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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Hate to say it, but this guy did NOT do his homework, otherwise he would have known better than to be wearing gold in plain sight.  I am not trying to say it is his fault, it is not, but that a little research, prior to going to a foreign destination for the first time, goes a long way.


    I know Japan is supposed to be a pretty safe place, but there they have a fully professional, responsible and capable police force.  Thailand does not, hence rampant criminality, often with police involvement.

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  2. Good grief, is this all Prayut has to worry about?  He would appear to be firmly stuck in the 1950s and has not caught on to the fact that the world has moved forwards and women have the vote and (more or less) equal rights.  Well, in first world countries, anyway, but not in third world countries, such as Thailand.


    Shouldn't Prayut be concentrating on the BIG (very big) problems in Thailand, such as a corrupt to the core society, especially the police, justice system and the military.  How about preparing for elections.  The electorate are becoming increasingly fed up with this junta and their suppression of freedoms and human rights.   The signs are not favorable for a happy ending to this junta.


  3. Thailand 4.0 is nothing but a buzz word that Prayut and friends can talk about to make it seem as though they are actually doing something.  As the article states, there is no actual plan.  On top of that there are no skilled workers who could implement it if needed. and if anyone tried to implement it, the resistance they would meet to change would be overwhelming.


    On top of the problems with even attempting to move towards Thailand 4.0, we have a junta that is actively moving Thailand backwards with draconian laws and rules that prohibit any semblance of a Thailand 4.0 ever being possible.

  4. 15 hours ago, chainarong said:

    The Democrats should give them the flick , they are a parasite party that sucks of the other majors , PDRF haven't had  an enterprising nor original thought since elephants were the main transport of Thailand ..........................................:coffee1:


    I agree, the Democrats should just send the PDRF packing, ALL of them. 

  5. Ah, I see it hasn't taken long for the denials to start.


    "...did not reflect the recently improved situation'"  

    What recent improvements?  All I see is increased suppression of free speech and a ramped up LM charges situation.  I also see increased hostility towards foreigners and an untrustworthy and corrupt police force.  Seems to me the report is being kind to Thailand.

  6. If you have the time, and all the necessary paperwork, I would do it while you are in Thailand.


    The sister of my GF visited Thailand last year with her Australian hubby and their daughter.  They asked the same question.  I advised doing it here if they had everything they needed.  Long story short, the hubby decided to wait until they got back to Australia.  When they tried to renew the daughters passport at the Thai embassy, they were made to jump through hoops.  Took over 6 months of back and forth.


    UK embassy might be easier, I don't know.  You should check what they want/need.  I would still give it a try here if at all possible.

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