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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. HeavyDrinker,

    Great post! You gotta admit, though, that it IS often terrifying to have to work with Thais to solve something. Not many things scarier (excepting for physical assault/injury).

    However, let me just add

    Not everyone aims in their lives to be happy or have fun or go out to bars or to have an interesting life. Some are perfectly content sitting at home with beer, reading, watching TV, looking out of the window, etc. I almost never go out, and I love it that way. I had plenty of fun as a younger man, so I am into different things now. Higher order stuff.

    As you previously stated You profit here. There is a word I would use but it may be interpreted as trolling

  2. I understand what the OP is trying to say, and yes, it IS a common fault with Thais that probably has something to do with Buddhist way of thinking. But, not taking responsibility for your own actions is a world wide problem, and more associated with poorly educated people. Of course, I also see it happen with the very wealthy as well. The very wealthy feel they can do anything they want to anyone they want with no repercussions. A typical example of that is the whole oil industry.

    It is nice to see the OP trying to train his children to be responsible for their own actions. Good child rearing is the most important thing anyone can do in their entire life. It will affect the children's entire lives and everyone they come in contact with.

    Thai children are taught that anything a superor says is the gospel truth. Unfortunately, what a superior says is not always the truth and there in lies the problem. By contrast, North Americans question all authority and that can also cause problems. There needs to be a balance.

    When I'm in Thailand I am constantly amazed how many Thais accept their actions as being some sort of Buddhist fate that they have no responsibility for.

    I totally agree with what you have stated except for the last paragraph.

  3. In the news item on the ABC (see post 102) the following was stated.

    "Military spokesmen from both sides say Cambodian troops stationed at the border thought the jet was a spy plane and fired shots from a machine gun to warn it off.

    The jet was unaffected as it was flying too high to be hit.

    However Bangkok Airways says none of its planes were fired upon."

  4. I cannot say i hate Thai food, but pinch my nose and walk away sometimes is a must..I would sleep in the sofa though, a lady is a lady smile.png

    Do not forget that some western food smell to Thais. I do not sleep on the sofa. I have a spare bedroom.

  5. Sorry to tell you but l asked the mrs and she says, from your spelling, it's curry made with fish shit. bah.gif She says most cannot eat it cos it smells awful. sad.png

    Can't disagree with this. In the morning, I'll ask her how comfy the sofa was. laugh.png

    Who will be sleeping on the sofa?

  6. The whole (western) world is mired in debt (and now asia loading up at speed on debt) and people's beliefs and values are based on what has always happened before. We determine good or bad value based on what we thought we paid or received before. Maybe this time will be a little different. The world is in a structural mess. Western consumers are tapped out and the "consumption" was all based on a 40 year plastic et al credit boom which has now ended or in the last stages of its life which allowed people to buy things they never had the money for today (and not tomorrow). Asia has exported many of these magical things we consume. Maybe 10-35% (perhaps a lot more) of the cake will be gone (likely forever). Not sure of the Christmas tree consumption but we won't be using as many going forward that is for sure. Throw in massive demographic changes and structural changes that have resulted from globalization and the challenges ahead will be many. Someone that used to earn commission selling a TV set or stereo now works (if lucky) packing it for despatch on $7-10 an hour if in the states. Whilst Thailand produces.. this time around one suspects that credit inspired binges here encouraging people to take on debt for the purchase of cars/houses and condominiums will once again end badly. Considerably worse than government projections (look at Brazil.. estimated 26% default rate on credit cards.. a little scary if true). The world does not stop and yes many thousands and millions want what many have had but few of these have the capacity (and one would argue stupidity). However, perhaps a reality check is required. Can tourist numbers possibly be the same? Can expenditure be the same? Can exports remain the same and continue growing? All perhaps are based on this broken model and as economists are discovering world over (Australian economists just discovered a 28k plus job loss whilst those same people expected flat employment figures) that things will be different. Don't believe the authorities lies... educate yourself on what is happening and why? Few predicted what happened in 2007/8 and if they did not then take their word with a pinch of salt. Governments and the power brokers will manipulate things in their favour at the expense of the you and me of this world. Whilst the USD serves as the world's reserve currency - it's obligations and liabilities are likely to sink it and a few others like a stone. Whilst things will be volatile and perhaps the dollar is likely to surge one more time we are looking a the end game of a fiat monetary system where people believe bits of paper can be traded for goods. Thailand thinks it will have 15% growth.. only a deluded blind mullet could believe that. Enough overpriced apartments in Thailand for the next 15-20 years and likely enough shopping centre space for each and every thai to open a shop and are you sure the tourists/spinners will keep coming in the same volume to get ripped off. Work out what people really need and these are the sectors where money will be made.. many others may not be there in the years to come. One suspects that 15% growth will be a dream and likewise the party days in the EU, Australia and the states are well and truly over. A long rant beer assisted of course....

