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Everything posted by h90

  1. I agree it would not need supplements. But if someone doesn't like eggs and meat, no problem adding some protein powder to their food. Not needed but makes it easier.... I eat relative low carb (not keto) and like eggs and meat so automatically I have enough....But there are some odd days, when I trained hard and someone sent me fresh fruits, than I drink an protein shake....Wouldn't be a problem to have a day with too less protein but having enough may help with recovery. When ridding a lot bicycle (around 100km/day) in the heat in Thailand it might be needed to add minerals. But not many people do that
  2. Quote: "Now, imagine a business intern leapfrogging everyone to become the head of a big company after just four years, having to chair executive meetings joined by people much older and making decisions that affect a countless number of people. That intern will try to overcome criticism about “inexperience” and prove that what won it the May 14 election _ fresh ideas _ matter much more." In a company never ever someone without any experience is chosen to become the head of a big company. Fresh ideas are nice but not what is needed to run a company. Sure I would have some fresh ideas for Sony, but I could not do the job of the CEO of Sony. Whoever wrote that article would surely not be chosen to be head of ThaiPBS...
  3. very small business but he was an extremely friendly, nice and helpful person.....
  4. I am as well. The recovery rate from alcohol is higher than from suicide.....But if there is a new lockdown soon it is too much for my liver
  5. I am a very strong critic of the vaccine and lockdows, but I do know a person that died of covid....A customer of my company
  6. If it is in Germany similar to Austria than the docs still make great money as they take only 12 seconds per patient (I exaggerate, but often the system is complete overloaded and no one has time).
  7. It is said that elderly people often don't eat enough protein...they like it less and the body can't process it good enough. No idea if it is true or false...I have it from youtube
  8. Thailand will go full digital money so no need for ATMs anymore. They'll slowly disappear. Since years Thailand is working on the central bank digital money.
  9. at full salary....or something both sides agree (which will be close to full salary)
  10. > 50 and not enough brakes the problems accumulate. I do like: Day 1: heavy and hard weight training Day 2: lite bicycle ride, 40-50 km Day 3: alternative up to how I feel: again hard weight training or heavy bicycle training or intervall Day 4 is than again the same as Day 2 or Day 1 Never the same hard thing twice a day and avoiding less than 48 hours brake. Fill the empty time with some training for the pump....bicycle, running.....
  11. No you can't fire a civil servant that has not doing something wrong...no way and military officers over a specific rank are even more protected. So you have to give them their salary till the are 60 or 65 and a job that is suitable for the rank.....or maybe you can send them home on full salary. In other countries have been made deals to offer them a job in the police force, or give them some golden handshake for early retirement. And you have as second problem, you can't stop promoting good younger people because you have too many sitting their already. The good one, will find a different job when they know they can't rise...so 20 years later you would have only idiots left.
  12. locked up 16 year old get suicidal, locked up 50 year old get alcoholics....
  13. Just in most countries people don't care anymore since every new mutation is more harmless than the previous one (so far)
  14. Working here since 20 years and every year the same theater at the immigration. Not only that it costs me money and time, it also costs Thailand
  15. how does prosperity come from government? The rural areas I know have good streets and internet....That is all that is needed and as far away the government busybody is away as better....so move everything to Bangkok and leave the working people alone
  16. The basically say: Much higher salaries. Spending money on social security like never before massive increase of taxes higher electric costs getting aggressive against the biggest trading partner China. social unrest...we know how it is when the airports are blocked No persons with experience But booze get cheaper Normally that should be all good news for investors, or?
  17. you must wait till they retire as you can't kick them out
  18. We have an house that is office and company together...no problem for immi
  19. no move yet...just talk...lets hope there is move but I doubt it
  20. I would say the normal food production regulations. Beer is rather less dangerous than other products (like cheese, sausage, etc) and problems can be sensed by the customer. Still there should be checks.
  21. Well, if I would die now, my wife would arrange that I get burned or fed to the soi dogs. But for the immigration I would than overstay. I understand that. But the guy who got Thai citizenship is funny....
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