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Everything posted by h90

  1. When did you arrive in Thailand? That all was much worse under Thaksin (second term, the first one was OK), previous when the same group lead the 1997 crises, than with Samak, than the rice scam.... That was all way worse than Prayuth....Prayuth was in no way historic..... "that there were few laws he did not break." of the thousands of laws he broke them almost all?? What is wrong with you all? Exaggerating till it is just only embarrassing. Prayuth was just the average Thai politician.....did nothing good or bad and get heavily criticized from the Nationalists for it.....
  2. I read that: https://prachataienglish.com/node/5477 A political activist got arrest for 2 days and than released, direct after the coup.....That is hardly running attitude adjustment camps That is not correct but that is also not running attitude adjustment camps. A troublemaker get questioned and getting free again...no torture, just asking to not causing troubles, which he still does and there are no consequences. If Prayut would be as you tell he would be in jail or murdered like it happens in countries where are dictators
  3. yes agree....no important reforms but also no nightmare a 9 years of nothing. Politically I am happy with nothing...no red shirts shooting no yellow shirts blocking the airports full with tourists....just boring 9 years of nothing.
  4. Don't be a drama queen.... Live Ammunition? Do you mean the red shirts? Who killed solders first? Ripped up the constitution that no one voted for and replaced it with one that had a public referendum: Where you come from, did you have a chance to vote for or against your constitution? Ramped up censorship? Like boasting about hiring 10.000 people to censor internet? Ah no that was the party that he ousted.... attitude adjustment camps????? Do you missing some neighbors? That is simply not true. I am not saying that all is good and fine, but there were elections 2019 and Prajuth won the popular vote than, had the majority in his coalition in the elected MPs. Thaksin acted a lot more dictatorial and no one complained. I don't like Prayuth much but he was nothing more than another average Thai politician. I a few years when I can't remember things so well I may confuse him with Samak....not too much differences...
  5. And if it would be out of warranty and the battery is broken? Enough reports from people where Tesla wants $20K for a new battery. Some companies can repair the old batteries but the new one are full with glue and can't.
  6. What was the nightmare the last 9 years? Beside the Covid nonsense I say very calm, peaceful 9 years.
  7. Where do you take from that millions want Prayuth punished? I often voted in my country a other party than in power but never wanted the current party punished. And normally in a democracy we don't punish politicians who didn't brake the law (unfortunately we don't even punish these who do brake the law). If Prayuth broke the law, everyone can go to court about it.
  8. We went back to cash....on the end of the month every staff get an envelope with the cash inside. Basically on the end of the month we empty the company bank account and than pay the expenses the best possible in cash or go with the cash to the bank and pay in. A little bit more work but as more people use cash as harder it gets to change to a pure cashless society.
  9. In 18hundredsomething was a real bad solar storm that took out some of the electric they had then in USA. Imagine we have that now. They might be able to restore some electric in a couple of days but than it needs time to restore the internet and all the time you have no payments. While with cash the supermarkets could do it local somehow
  10. True...hopefully he doesn't forget a laptop at some repair shop.....the nazi oppositions seem to make a big things out of such.
  11. He did...he claimed they are not his, he only taking care of them....
  12. He transferred them after claiming that they aren't his on the beginning? Keep the lies more straight.
  13. No from the beginning of the mainstream cars (beside some first prototypes that were toys for the super rich) you could fix them yourself..... Tesla is already mainstream and they make the batteries on purpose not serviceable. Like Mercedes would weld their engine together instead of screwing it together. Of course that may change with other brands entering. I am not against electric cars, they need a few more years and may be the dominant cars than. Or not if they don't get the batteries cheaper.
  14. I once posted that they should look to Thailand where the counting itself is bulletproof...I can only hope that old posting is forgotten
  15. No things like that happen all over Europe...I remember Berlin, in Austria and wasn't there big troubles in USA as well with still lawsuits from the last election?
  16. Maybe his wife would do worse to him when she see him with the knife from another woman in his leg
  17. A would say everyone who didn't got stabbed by the girlfriend is in some things superior...as that doesn't happen per accident.
  18. I always thought the American gun laws are great...but with that knife attack I am getting doubts if it would be a good idea when in Thailand the girls go around with guns in the handbags....when they get their jealous moments......AR15 at least they could not hide it in the handbag.
  19. Sure does.....But the left wing not only steal for themself, they also hand out money for the poor which is even worse economically.
  20. Did you read it? they are afraid of ultra-left wing....as every business should be. No business has a problem with a right wing army government. The left wing is stealing the money.
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