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Posts posted by ripstanley

  1. 35 minutes ago, sceadugenga said:

    I stopped for coffee at the hot springs and then went on about 5kms. The police had a road block and told me to go around via Lampang. Some one suggested there was another shorter option but I’m not familiar with the area.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    If you had gone back on 118 and then turned onto 120 heading for Phayao there is a road off 120 with a sign for Lampang. Its about 12 kms after you turn onto 120. I have never been on that road but travel 120 every few months.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, sceadugenga said:

    I got caught yesterday, missed the detour sign at the Phayao turn off and the police turned me back in the mountains. 200km detour via Lampang.
    Will go home via Fang.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

    Where did they turn you around? I hope it was before the washouts.


    The step daughter was booked on a bus yesterday from Phayao to Chiang Mai. She was returning to Uni.

    The bus company contacted her on Saturday. She had to go via Lampang. She still left at the same time. The bus company did not charge any extra. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, sceadugenga said:

    Was the offending car still in gear?

    Sometimes you can push it out of the way. (Or get the Mrs to do it).

    The main offending vehicle still had the driver so security asked him to move. The other one I could push. I was just about to get in the car and drive out when another vehicle parked in front of me. He coped my wrath. The tuk tuk drivers  on the main road were amused

    • Like 2
  4. We were in Central again yesterday. We actually arrived at about 1040 and found a park out the front of Tops. They have about 6 to 8 parking bays with a security guard which are marked for Tops Shoppers. If you can convince him you are going to Tops he will let you park. Lucky the wife was with me. 

    Only downside when we came out we were parked in. My pet hate are people who are too lazy to find other parks and just park in front of your vehicle.  Very common at Central. We were only inside for 30 minutes.  When we were driving out there were still many parking spots vacant. 

    • Like 2
  5. 1 hour ago, JWRC said:

    Poster Jame trim


    You ask what do you do for 2 years in Australia with no ties, live under a bridge.


    Well it is a difficult situation and one I completed last year at the age of 67. I didn't want to rent a place and be stuck in the cold in winter, or maybe have to furnish it and buy a whole heap of things I didn't want. Add to that I have no friends there,  So I did what most Aussies do in retirement I followed the sun, it was a rather modest way of doing it however, no flash Winnibago or Caravan, I purchased an old mini van, bought a few things on gumtree, like a stretcher bed, esky and the like and headed for the North (from Perth). Basically I was a retired Gypsy for 2 years. Not the easiest way at my age to live, however I did it, it was tough on occassions especially when rushed to Hospital with Bi Lateral Pulmonary embollism, and during that finding I also had quite a serious heart problem, a few other nasties along the way, but we do what we must. You are allowed out on holidays, during which time you don't get the pension if you are out more than 90 days, you have to start again.


    I free camped a few days at a time and then would treat myself to a couple of nights in a caravan park, which I might add are very expensive now. I chose to do it this way and in some ways it was great, I got to see all the places I had been to in my working days, it was like opening the pages of a well read book and for the most part the travelling was great, met some really good people on the road. I also picked up some cash work here and there, nothing too difficult and it kept me going.


    It was scary getting sick and being on my own, it was even more scary at some of the free stops, but that's because I am a woman and I guess I worry more than blokes, who are better able to care for themselves.

    Whatever you do, look for the positives. Good Luck

    Well done JWRC. 


  6. Well done Will. It has been very quiet this week.

    Not even an update on the Fantasy side


    I have noticed that Chook has not even submitted his tips for the last 2 rounds. Must be too busy in the new occupation.


    The Swans have really shot themselves in the foot after leading by 31 points at quarter time and losing by 24. Well done GC and the coach Stuart Dew. Always good to get a win over the old boss

    • Like 2
  7. Parking at Central today was pathetic. We arrived at 1015 to go to Tops which opens at 1000. The front entrance into the car park was still closed with security guards telling to move along. I got inside but all parking was closed off with security everywhere. We went and had something to eat driving out what I call the back entrance. There were many car parked there in the open.

    We returned at 1100 and turned off Phahalyothin Rd into the entrance of Central. We sat there for 8 minutes before we could proceed. It looked like the staff that had been made park in the open were trying to move their cars to underground. Eventually I got a park underground because i could not go any where else. We left at 1230 and someone was trying to park us in. Not impressed with Central attitude to early customers.

    Central parking Chiang Rai has a huge thumb down.  


  8. On 7/11/2018 at 11:39 AM, sfokevin said:

    My bank (Bangkok Bank) only seems to keep 6 months balance records... I usually get this printout certified from the bank and have it with me when do my extension and have my US Consul letter of income...


    Agree the last few years my agent looks at the bank statement but does not take it to submit to immigration...


    My question is a 6 months certified bank record showing regular monthly transfers in sufficient or do they require a full year?... If so how does one get a full year when the bank only keeps the last 6 months on file?


    The bank book seems unless for me as I never use it and when asked to have it updated the update seems to only add one or two previous entries and the present balance...

    Last year I required a print out of my yearly bank statements. My bank is Bangkok Bank in Phayao. They told me  at the bank they could only do 6 months. I told them I needed 12 months. They said that they would have to get it from head office and there would be a charge of 300 baht. I filled out a form, paid the money, received a receipt and I had the report in 5 days.


  9. 10 hours ago, AlexRRR said:

    Fj has dropped the ball...thought he'd want to get on and bragg top score by a country mile this weekend in Fantasy..


    Fj 2385 cleans up Rip 1860


    Numnuts the child of Chooks 762 took it up to the Manger 1848


    And in a nice change Delightfull Dees 2138 defeats GrannysApples 1908.....its getting towards the end of the season and Number 1 is a poisoned chalice not that im trying to put  you off here Grant but no one from TV who finished top ever won the flag....




    1 Grant 11-3

    2 Fj        11-3 and breathing down Grants neck....

    3 Me a comfortable 2 games behind the leaders 9-5

    4 Chook the manger 7-7 

    5 Rip 4-10

    6 NN 0-14


    5 rounds to go includes finals...dont ask me when they start but it must be soon...this could be the last week so its fine tune and time to spend your spare cash...


    Fj vs Chook.....

    Rip vs Grant

    NN vs DD...


    and its sim city salsa bin laden....


    The finals are round 22 and 23. Only 4 will go through. 

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Thechook said:

    Hey guys, been out of the loop for a few months, career change.  Alex, you can stop with the officer dibbles, keep the badge but done and dusted, finished with the thankless crap.  Been doing understudy for liquor sales and just taken over as manager at the Albion Charles hotel in Northcote.  


    Policing is still a Steele family thing with brothers still in the job.





    Congratulation on your retirement and new job.

    How long before you return to the LOS?

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