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Everything posted by h90

  1. If the numbers don't match, what do you want to do? ignoring it because your guy won?
  2. It would be in the spirit of the law to ban him, but not the complete MF. And just ban him for a short time, like 6month
  3. US is not against coups...they supported several ones. They only worry about coups where they loose influence.
  4. They hated Prayut as he tried to balance China/USA keep as neutral as possible.
  5. They have a time frame, if I remember right it is 60 days and they can use it. Better they use it and make it correct than they change things 3 month later and as it seems there are a lot problems/violations again
  6. Yes it is always the same 30 years away since the 1960s
  7. Yes, Fusion generates only heat that is used to boil water and run a generator exactly the same way as coal powered electric generation. So you need a very large heat exchanger to bring the heat into the water and heat it to a 500 Celsius while all the fusion chambers are all very small and around that heat exchanger are super strong superconductor magnets that must be cooled far below the boiling point of liquid nitrogen. So even if all technical problems are fixed the technical solution is super expensive and can't be used for commercial mass production of electric. If we find superconducter that tolerate higher temperatures or find a solution without strong magnetic fields than it might get cheap enough but not with the current approach.
  8. That is in international areas and maybe on country side ....I am on the edge of Bangkok in the Farang free zone, but still city...here it is like 90% for the Thais (no farangs). Interesting is also there is The Mall Bang Ke and Seacon very close to each other and Seacon there is much less masking than in the Mall. (Sample size 1....time has also changed so it could be a time of the day effect and not location). Also on the market I saw the lower people who sell the fruits have maybe 50% the masks and the good nice people who are buying there like 95%. I wear it only in Taxi or Pharmacy as I don't want to scare other people.
  9. The same could be said for the average American, German, French etc
  10. I am pretty sure that the majority of Thai people does not want any violence or fight. And I think both elites and military doesn't want that either.
  11. Yes first term of Thaksin was good. Thailand for sure does better than Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia the direct neighbors. I don't know Vietnam enough to judge them. But yes he could have done much better.....complete lost opportunity in the first years of dictatorship he could have used that for reforms...and there are bureaucratic things that are so obvious that everyone could have done it.
  12. You forgot the 2019 elections where the party got the majority of the popular vote.....so the PM was complete rightful elected and had also a majority in the lower house without senators. I doubt that he has any control about them...but he knows them and is respected so he has for sure influence. I would bet that he is gone....Even if they would stick to power they would put in a new face. Prayuth is past...I would bet a bottle of Russian Standard Vodka on it.
  13. bread machine AND Oven... The usual day...just put everything in the machine and forget it...hint: you can put the inside part of the machine on a scale so nothing else need cleaning. When you have a lot time, you can let the bread making machine do the hard work, than take it out, put them in shape and make a normal shaped bread in the oven with still small amount of work.
  14. "The people need to call them and their children, siblings, and parents out at work, at school, at restaurants, and in public. Shame them into submission." The Children at school???? And than the others do the same to politician of MF (which was voted by only 28% of all Thais voters)....The best was to civil war....
  15. And with this cycle of coups and democracy Thailand did well in compare to all his neighbors
  16. The prime minister gets who the parliament vote for. It is common that the strongest party tries to form support,often a coalition first, than the second one. But anyone in parliament (I think in Thailand no outsider) can be prime minister. Often strong, but opposing parties agree to a PM from a small party as compromise. But it is all open to negotiations (which are usually dirty)
  17. The senators did not set Thailand back into the stone age the last 8 years. I am against any calls for violence!
  18. Who is unified. 71% of the population did not vote for MF. And from their voter I am sure the majority does not want civil war and can live well with a non controversial prime minister from PT.
  19. The current caretaker government is already history...they are as good as gone.
  20. No I think he insulted too many people already. There must be a less radical compromise
  21. Calling for violence and civil war is not helping anyone.....
  22. It is already a disaster, speaking about acts of war against Myanmar, aggressive against Cambodia, China and Russia....Economic is toast. On top of it Carbon fantasies. Electric prices are already hurting the competitiveness of producer. Talks of shutting down power plant makes it worse. And who isn't dead will have to pay higher taxes So either he makes a complete different politics than he talks....than his base will be upset or it will be an economic disaster, well worth the hammer and sickle he shows. Time for some grown up...PTP and Thaksin...at least they can do economic.
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