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Everything posted by h90

  1. we could ask chatGPT if that is possible
  2. Most stainless is not magnetic. But there are a few grades of stainless that is magnetic. Don't ask me the details, just I learned in school to check if something is stainless with a magnet only works most of the time but not always
  3. yes...one phase missing, or one phase having 170 Volt against 0 while the others have 240 Volt. Our CNC lathes make DC from AC to run their motors. And it still runs on 2 phase but as soon as a pump or other regular motor is activated and internal fuse jumps.....
  4. I don't know if that is relevant, we were a bit concerned of unequal changing sizes with temperature. So when we screwed the panels on we used faulty small UCup seals (soft plastic) between the panels and the structure....Basically like a big rubber washer. (just we produce these seals and had some that didn't pass quality control + they are UV resistant and don't age in the sun) so the panel can move a little bit in compare to the steel structure below it. Don't know if that makes sense but as it didn't cost more we did it.
  5. inflation also at vote buying......where are the times when you could buy people with a pair of flip flops?
  6. I consider that as very improbable. What would be the profit for the smaller parties? And the winning party would know that at the most inconvenient time these parties would do a motion of no confidence and new elections.
  7. I never heard of vote buying in Europe.....And from time to time when politician got cough being criminal or corrupt they get jailed. Austria had a former minister who got recorded being corrupt going to jail, most probably he couldn't flee to Dubai.
  8. I think you don't understand democracy......being criminal, corruption, abuse of power, vote buying and support of it has nothing to do with democracy. That is a party that by its existence is already braking the law as it is banned and used tricks to exist. Banned with good, well explained reasons.
  9. normally they should have a check for metal parts somewhere
  10. I assume no party will have enough vote on itself, so there will be a multi party coalition with haggling, buying MP votes, changing alliances, etc....So if we are lucky it can be many month till there is a new government. (Lucky...as least government as better for the people)
  11. I think if I would retire, I would go scuba diving, than buy a compressor and tanks myself (did that already) and as it is there already, I would offer to fill tanks and than speak with some boat owner-->2 year later I would sit again in an office and being busy with a company. Can't stop.... Bought for fun a 3D printer, now I am already processing orders. I can't sit silent....Always starting something new. But there is no difference for me between hobby and work. I almost never worked in a company or had a boss, so I never experienced how it is to get ordered to do something.
  12. Racist? Never heard that....I guess politician would be proud getting called that. Lese Majeste is only protecting the royal family and not the political establishment....and people get jailed would also got jailed if they say the same about the German/French/American president.
  13. No, I have seen from Thaksin to now and whatever government it was very similar...Thaksin made many things worse and the others did not reverse 1 Millimeter of it.
  14. these goals are way to high specially for people who are older. I doubt I could do these things, but even I am not in training at the moment, I could go out of the door and run 20km in maybe 130min in the normal heat in the morning or evening without eating or drinking something and I am well above 50 not training running at the moment. But I doubt I could do 10 pull ups or bench my weight...hold a squat for a minute on the other hand......If my leg muscles aren't sore, which is almost every day I think I can do it next to the fridge until there is no beer in it anymore.
  15. Sounds logic, but such studies are difficult to make. You'll hardly find someone who does regular exercises but eat only crap and is drunk every night. So you may compare in the statistic people who live over all healthy and do exercise with people who don't care their health and don't do exercise. Also a long discussion if resistance exercise or cardio vascular exercise is more important.
  16. I honestly don't know what I have. My wife is always joking that she has the oldest car from everyone in the company, but she would never spend that money she was working for hard 20 years for something like a car. We have no debts.....all her friends are on the limit of what they can get from the bank all the time....60+ nice house, nice car but when you look it is all at the bank....
  17. One additional question: how much did these old people pay into their retirement fonds? Zero? Did someone promise them a pension when they were young in 1960?
  18. So these old people starved to death, right? It is normal that dead people don't pay their on cremation.... I hope my wife is wise enough to not waste money on my dead body when I die.....
  19. But that is legit. No one expect that voter have altruistic motives.
  20. did you try that already. Open one water outlet only slightly. Pump should run a couple seconds, than turn off for a couple seconds, than turn on again...... It should not turn on/off like every second. If these quickly turn on/off happens you have too little ear in that pressure tank.
  21. nice to read from similar minded people. I started with almost nothing 20 years ago. And now we are a stable company. My biggest advantage is my Thai wife. She had own companies already before we met, so she know how to run things in Thailand and I had the technical knowledge. It needed years to find good and reliable staff. And have trust so they can say "I don't know". Or "I made that wrong how do we fix it" instead of hiding that. What are you guys doing? We produce and sell hydraulic and pneumatic seals.
  22. There is a solution for that. World Economic Forum, Yuval Harari: Give narcotics and videogames for the useless class. The Shinawatras are members of this club.
  23. And keep that artificial discussion running to distract from more fundamental issues....Giving everyone the same opportunities by giving free education (instead of handouts). Having VAT on food and items everyone need is a big disadvantage for poor people. Having way too much government, by saving money on bureaucracy (how many states has Thailand and how many state employs?) you could easily pay university costs for MINT for everyone who want to learn. Just the idea....you charge on everything in 7/11 7% and and huge amounts on beer and cigarettes from some labor who earns a 12.000 per month. And than you hand out a fraction of it again as welfare and pretend you are kind and caring for the poor. But it is not Prayuts or Thaksins money. It is the money they have previously stolen from us.
  24. yes it is global trend...universal income, digital money (that can be canceled or controlled into the last detail).
  25. you are stinky! Make everyone a millionaire or billionaire...everyone can be rich as Thaksin with a few mouse clicks and digital money.
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