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Everything posted by riclag

  1. To think a Washington Post WH correspondent would even dare entertain this question is chilling. More on Kennedys claim of why he left the party that once was his uncles! Censorship: Reporter asks White House if they would ‘shut down’ Donald Trump’s interview with Elon Musk.
  2. What choice do conservative minded people have! the leftist media are leftest bias Media Bias: Pretty Much All Of Journalism Now Leans Left, Study Shows https://www.investors.com/politics/editorials/media-bias-left-study/
  3. Oops missed more chaos mentioned by Kennedy , dems are the party of WAR! Under the dems foreign fiasco agenda Afghanistan , 13 dead soldiers and civilians falling off planes , plunging to their deaths. Russian invading Ukraine And who can forget the middle east war , that we see everyday while living the violent protests in my country as a result of it!
  4. The Dem democracy that has infected my countries Republic. “As you know, I left that party in October because it had departed so dramatically from the core values that I grew up with. It had become the party of war, censorship, corruption, Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Ag and Big Money,” Kennedy lamented”. Now that party has the characteristics of a cultural Marxist cult ! persecuting their political opponents !, Using lawfare to suppress opposition, trump, Kennedy, Stien by trying to remove them from ballots! Mentioned in the thread previously. Using a primary to cancel kennedys participation! https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/robert-f-kennedy-jr-drops-his-democratic-primary-bid-will-run-as-an-independent https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4606148-rfk-jr-robert-f-kennedy-jr-nicole-shanahan-libertarian-democrats-joe-biden-donald-trump/ Media cronies Manipulate their voices by interrupting and breaking away from press releases, such as Cnn did with kennedy and has with Trump in the pass. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jun/24/cnn-interview-karoline-leavitt-trump Weaponizing agencies as a result the gop formed committee’s with IRS whistleblower’s who gave testimony that implicated the DoJ. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4152046-gop-releases-transcript-from-fbi-agent-involved-in-hunter-biden-investigation/ censoring speech as has been reported in the Twitter files! https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4152046-gop-releases-transcript-from-fbi-agent-involved-in-hunter-biden-investigation/ Using the power of former intelligence agents to deflect away from a damaging laptop scandal. https://nypost.com/2024/06/10/us-news/ex-intel-officials-who-smeared-posts-report-on-hunters-laptop-as-russian-disinfo-stand-by-signing-letter-patriotic/ FROM dem to Independent to supporting a populist gop candidate , thats the KENNEDY who loves and hungers for traditional America!
  5. Its a shame Americans aren’t told both sides of the story by the bias media! Imop
  6. You gotta watch this, short clip! Jon Stewart called out Sen. Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton and other major Democratic figures for hypocrisy at the Democratic National Convention . https://www.foxnews.com/video/6360949866112
  7. Ohio state secretary says 100 non-US citizens voted in recent elections, begins process to prosecute. Long-running audit in Ohio found hundreds of nonresidents registered to vote "We’ve so far identified 597 individuals who’ve registered to vote in Ohio despite not being citizens of the United States, as our state constitution requires." The rub: It takes a long Time to investigate imop https://www.foxnews.com/us/ohio-refers-over-100-non-citizen-registered-voters-state-ag-prosecution
  8. Indeed ! It seems the media has lost its way! Rfk jr eludes to this ! The media excluding him from interviews. “ I am not asking your newspapers to support the Administration, but I am asking your help in the tremendous task of informing and alerting the American people. For I have complete confidence in the response and dedication of our citizens whenever they are fully informed”. same source
  9. He starts off by talking to a group In the media and than works his way to Marx. “Today no war has been declared--and however fierce the struggle may be, it may never be declared in the traditional fashion. Our way of life is under attack”. https://www.jfklibrary.org/archives/other-resources/john-f-kennedy-speeches/american-newspaper-publishers-association-19610427
