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Everything posted by h90

  1. and not forget the other cases that are far worse
  2. What a waste of money....You can't beat addiction and narcotics with laws.
  3. I, wife, and one staff had covid like symptoms no one checked no one went to the hospital....not in any statistic.
  4. Agree...but to add: We always make a compromise on the safety.....We could have 0 car accident deaths if we limit the speed on highways to 40km/h. We accept some deaths for the comfort of faster traveling. The same we accept some deaths from infectious diseases for the comfort not hidding at home.
  5. There are clear election rules, if the Pheu Thai breaks it, it goes to the EC and than court. If they made everything correct than all is good. If they cheated than they are in troubles. Being disbanded and starting with a different name again is already bad.
  6. no there are plenty of countries where the society is worse....when there is hunger. No one in Thailand is seriously starving. Yes there are several that lost their live or limbs fighting for Democracy against Thaksin. We know a guy in Chumphon who lost his foot from a "military tear gas grenade" Sure he does not want that criminal coming back.
  7. Problem is that I don't know of any wise guide....and I don't know of any large scale real democracy...the western way of giving a vote every 4 years or the US way to vote a dictator for 4 years is also not a real democracy....better than nothing but not something to be proud of
  8. So you are for democracy only if your candidate wins...if the other wins it is a farce?
  9. It was not great, because the government did not reverse many nonsense. They didn't do any real reforms. They had years of being a dictatorship which they could have used to do real deep reforms. We only need to look at immigration...the bureaucracy is the same bad everywhere. Slimming down the bureaucracy and lowering the taxes would have boosted Thailand. So it was not great but it was OK because they didn't make things worse. But it is a lost opportunity. Handling of Covid is also nothing to be proud off.
  10. Yes and not only in Thailand.....When I look at Europe it doesn't look any better....
  11. The problem is your pro democracy politicians are some super rich criminal oligarchs, who use elections to gain power and more money. If there would be some democratic new leader like Chamlong for example I would love it. I don't like the junta, but they didn't do much...neither positive nor negative and that is in my cynical worldview as good as it gets. I am Libertarian I want as little government as possible. And as always you ignore that the junta got most votes in the last election.....You claim you love democracy right? Last election the most votes got the Prayuth party. That is democracy. If you can find somewhere a Ron Paul of Thailand I'll play cheerleader all day....but not for some criminals
  12. I was here, I have seen it......Forgotten the scandals with the ballot boxes and the scandal with the rubber stamps? Forgotten the boxes that were intentional made that it can be seen what people vote for (and the proof was the video of Thaksins wife....she voted for him as clearly visible on the video). The massive vote buying, everyone knows it because everyone got money offered (maybe with some exception in downtown Bangkok). Who dispute that is rewriting history. The massive yellow shirt protests did not come because the middle class got the wish for some military dictatorship they came because the saw the massive fraud and corruption. Is anyone claiming that there was election fraud by Prayuth in 2019?
  13. And than they vote for Thaksin...which serves 1 person and his family or the other oligarch from the car manufacturer family?
  14. Of course if you hand out money like no tomorrow, using up the countries reserves or increasing debts you'll get a big economic boom and the next government which needs to balance the budget will look bad in compare.
  15. I would pretty much prefer a long time no government till it all clears itself....as less government as better for the normal people and as least corruption
  16. who was really democratic elected in Thailand? Massive vote buying....driving around and openly offering 300 Baht (that was before inflation) and bringing the people to controlled voting per bus is as much democratic as a coup. The benchmark is more how free can the people live....I don't like "democratic murdering" people on the street (war against drugs). I prefer peace and life.
  17. Try to read and understand....winning and you are the new ruler....Or else the Americans would be ruled by King Charles....Almost every country changed government once or more times by the barrel of the gun. The new one make themself the legit government if they win. That might be unfair and bad, but that is what happens in history... Would you say the current government of Ukraine is illegal, because 2014 there was a coup? What government in Iran is legit? The current? Came in power with a coup, but kicked out the government that made a coup against the previous one. Who wins the coup is the ruler, writes the new constitution and that is nothing new to Thailand.
  18. no....who win write the new constitution....Successful coup and you are dictator and hero. Failed coup and you are traitor and hang.....that is the way it was the centuries or millennia
  19. This who is sentenced by the courts....and running from prison time. The coup was not illegal, read the constitution, they wrote a free card into it.
  20. they got disqualified for breaking the law....for crimes and the boss is on the run, he is a criminal....
  21. did you came yesterday to Thailand? Look up the history of Thailand, the same drama is since 80-90 years. And whatever greedy oligarchs aren't "the good guys" it is just other guys stealing from the working people.
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