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Everything posted by h90

  1. Sure there are many.....but big demonstrations without payment? Sure some people will demonstrate but not many.
  2. So lying is OK for you as long it is against your political opponent? I think that is total wrong. Praise Anutin where he did right (Weed, Kratom) and criticize him where he wrong...and there is enough
  3. My body my choice .... and not the business of the government. No matter if it is the food, vaccines or narcotics...and also when the personal choices are very wrong....still up to the owner of the body and not Chuvit or Anutin or Prayut or Biden or whoever...
  4. my evidence is, I was there and saw the burned houses and everything still smell like burned things.....The evidence were my own eyes. But I am sure you can google and find photos of it. The fires are hardly a conspiration theory and if I remember right the owner even got some money. (And I am not a fan of Abhisit and I don't think the handling of it was good)
  5. easy to remember the dates.... is it worth it?
  6. yes no one want that progressive US style politics.... That makes the old dinosaurs the better option.....Where are politicians that are neither old style nor "progressive" dogmatic ultra left, nor some old corrupt oligarchs?
  7. As it does not work anywhere they try.....Or actually it works, by the big companies moving to other countries and private people need to save electric like in 3rd world countries. Renewable are great additional to the conventional....Run the airconditions on the day with solar panels, great thing. But don't shut down the coal plants complete and find out that you don't have electric at 6PM when consumption is still high but production low
  8. you scare me.....I was at the red shirt place a week or two afterwards.....they burned down several buildings and it could have been a much worse fire.
  9. But there would be plenty of other things he could attack Anutin....
  10. If children don't go to school than the parents need to take care of them better, not Chuvit.
  11. What is wrong with him? Don't like Marijuana, just don't use it. We don't need Chuwit sitting on our shoulder and tell us how to live...Specially Chuwit with his past.
  12. yes one friend from China contacted me...they believed after watching it in the TV that Thailand is some narcotic hell with the people dying on the street from a ganja overdose. I had to explain it to her...if she understood is another question
  13. I don't know ashamed but I know several people, myself including who didn't bother to go somewhere or tell someone
  14. I am sure that is all a misunderstanding it was just a special blessing
  15. Than anyway your mobile phone is broken and all the bank apps are only on the mobile phone and you can't remember the details
  16. I read that they have 360.000 employees...maybe not all in Thailand. But you think they should be all fired and their junk food should be instead imported from China or USA? And as they are a major exporter it would also include some cuts in the social spending or higher VAT. I am not a fan of CP or other companies like them. But having them is better than not having them as they won't get replaced with something better.
  17. because there is no full functional government...only a caretaker. Else the government would hand out 1000 Baht bills the day before election.
  18. yes you can't have a ministery for truth which decide what is true and what not....yesterdays conspiration theories are true now....
  19. Actually many governments do, or the outsource it to private NGOs that do 100% what they are told to do. I don't know why it should be fascist only and not communist or any other authoritarian style.
  20. 300 is bad... When we built our house, several years ago in the South. The worker from Myanmar got paid 400 or 450 per day. Their wives were also hired (I think only 300 Baht per day), but they didn't work full. Some easy work and cooking. Maybe the South is better than Nord/Nordeast. Owner complained that he can't find people.... But I think even the 300 Baht is more than in Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos so Thailand is doing something better. Solution would be better education and that the populist don't offer as well. More salary only will only mean everything gets more expensive and unemployment.
  21. Coups hurt who, a few oligarchs only I can't see here any point that would hurt a regular Thai. How does it hurt a hard working Thai labor if some oligarch party got banned? Thailand was always famous for book banning. Internet censorship was worst under Thaksin and he was proud of it.....He was proud of hiring 10.000 people to find and ban webpages. I can't see any increase in corruption. Poverty yes because of Covid, but I doubt that any party would have handled it much different. People want to earn more money, want to have a car, house, aircondition and a future for their children. That did not improve, but also didn't go worse because of rice scam, self inflicted floods, massive government corruption, etc.. That government just ignored the normal people (beside Kratom, Marijuana liberalization which surprised me)
  22. It means they want a change...it does not mean that they suffered. Lets wait and see if the people really vote in the way the polls say. I don't need Thaksin part 3. But it is for the Thais to decide
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