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Everything posted by h90

  1. I looked at it...it seems like that. Need to cut out a piece of the wall or put it into an open window and close the rest with cardboard. Not make much sense to me, but maybe I miss something
  2. Don't know the UK laws, but I doubt it is a deregulation, most probably they just shared the market between their cronies. Or can you sell electric to the current marketprice into the grid? Or to your neighbor?
  3. yes...in German language, if you finish a job and get a letter from your previous employer. Per law they are not allowed to write something negative, so they write "he tried his best". Which means a complete failure.
  4. I recall we once forgot to pay....they came to remind us and told that next week they cut us off if we don't pay
  5. I don't know the UK model, but my guess it is not a free market it is an oligopoly. I doubt you can sell electric at the peak time and get that super high rate (the rate fluctuate during the day). So it is not free market it is some legal mafia, which is worse than state owned.
  6. yes you can adjust....when I keep it turned off, I am somewhat too hot. But when I stay all the time in the aircon, I almost die if it is turned off.....Aircon is like a narcotic...once you start it is hard to stop
  7. There is one excuse for him....For years this government was pushing for some nuclear power and everywhere was big resistance.....I remember Khanom in the South was discussed and there were lots of protests. If we would have now a power plant that produces a 2000 MW for almost nothing, electric would be cheaper
  8. "He tried his best" was always the encrypted form of saying that someone was a total failure....
  9. deregulate electric production and allow people who want to buy/sell at the current price. Currently the pea is passive aggressive if you have solar panels and really don't like to pay if you send out to the grid. In a free market, the cure for high prices are high prices. And Thailand always said it get so cheap gas from Myanmar? Where is it? And as Thai industry already complained, why not buying Russian oil and gas as it is cheap.
  10. back in Europe I have seen some devices with a hose which still pump the air from inside the room outside. And rarely I have seen some with hose inside hose, sucking air from outside and afterwards pushing the same air outside again. That is said to work good. But never tested it myself. I could imagine you must push a lot air thru it, either it is not efficient or it is noisy.
  11. we have some 9000 which are OK for a single small room, and in Bangkok many people live in small rooms...and you don't need to cool down to 18C. A few degree less helps.
  12. not so valid for 2020, but for 2022 and 2023 a lot people get very hesitant with every vaccine. Not believing anything anymore. I think a difficult situation for parents.
  13. Do I understand that device right? It cools on the front side and heats on the back side, without having an hose or something to get the heat out of the room? So you either need to cut a hole into the wall to install it or for people (who have way too much money) to have it somewhere outdoors to have some cool breeze.
  14. Can't find your post about 61.000 deaths.... When I was a child the vaccine was there already, but I very much overreacted to a other vaccine so our doctor recommended to not take the risk of vaccination. But it was discussed in the extended family....at this time measles parties were still known but not in fashion anymore. No one in the extended family knew a single case of serious complication or death from measles. And when I had it, I was happy because I could stay at home and play. And people were funny about my mother for calling the doctor for such a harmless thing. But I know it is very deadly in malnutrition countries. And btw. back when the vaccine came out the story was...we vaccinate everyone, in a few years, maybe in a decade the disease is eliminated and than we don't need to vaccinate against it anymore. So we need to do it for the better of the world....Seems to not have happened.
  15. There is one big advantage of window air type. They come as one block and only need to be installed. No filling, no tubes are necessary. I have seen plenty of split systems that were leaking and the shop came again and again for "service". I have seen exactly 1 window air condition in Thailand...that was 10 years ago and it was than 10-15 years old. So they do exist...at least one of them.
  16. I wasn't "back home" for >20 years and didn't run a company there.
  17. 61.000 dead of what and where? Measles was a harmless child disease when I was young, but everyone had to take care to have it as child because it can be terrible when you get it as grown up. So not being vaccinated while most around you are vaccinated it is a high risk
  18. reducing the electric bill would make my confidence a lot better
  19. There are many people, even Farangs, who don't have airconditions
  20. I speak of a grid tie system....as I told if you need batteries it looks very bad. There you have the panels at 11-13 Baht per Watt and than like $100 per 1kW for cheap inverter. I had some of the connectors fail...and some more will fail as they aren't sunlight resistant....costs very low. from cheap inverter MosFet may fail on the beginning (till you have good one installed), they cost almost nothing once learned how to swap them. Fans fail. All very minor costs. I see some strange lines on some solar panels, like the silicone separate from the glass, but I see that since years and the panel still gives full power. Mine has already paid back 2/3 (or maybe already 3/4). But we did it ourself some solar company might be more expensive (on the other hand they avoid the beginners mistakes I made)
  21. a) it is improbable that it mutate back into a serious form. b) Even a serious form like Delta would not harm the population as bad as in the past because almost everyone has some immunity from infections that is very broad acting and will also make new variants less harmful
  22. it morphs more into a common cold. The Flu is very serious, but this strain of Covid and having some immunity already means for almost everyone a few days sore throat and coughing. One of my staff was coughing all the time while working, no one care, no one tested anything. And he wear the mask only when ridding his motorbike but not in the office. So at least here I can't see a lot of panic
  23. Yes that does not happen, because only an opposition would impeach/remove a politician. And they don't have the power to do it. If they would have the power, they would do it all the time without reason. A flaw in democracy....It doesn't work in the west and not here.
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