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Everything posted by h90

  1. no you don't get the point...it is discussed for a while. People who are slim. But have a very high percentage of body fat. "non-muscular" athletes have a lot muscle, and almost no fat. What I mean are more, mostly girls, who never do any sport or any body movements. They are on the scale slim. But all the little weight they have is fat. Most probably a result of our smart phone obsession. Called "skinny fat" and that is said to be also very unhealthy. So you should be muscular....but not in athletic sense, but in the sense that a some percentage of your body should be muscle
  2. I can't find anything funny throwing water into a strangers face. But really without being sarcastic I envy the people who have the best time of their life doing it.
  3. I think there is that problem with the "skinny fat" people that aren't big, but all they have is fat, very little muscle. High percentage of their body is fat. That isn't healthy. He might has meant that.
  4. Or some competition who can eat 10 burger faster
  5. And notice that at UNESCO people work with salaries that are even in first world countries hard to believe. And in some form paid by our tax money. They work on such things instead of using these resources to help truly poor people. There are some unfair trade agreements between Europe and African countries, no one talks about but money is waste on UNESCOs Songkran work.
  6. nice to see: Voting the more conservative party and slowly destroying the country, vs. voting the Oligarch party which promise to destroy the country faster.
  7. Thailand was almost in a war a few years ago
  8. Redistributing wealth is always bad and there are no real poor people in Thailand. Look at the more socialist countries nearby: Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos they are doing much worse. Thailand should lower the taxes that the poor people pay and very important the electric costs, gas, gasoline. Shrink the state. Take care that the rich pay their low taxes (often they wiggle out of these) and the surplus money invest in education, every MINT (mathematics, computer science, natural and engineering sciences) education/university should be free so poor people have a chance to educate themself. Rethink import taxes...can't be that semi finished materials pay more import tax than finished products.
  9. Pheu Thai=Thaksin. Handing out 300 Baht is pretty expensive as all the middle man taking a share from it. While you can cut that out when it is digital
  10. Universal income (with restrictions) and digital money is a global plan. Way bigger than Thailand
  11. Thailand is developing their digital money for a long time...every government. Government also had their vaccine passport ready. Like in the West, all parties beside some left or right fringe an in it.....
  12. but having the latest mobile phone.....
  13. no it would be again election fraud and vote buying...again
  14. Works.....hand out like there is no tomorrow win elections, when everything falls apart the opposition wins, after they repaired the budget the previous politician can boost how much better it was all under his rule, get elected again and bankrupt the country again. Solution is to be a big country or join together like the European Union. Than you can print money for a 20 years till everything collapse, so the responsible people are long retired
  15. Yes as history proofs again and again how good these socialist policies work. You can't make everyone rich, but you can make every rich poor.
  16. elections are advanced auctions of stolen goods....
  17. VAT I doubt.....More deficit, higher electric costs, higher post, water, etc (all state owned) maybe higher tax on alcohol.
  18. maybe it can be used on shopee or lazada. On the last village at the end of the world you have high speed internet and delivery.
  19. yes and after they get banned again from elections they say it is the evil military dictatorship that bans them.....
  20. It helps on some kind of Epilepsy. That is a good reason for life long keto, but else it is very boring. Most probably we were in keto over the winter month in Europe before agriculture. But as you say: limited time. Also for reversing Type 2 diabetics it only need some short time. So I don't see any reason for long term for healthy people.
  21. When in Bangkok I ride on zwift (www.zwift.com) and on the real road only when I am in the South. Every year there are a couple of cases of people who want to ride around the world....but die in Thailand.
  22. yes on youtube you'll find a 1000 videos that tell you that you'll die if you live keto. And you'll find another 1000 videos that will tell you that it heals every disease and is the most healthy thing on the planet. I can neither find good reasons to be on Keto (unless you have some medical reasons (there are a few), nor do I think it is harmful....some people do it since decades. It is a waste of time to get into that useless discussion of some Exaggerator and supplement sales person.
  23. shouldn't be a problem, remove one wheel
  24. I worry the other way. When I look at my daily work, from what I have seen the AI would easily be able to replace me. Read the customer email calculate the details, quote and sell it is not that difficult and always similar. Translating language is already perfect. Driving is soon working. All the can not parking jokes are soon obsolete. With this great help that does the heavy lifting intellectually and all we need available in the supermarket, how smart will humans be in 3 generations? Even playing video games will be boring if your AI can help you as soon as it get difficult. Not even sex will be interesting when better than real porn (there is already AI made porn movies) is available and sex robots. We'll go the way of the dodo....The AI doesn't need to kill us, it only need to take good care of us. When I look at the politician in my country and the AI want to take over government I wouldn't resist....Can be only better
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