    Sorry, can't read your tiny script. sad.png

    Very true. Please check font before posting.

  7. "Ive been here nearly 2 months now, I entered Thailand on 16 May 2012, the entry stamp in my passport says admitted until 14 July 2012.

    I am planning to travel to Penang, Malaysia for a break of 4 or 5 days, travelling on the sleeper train on 13 July. This crosses the Thailand border early morning on the 14th."

    He is permitted to stay until 14 July 2012. Does this mean he has to depart before the 14th? He will not have his passport stamped until he reaches the border. The stamped date will be 14th. Will this effect his visa if he is classed as overstayed?

  8. CARLSBERG Ugggggghhh, crap IMO, only worse lager if you can call it that was Castlemaine 4 xxxx, the aussies only called it 4 xxxx because they couldn't spell pis*

    Fourex 4XXXX is also know as "barbed wire"

  9. I found this on their website about 90 day reporting in Their Q & A http://bangkok.immig...se.php?page=faq

    I was unaware the part about the arrest by police

    4. Question : What is the punishment in case of late/not notifying of residence every 90 days ?

    Answer : -In case notifying in person, the alien will be punished with a fine of 2,000 Bath.

    - In case of being arrested for not notifying on the due date, the fine is 4,000 Bath and with an additional fine of 200 Bath for each day which passes until the law is complied with.

    I realise why this may be hard to enforce but it is on their website.


    I have posted this on the other current 90 day reporting thread

  10. I notice I just have a lot of spelling mistakes. Thats what happens when you try and type too fast smile.png

    Thats why I read 3 times before posting. Sorry maybe 2 but I still find I have to edit. Do not worry everyone does understand what posters are saying. Most of the time.

    Back to topic. Today i drove from Phayao to Chiang Rai and returned. On the return trip I was followed by a new ford ranger. No number plate (this is very common for new cars up to many months) Why i thought It was very new was the palstic still on the headrest of the back seats after I was over taken. It appeared that this was being deiven form one dealership to another. The way the vehicle was driven It could only have future problems. I hope this was not similar to yours

  11. Thailand is not listed on this 'Tipping Etiquette Around the World' chart. But, be aware that many Thai business owners keep some or all of the tips left by their well-meaning customers.

    Not all. When I was visiting Phuket very reguarly. The bar where I drank would split the tips amoung the staff. When the day shift ended the girls would count the money and split it amoungst the girls who were working that shift. The only exception was if a girl was more then 20 minutes late then she was not in the split. The bar was owned by a Thai national.

  12. The last country the OP's may have lived is Australia

    The origin of the practice may be traced back to 18th Century English pubs when tipping was considered an essential incentive for better service. I tip in the UK where service charge is not added and the service is good. The same applies in Thailand, but thats one of the many things I love about Australia, a non tipping country.

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/563001-tipping-in-phuket/page__hl__%20tipping%20%20service%20%20charge This is the last thread re tipping

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