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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. Check this one out http://www.thaivisa....question-again/ Young one versus oldies with a few trolls thrown in.

    Its too tempting to post on threads like that, and then I keep getting drawn back; its like a road accident, or a nasty toothache...

    RIBB: Ye're dedrightthair, Cowboy. Thatkindaethread is a swampof spleenious vitriol. Ah'm glad Islam has taught me tae let others dam_n themsels, instedaime daein' it. Its enufffirmetaecondemnmasel' tae perdition wi'out condemnin' ma fella-man.

    D'ye want anaur Guiness?

    SC: Aye, cheers, Imam


    Probably a migrane

    • Like 1
  2. okay curry it is... for now... !!!!!

    No no,lately, curry threads always get blocked for some reason 40.gif

    Disagree. Most curries have a great follow through. No blockages.

  3. Vegemite is available in Rimping supermarkets. Due to Australia's burgeoning free trade deal with Thailand it is 190 Baht whereas Marmite is 379 baht for a similar sized jar. And we all know which one is best don't we!!

    Vegemite eaters certainly do

    In Chiang Rai TOPS the price was 160 Baht this month. In June I bought it for 144 Baht on special in TOPS in Bangkok. I bought a 220 jar.

  4. I live north east of Chiang Mai near the city of Phayao. This year i did not notice the smoke until late February to April. I hope you enjoy your stay Thailand. Welcome to this forum. After you finish your holiday please post your thoughts of Thailand

  5. Why kids in business ? Should be banned. Kids should be put in a capsule then opened on arrival. thumbsup.gif

    I love making my kids scream in biz class......I sometimes pinch them to help em along

    Then l must assume your credit card is bursting from your booking and you envey the rest in bizz with cash. laugh.png

    Flew first class Sydney to Bangkok for A$141.00 and 90,000 points. No bursting credit card.

  6. As long as both parties are happy, what business is it of anyone's whether the relationship is doomed or if it is the best thing that has happened to either or both parties? Whether it be the eventual emptying and dumping of the ATM or being unable to provide for a family started too late in life, it is absolutely nobody else's business if there's 10 years or 50 years age difference. Most of those worried about these relationships with their faux concern for the elderly and incompetent being swindled out of their life savings are totally disingenuous IMHO. They comment primarily on how wrong it looks in their eyes; the stereotypical fat, bald, Singha singlet, Chang swilling farang and the splay-toed, flat-nosed, brown skinned, tattooed Isaan mattress thrasher walking down MY street, moving in next door to MY paradise, shopping in MY favourite mall or eating in MY favourite restaurant. Tough!

    True enough to be slightly humurous smile.png

    Of course there is always the well used cop out..........the old boys just need to acknowledge they are in an 'open' relationship and that makes everything fine and dandy

    Acknowledge for who's benefit though? Even if they are in total denial and truly believe that their partner is different or already feel that they are in the handbasket, it's still really nobody else's business is it?

    As a sop to those who feel forced to gaze upon the physical ugliness and politically incorrectness of such unions in public, I suggest a line of singlets that say in English (or their native tongue) and Thai, "I already KNOW that she only wants my money.... now <deleted> off thanks!"

    A very good line for Tshirt. I love it.

  7. If her mum is asking for money via western union, that is very weird imo. Although maybe she's living really rural, and there's no banks/ATMs close, but maybe a western union/postshop.

    However, the transaction cost of sending money via western union, would likely be quite high compared to sending from a bank account

    Since she'd likely be earning a very minimal amount at family mart (maybe 8000 a month), and then having to pay for her cost of living (Which would be significantly higher than if she was in her village in Isaan), she wouldn't have very much to send home to mum, and so with a high transaction cost it really wouldn't be worth sending small amounts.

    Especially if her mum is, as you said, asking frequently (assuming she's sending money each time), since she's only getting paid monthly, her mum could only really ask once a month.

    Thus, for her to be regularly sending money back to her mum, she'd need to be getting an additional income from somewhere. Maybe try asking her if she has a second job, and if she brings up sending money to her mum, ask how much she's sending, and how much the transaction costs are. I would find it hard to believe she was able to send more than 2,000 a month.

    Also if she can speak English, she could have picked it up from school. There are some kids, even very poor kids, who can speak excellent English. If that's the case, she might have moved to Pattaya so that she could practice is more (and maybe meet a farang husband).

    The real test to see if she's a bar girl or a real Isaan girl, is to see how conservative she is. Isaan is really conservative, and although she's away from the countryside, she likely will still have a lot of the conservativeness ingrained in her. If she seems like a bit of a tramp, then watch out.

    Thanks for the additional replies. Im finding this topic more interesting and the comments above ''see how conservative she is'' ... After my first date with her we walked past my hotel and I asked her if she wanted to stay the night. She made excuses and would not stay with me. Its the first time in thailand in 9 months of being here that a thai girl has knocked me back. So maybe she is conservative.

    Im trying to give her the benefit of the doubt as she is a nice girl and Im a good guy!

    Mate sorry to rain on your parade, but conservative girls do not go out with tourists(alone, without friends), especially the ones who approach her at work smile.png

    I agree that the traditional Thai women does not but in the tourist areas where all there friends are with farang there traditions disappear.

    Edit: It is still a troll

  8. Why would someone from Isaan move to Pattaya to work at a Family Mart?

    Because there is no work in the village ?

    aren't any Family marts closer to her village than Pattaya?

    If she was a bar girl and gave it up to work in a Family mart, should not be a negative but a positive.

    Any way this Op is loaded with tasty morsels for as to chew on, especially the part where the mother calls and ask for money

    via western union all the time.

    Me thinks this is a Troll post, what you think?

    I agree. The Weston Union transfer I think is the giveaway. Most Thais use ATM transfers. The OP did resond once. I think they are learning from previous threads Trolling.

  9. Insurance companies are reviewing their cover ... we looked at changing but the new company didn't cover earthquake so we stayed as we were. Two companies come to mind AIG ...which I think is now Chartis and AIS. I found that earthquake cover could be got at an increased price ,,, so read the small print very carefully.

    SCB have declined to renew our builings insurance in Bangkok. They quoted that they have moved out of that market following the floods (not that our house was affected). Any recommendations?

    Also does anyone know of am insurance company that will cover a wooden house upcountry? One of those small teak pre-assembled jobs.


    I eventually got mine through Tesco Lotus. They use Chartis. I noticed that they would insure a wooden house but the premium was about 2.5 times what the concrete houses were.

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