stamp.This was in Phuket. My Thai girlfiend in 2010 tried to open an account at the same branch and the bank said no. I could not understand why. Moved north and still on 30 day exception opened a new SCB account after closing the old one. if you search the internet they say you need work permits or letters from your embassy. Use the advice from previous posts and shop around.

  8. Must be really scary at 36,000ft hearing and seeing an AK-47 shred load of bullets coming up in the distant background, as you have flown past faster than they can get to altitude, that being that they don't even have accurate capacity beyond 800ft, or there abouts.

    It would take a magician to plot the wind speed, angle of fire, exact timing and aircraft speed at 36,000 ft to hit a passenger airplane.

    However, the article doesn't mention what was fired.

    My guess is that it was some yaba induced farmer, who got some land taken off his family by the Thais in the 15th century, who shot his home made monkey dart thinking Her Harmonica Mouth Majestic Unluck was aboard the plane, poor sod.

    Hope he had a great night seeing himself on his little wound up portable TV making the news though! wink.png


    if the plane was circling to land then it probably was not at 36 thousand feet. And if it was anti aircraft guns firing then it could have been bad. Of course all ifs.

    sent from my Wellcom A90+

    If you read the intial report it could not land at Siem reap due to bad weather. It then had to circle to wait Most holding paterns are not near the destination. It was not coming into land.

  9. There is a major school band competition happening next month in Bangkok. My stepdaughter is in a band in Phayao. They are attending this event. She now has practice until 1900 each week night. Today they performed at a hospital then more practice.I dropped her at the school at 0615 and she finished at 1750. I know that it can be a pain in the rear end but it will be only for a short time.


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