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Everything posted by h90

  1. De-this-military...They'll build their own professional military. De-monarchy. Centralize...left always centralize. Give money for the poor and tax the middle class till they die. And decarbonize which is deinustralize. That might not be their plan, but that is the way it will end....+ warmongering. Myanmar, Cambodia, China, Russia
  2. And handing out money to everyone and tax the rich...which is newspeak for destroy the middle class.
  3. I think they put someone other in...someone from PTP.. Or no government for a long time and re-election. Long time no government would be the best for the country
  4. ublock Origin get rid of it for Firefox and I think some other browser
  5. many people have many questions, but being ....... is not the business of the EC. And it is not illegal. The voter didn't notice it. But that is democracy.
  6. If it would be like that in the days the military drafted me, I would have identified as lesbian woman...May have needed some explaining to my girlfriend but why not.
  7. If I may identify as 12 year old girl I could finally win some competition ????
  8. Well many people are allergic to communism and the 2019 election they had an advertising in the style of Lenin. They are playing with the communist symbolism. I can (and do) find that ugly, but really no one can make a case out of it. Different than Germany with Nazis, Thailand has no harsh laws against commie symbols....The EC should have a look at it and than throw it into the trash bin....
  9. Wait till the election commission is finished than there will be a new parliament. I can well imagine that PTP can win over MF. Currently MF is doing everything to not get voted in. I am sure someone in Dubai enjoys it already.
  10. An article from 2018, before the Prayut government even got elected 2019......did you read the article? If this is all than we can be happy...last complain 5 years ago.....
  11. I think it will be too much for Thaksin and he'll form a government without MF. Thaksin doesn't want to get banned again because MF makes nonsense.
  12. That is so 1990....These days you get canceled, suspended, sued and fired if you think that person which looks like a male, smells like a male and has a penis is a male.... If only we had that when they drafted me to the army.....
  13. 67 sexes and that was 5 years ago....now we are sure above 100. It get very difficult to find the only 1 matching if you want to procreate out of the 100....
  14. What is your argument? MF won 150 of 500 MPs...350 are with other parties and that might be a bit less if there is a new election.
  15. Hammer presents the working class and sickle the farmer.....As much as I don't like the party, I don't see a problem with this.
  16. Most people want to have a good life, don't want to stay in jail for having a bit weed in the pocket and don't care much what corrupt politician stealing their money as long as it is not too much. Not different than in China....if you get 10% more every year you are happy....if you are stagnant or get less every year you want to change...and that happened with Prayuth....But people don't want civil war....or no military when there are the next floods.
  17. To correct the details: overthrowing an expired (and therefor not legal) caretaker government, that just had broken elections and so preventing a civil war. There was no democratic elected government anymore. Poor Economic performance: I agree 100%. Specially the first 4 years as dictator would have been a huge chance for reforms that you couldn't do normally. He complete failed. I agree on that. But that doesn't make it a nightmare. Covid: yes a mismanagement, whatever the opinions on Covid and vaccine it could have been done better. He did fear mongering, but not buying the western vaccine. That is not understandable. But in international comparison he avoided the polarization / massive split in society and anger and did not treat to shoot people (Like in the Philippines). Would give him a 3 out of 10 points on it....Not good but not a nightmare. FDI....yes... That makes him the average politician...neither a hero nor a villain. And with the red/yellow/Abhisit/Yingluck/Samak/Floods/RiceScam I am satisfied with average inefficient boring....Instead of missed opportunities you could have like 1.5 Meter water in the house while the government loosed a second year of rice harvest.... Instead of Prayuth I would prefer the first term (not the second) of Thaksin. Or the Dems government before. But I take Prayuth over Abhisit, Yingluck and Samak or Pita
  18. Not "the people" Most people did not vote for him. He is just the strongest party who needs coalition partner. And many would not vote for him again (The Marijuana for example are horrified). Strongest party is an important position but it is not "the people".
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