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Posts posted by WhizBang

  1. 21 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

    Interesting that he's in "threat" mode, but not able to quote any existing criminal code/legal foundation.


    Why even have an "elected" government; I mean what's the point?


    Just round up the required number of green puppets and play at "democracy".


    The purpose of the next election and the resulting "elected" government is to allow the peasants to think they are participating in, and have, a democracy.


  2. 15 hours ago, smedly said:

    someone must be reading my posts as I have been suggesting this for quite some time now, first the removal of the speedboats and then the development of the area into a park and scenic area as it should  always have been


    You are dreaming, if you think that is what is going to happen.  A park and scenic area requires on-going maintenance, and we all know that there is never any budget for maintenance.  

  3. 15 hours ago, Lammbock said:

    With the elite card you kiss your money good-bye. But it's much more easier to obtain.

    e.i. 1 Mil. THB gets you a 20 years Visa. Renewable every 5 years. Still you have to do 90 days reporting.

    Actually I think it is 2M baht, unless it has changed.  Basically it is 100,000 baht/year.


    Yes, very easy to get.  No bank deposit requirements, no medical insurance requirement and no police report.  You get a 1 year stamp on arrival and still have to do the 90 day reports, BUT, if live live near a Thailand Elite office, you can drop your passport off with them and they will take care of it for you.


    As an added bonus you get a free limo ride to and from the airport and are walked through flight checkin, immigration and baggage claim, for outgoing and incoming international flights, but not domestic.


    Forgot.  You also get an ID card, sort of.  It has your name and photo on it, plus the expiration date, and of course, Thailand Elite on it.   I have used it in a pinch when asked for ID

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  4. Why do I get the distinct feeling that NO ONE has thought this through.


    - There is the logistics of actually running a high speed train so it can operate SAFELY.

    - Ticket costs are likely to be too high for the average Thai.  So who is the intended audience for this train?

    - High speed trains run from point A to point B at, well, high speed.  They do NOT stop at every podunk village every few kilometers.

    - High speed trains are people movers.  They are not for freight, and that is what Thailand needs, a good reliable medium speed rail system that can move large quantities of freight cheaply across the country.


    This high speed train is likely to be a legacy all right, just not the kind of legacy anyone would want to lay claim to.  It will join the aircraft carrier, and the soon to be submarine as a showcase for Thailand's folly.


  5. Well done girl, give it back to Prayut.  This actually shows how out of touch with reality that Prayut really is.   He totally fails to understand what goes on, and has been going on, in rural Thailand for decades.  As he busily stuffs money from the sub and armoured car deals into his pockets, he has no clue what Thailand's rural poor must endure on a daily basis.


    On top of which, surely he must have much more important things to attend to, other than what some Thai teen does on stage.   Prayut is an embarrassment.

  6. 15 hours ago, brucec64 said:

    Really no different than the Jersey mafia putting their soldiers on the payroll of construction sites but doing no work. This government has just legitimized corruption. So much for reforms.


    Reforms?   I realized this whole 'reforms' thing was a sham shortly after the Kho Tao incident happened.  When Prayut not only rewarded the police, but praised the good job they had done.  THAT was when I knew real reforms would never happen.  And here we are into our 4th year and nothing has been done.


    Prayut and friends are hypocrites and likely more corrupt than the PTP.

  7. Let's face it, if after almost 20 years you cannot evict them, then nothing short of a S44 decree will dislodge them. 


    To remove them and demolish these businesses would have a sizeable financial impact on Pattaya and the owners of those businesses, most of whom are very influential people, so not likely to happen.


    So maybe it is better to legalize them and the start of that process would be making them pony up for the cleanup.


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