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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. 21 hours ago, sharecropper said:

    Let's face it, only invasion or revolution could change the sorry mess the country finds itself in.


    Yes, and invasion is unlikely, so that only leaves one other solution.   I keep asking myself how much longer are Thais willing to put up with the daily crap we get from this junta.  It is up to the Thai people to wake up, smell the coffee (or is it the house burning) and actually do something.  Until then there will be no moving forward, just the daily slide backwards.  I strongly suspect that the end goal is to go back to a pre-1930 Thailand.

  2. 15 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

    I don't believe any of this sensational stories about criminals <deleted> as being a prime motivator for all this.  The real reason is stop "bad" people voicing opinions, particularly of the political nature, that the man-child doesn't like.


    Correct, the sensational news excuse is just a smoke screen for the real reason, which simply is to have total control over the flow of information TO the people and BETWEEN people.


    This guy would have a heart seizure if he knew what people were saying hushed voices behind closed doors.


  3. 18 hours ago, whatawonderfulday said:

    Absolutely mean nothing to them. they will just pick up their guns again,  get in their tanks and declare it all invalid and intimidate the population even longer with further restrictions on media reporting.  Peaceful demonstrations in Thailand won't work either as witnessed many times in the past that peaceful protest end up with people killed.


    Only one way to kill a snake and that is cut its head off.


    The snake's head goes a LOT higher than Prayut.  But yes, it likely will come to that.  One only needs to look at Thailand's past history of juntas that overstayed their welcome. 



  4. 20 hours ago, Srikcir said:

    Likely not as Prayut invoked Article 44 as NCPO Chief that bypassed all laws and regulations related to government procurement. Article 44 has constitutional authority. As such neither Prayut nor any government official involved in the dual rail project procurement process can be prosecuted.



    I would think that Prayut's S44 article and the junta's amnesty are only good as long as they remain in power.  Once they are ousted, hopefully by the force of the populace, that all bets would be off, especially the amnesty bit.  This lot truly deserve to be behind bars.

  5. 16 hours ago, starky said:

    I dont even know how Uber could work here taxis are already ridiculously inexpensive how could you possibly afford to undercut a taxi meter? 


    Oh, let me think....  better service, clean and well dressed drivers, clean vehicles, seat beats that work, fixed rate/fare.  I could go on, but I think you get the idea.


    Uber does not need to undercut the local mafia taxis, they just need to provide the service the local taxis SHOULD be delivering.

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