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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. Well, time for an update. I'm back a few weeks now and figure I'd pass on a happy ending. Just when I thought everything was gonna go to hell, the landlord interceded with the water company and got them to not pull the meter. She figured it was probably her pipes causing the problem and had a repairman come out n replace them the week before I arrived. She also paid the bill and then had the water turned back on. So... she ate the 9K bill on her own and didn't make a stink about it. She is part of a bigger Thai family that own a few properties and own a well-known company in town. It's not like they wouldn't have been able to afford the payment, and not like the pipes to a building they own were their responsibility, but I know she could have chosen otherwise. I have a feeling that the initial shock at the bill had her worried about dealing with the whole accounting of the thing, but fortunately, she's a good lady and she's in my corner. I have thanked her profusely.

    As I type this, it's kind of funny to have to thank someon for taking care of what they should take care of anyway, but given the country we're in and how easy it is to create a boondoggle, I am thankful. This is the good side of TIT.

    This is great news. It is good that your landlord is a caring person and prepared to help.

    • Like 1
  2. Thanks

    I took the original info from here:


    which is apparently the English part of the website - but - err - in Thai. rolleyes.gif

    4. คนต่างด้าวสามารถแจ้งที่พักอาศัยได้ ก่อนหรือหลัง 7 วัน นับจากวันครบกําหนด หากเกินกําหนดนัด หรือเกินกําหนดที่จะต้อง แจ้งคนต่างด้าวต้องมารายงานตัวด้วยตนเองเพื่อดําเนินการเปรียบเทียบปรับ

    - here, there is only a mention of a 7 day before and after window (according to the wife).

    hence my being slightly (well - very!) confused.

    Cheers biggrin.png


    Very old information. Look at the date Written by Administrator Sunday, 13 November 2011 09:23

  3. It does not reset - it starts the first count as you do not report unless you extend your stay.

    OK thanks. Also (again, just out of curiosity), what's the reasoning behind leaving and re-entering the country starting the clock again? And, to be clear, I know it's because that's the rule set by immigration, my question is why is this the rule - if anyone knows...???

    The Immigration department have made this a part of their legislation. To find out what there reasoning is they would have to explain.

  4. This farang drives a variety of vehicles and rides a variety of bikes. He thinks that he has assimilated and has to be a Thai

  5. Have you imported goods into Australia before?

    I have been trading goods for a couple of decades now around the world and many years ago I was in the diplomatic corp ad trade advisor for overseas businesses wanting to trade with Australia.

    But in this case, the client is handling all and is only after a FOB price.

    I hope your client is aware of the importing requirements of Australia

  6. This is on their website in FAQ

    . Question : What is the punishment in case of late/not notifying of residence every 90 days ?

    Answer : -In case notifying in person, the alien will be punished with a fine of 2,000 Bath.

    - In case of being arrested for not notifying on the due date, the fine is 4,000 Bath and with an additional fine of 200 Bath for each day which passes until the law is complied with.


  7. The cargo vessels that take passengers usually have a maximun 6 to 10 cabins. Depending on the line. Also cargo ships do not have stabalisers like cruise ships do. it could get a little rough. Check out cruise lines as well.

    I was wondering if there was a place to go for all that information.

    shot had a good sight.

    No he is not a big guy wearing a lot of gold and I now realize the title could have been some thing like looking for cargo ships to sail on West coast USA to Thailand. and time does not matter.

    This link http://wikitravel.org/en/Freighter_travel give a very broad outline. However down the bottom of the page it give a list of travel agents who specialise in freighter travel. You can check out each site using the links.

    • Like 1
  8. The cargo vessels that take passengers usually have a maximun 6 to 10 cabins. Depending on the line. Also cargo ships do not have stabalisers like cruise ships do. it could get a little rough. Check out cruise lines as well.

  9. I'm not sure about other Asian countries but I find Thais a very inconsiderate race when it comes to respecting other people when it comes to noise. I lived and worked in Thailand for an Ex Pat company for 5 years and we had constant problems with noisy neighbours and their pets making noise at all hours

    Not only Thailand. Where I lived in Australia the barking dogs were unbelievable. Noisy neighbous because of government housing was very common. I have found that the poultry noise is more acceptable then what I put up with in Australia. I live in a village.

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