  10. JD vance is in line with Trumps America First agenda . Kennedy has some other differences , that were acknowledged but no details have been made publicly! So the vp Kennedy opinion is guesswork ,at best. Some people like the fact that they are going after the purveyors of classified intelligence, the gate keepers ! Both Trump & Kennedy fell victim to unelected bureaucratic decisions by the establishment in conspiring to manipulate and or hide the truth from the American people! Example jfk files aren’t fully released!And the doj confiscating Trumps declassified intel in the last weeks of his administration! imop
  11. You paint with a broad brush! First !dem convicted felon Trump hasn’t been adjudicated a conviction by the dem judge yet, he was forced to postpone the original completion(july) because of the SCOTUS decision giving Trump presidential imunity. “The legal team hailed the 6-3 decision penned by Chief Justice John Roberts as a “major victory,” arguing it provides new avenues for Trump to defend himself in the two pending federal cases against him, as well as his state prosecution in Georgia, and challenge his conviction on 34 state felony charges in New York”. Lets see how it plays out for the concocted scheme by all democrats , to get Trump! https://edition.cnn.com/2024/07/03/politics/how-the-supreme-courts-immunity-ruling-can-help-donald-trump-fight-criminal-charges/index.html
  12. I was watching bill maher interview cnn katlin collins recently! She thinks she should give interviews ! Anybody who has access to the nuclear codes should be asked tough questions! Id like to see Fox news have at her
  13. Judging by her comments at the end of the month! And than the debate
  14. We were lied too! If anything it shows how powerful the media can be used in the wrong hands. imop
  15. Fox news moment, NYT/ Siena poll who Kennedy voters would vote for aug 5-9
  16. Your thoughts? Elon Musk says “ so good”, with a emoji
  17. Fighting for Election Integrity . Gop are outnumbered by dem election inspectors 7 to 1 according to the story! “The 14-page complaint in state court notes that under Michigan law, election officials in Detroit and elsewhere “shall appoint an equal number, as nearly as possible, of election inspectors in each election precinct from each major political party.” Fox News first reported the lawsuit”. dem Detroit has 2237 dem poll watchers compared to 310 gop. In a sample of 335 precincts in Wayne county ,the suit alleges , 202 precincts had no gop poll watchers. https://nypost.com/2024/08/23/us-news/gop-grossly-outnumbered-among-detroit-poll-watchers-7-to-1-lawsuit/
  18. I had a issue with reporting Soros organizations as funding organizations that sponsored some of the funding of the recent college campuses unrest specifically during their encampment chaos that turned violent. The familiar voices came to disclaim and deny credibility to those media sources the NEW YORK POST AND THE WALL STREET JOURNAL , owned by Murdoch. At the time I used mediabiasfactchecker to confirm that the Source was Trustworthy, while claiming that it was right leaning!.I too was surprised at the TRUST worthy claim by the factchecker but it was there . They changed their opinion,Now to check it, there is no more mention of Trustworthy! Media in my country is divided with the Weather Channel as leading the leaders! https://today.yougov.com/politics/articles/49552-trust-in-media-2024-which-news-outlets-americans-trust https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/05/pro-palestinian-protests-columbia-university-funding-donors-00156135
  19. Telling! Watch: CNN Cuts Away From Kennedy Speech When He Notes Harris Has Not Done A Single Interview https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/08/23/watch_cnn_cuts_away_from_kennedy_speech_when_he_notes_harris_has_not_done_any_interviews.html
  20. Kennedy was right the party of his uncle has changed! Their style of democracy is corrupted! Attempts at lawfare to keep their political opponents off ballots is indicated of bad regimes in other countries ! Trump Kennedy Jill Stein can attest to their actions ! https://www.wispolitics.com/2024/wisconsin-green-party-objects-to-the-democrats-attempt-to-remove-jill-stein-from-ballot/
  21. Time for the scandal ridden Wokehouse to regain its glory again and become the White House! People running around with no tops , at rose garden events,x drug addicted first sons shame ,cocaine found but the premier Secret Service agency & Fbi cant find who it belongs to , all culminating with a cultural Marxist agenda by harris/walz to further a circus environment imop
  22. I was deeply touched , during his speech, toward the end , he had to wipe tears away from his eye.
  23. RFK Jr. to endorse Trump after he officially suspends 2024 campaign Kennedy exposes the Dem party& the Washington establishment! https://nypost.com/2024/08/23/us-news/rfk-jr-drops-out-of-2024-race-for-white-house/
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