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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. Anyone with half a brain could have told TAT the end result of chasing higher and higher tourist numbers would be, regardless of if they spend a lot or very little.  The environmental damage (most of it done by Thais chasing the golden goose)) is obvious everywhere you look.


    Time to start limiting the number of tourists, but to woo the high spenders they need to fix the existing environmental damage, make the whole visa thing much more tourist (and ex-pat) friendly, improve the facilities and infrastructure, stop the police harassment and put and end to all the crime now targeting foreigners. 


    And that is just for starters.


  2. For foreigners, the Thai way of NOT accepting responsibility when something or someone f**ks up, is a major obstacle.  Thai doctors and hospitals must be prepared to take responsibility and correct (that means pay for, and maybe have to pay additional compensation too)  any and all issues that may arise, especially if there is incompetence involved.


    Until that happens, this HUB will die on the vine.


  3. It should be also pointed out that the Elite visa does NOT require any money in a Thai bank, nor does it require a police report or health insurance.


    The Elite visa is basically, you pays your money, you're in.  No further hassles.  One has to wonder though, what they do with all that money.  When I go into their office to drop off my passport, all I ever see is a lot of hi-so wannabes sitting around doing absolutely nothing.  But a very nice, well manicured building and grounds.


  4. 23 hours ago, candide said:

    In this way they are sure nobody will complain about the army! :wink:

    Yes exactly.  Any complaints involving military personnel will automatically get filed in the trash basket.  Cases involving PTP and Democrat officials will get swift action.   Police, well that will probably involve lengthy deliberation and will pass through multiple committees before being declared unactionable.

  5. On 7/13/2017 at 3:37 AM, saakura said:

    Wow, a lot of bitter posters here today. Thailand has excellent medical facilities as compared to CLMV and certainly the affluent from these countries will welcome this. Similarly, there may be a lot of affluent retired people in the other 15 countries with monthly expenses over 100k and good health cover who will be encouraged by the 10 years visa. The foolish thing is the insistence on the 90 days reporting.


    The BIG problem with this idea is that if the doctor screws up, neither the doctor or the hospital will take responsibility  You can also forget suing for malpractice.  Fix those 2 problems and they may have something.


    As for the 90 day reporting, yes it needs to stop.  It is mind-bogglingly stupid.  If they need to know where I live, how about changing the requirement to reporting any change of permanent address within x days of moving.  As it is, I own my condo and actually live in it.  I have do so now for over 15 years.  The whole 90 day reporting is just a waste of my time.

  6. And the reason for all the poor workmanship is that it is all done by Issan farmers or migrant workers who have no knowledge of how to do it right.  9 times out of 10 you would be hard pressed to find a knowledgeable skilled tradesman on site.  Definitely third world and always will be.


    I was in one of those upscale shopping mall restrooms a few years back, and for the life of me, I could not figure out how to flush the toilet.  Seriously.

  7. 14 hours ago, YetAnother said:

    yes and jehovah's witnesses want to save us; in other words they want to make the laws

    They want to impose their will on everyone.  If someone doesn't want to imbibe, that is their decision.  I respect that.  Many people enjoy a beer or the spirit of their choice.  In moderation, that is fine too.


    The problem is that many cannot hold their liquor and spiral out of control.  That and those who don't have the ability to realize they are impaired and insist on driving.  This is where the problem lies, not with those who drink responsibly.

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