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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Have the dems /harris , denounced this , yet!
  2. Thank you for the video, The left has emboldened this guy in the video! Imop appeasing terrorist has become common for progressives! imop
  3. Familiar scene by the people surrounding the burning of my country’s flag! All of this makes Americans angry!imop This movement carrying around the flag of another nation while wearing scarfs have a chaotic history of blocking bridges, taking control of college buildings, riots at Ucla encampments , rioting recently in DC , defacing monuments , burning our flag and hoisting of a foreign flag, as we seen in past demonstrations. chicago More flag burning by the lefts scarf people who have burned and pull down the USA FLAG at the DC riots recently!
  4. The movement by the extremist waving this flag & wearing those scarfs emboldened these people ! "Do you support Hamas?" Tobin asked the unidentified man in a clip of the exchange. "Every Palestinian supports Hamas," he replied. "Not just me. Every Palestinian." Somebody please tell this guy Hamas is a terrorist organization! https://www.foxnews.com/media/man-waving-hamas-flag-outside-dnc-says-every-palestinian-supports-hamas-praises-terror-group-october-7
  5. More flag burning by the lefts scarf people who have burned and pull down the USA FLAG at the DC riots recently!
  6. Good observation ! I’m in agreement .imop
  7. Some people on the forum here support kennedy! This will benefit Trumps chances of winning over moderate swing states voters ! Imop
  8. We arent use to seeing territory outside (consulate )in America defended against far left extremism!The left is strong & dangerous! Imop https://apnews.com/article/democratic-convention-chicago-protests-war-gaza-f064683535bbbe93231d31ecc2dbafc7
  9. Agreed imop Maybe we can peel the onion a little more !I hope a task force investigates who supports these militants ? What other groups on the radical(extremist )left are involved?imop This article needs to be updated,on the “current events “imop It starts by mentioning the right( far right actors are the primary actors) but it finally gets to the truth though “ left wing extremism is becoming more dangerous” imop. “There is increased risk of social turmoil and political violence by violent far-left extremists for at least the next 12 months as the United States enters its national election season”. https://newlinesinstitute.org/nonstate-actors/operating-under-the-radar-violent-left-wing-extremism-is-becoming-more-dangerous/
  10. Fact: Under the current administration we see peaceful protests become unruly with militant groups seizing the moment!
  11. DNC protest ends with arrests after demonstrators refuse to disperse The left flexing dem democracy! Imop Did they have permission to leave designated protest areas? Imop Militant demonstrators becoming unruly ! “Tuesday night’s protest was organized by Behind Enemy Lines, a leftist group with militant leanings. Another group behind the protest was Samidoun, which Germany and Israel have banned over allegations that it has ties to terrorist groups”. The protest assembled at the Israeli Consulate in downtown Chicago quickly grew unruly . https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/dnc-protest-ends-arrests-demonstrators-refuse-disperse-rcna167487
  12. Trump won’t score points with bureaucratic misfits who oppose 3 letter agencies downsizing or restructuring .Imop The bureaucracy of unelected officials in government is a big part of the problem. Imop
  13. I like to see this all unraveled between these two , harris & Trump ! Imop “A migrant crisis that has engulfed the US is a decisive issue in the November election between Trump & harris”. According to the article “over 9 million people have poured over, never before -encountered levels of immigration since biden took office”. https://nypost.com/2024/08/20/us-news/what-every-american-needs-to-know-about-the-migrant-crisis-video-report/
  14. I agree ,Trump most recently ,imop “The assassination attempt of former President Donald Trump has parallels to the last time a president or presidential candidate was wounded — in 1981, when Ronald Reagan was nearly killed by an assailant’s “. https://apnews.com/article/presidential-assassinations-lincoln-mckinley-garfield-kennedy-175d046b694ec8b370ba60bf2b001d76 He wants to expose the establishment ,the federal bureaucracy . imop! I don’t claim this was the reason but he does want to shrink Governments civil service . Imop Here is 3 bullet points with more in the link. Refusing to implement policies; Intentionally delaying or slow-walking priorities; Deliberately underperforming https://americafirstpolicy.com/issues/20222702-federal-bureaucrats-resisted-president-trump
  15. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fox-news-channel-makes-cable-190400374.html FOX News Channel Makes Cable News History as the First Network to Mark 22 Consecutive Years at Number One
  16. …That blocked jewish students from campus ! “In a scathing, 16-page order, Scarsi blasted UCLA’s Board of Regents for openly maintaining in court proceedings thus far that it had “no responsibility” to defend Jewish students’ religious freedoms, since the anti-Israel tent cities — which sprang up on campuses nationwide including at Columbia University — were “engineered by third-party protesters.” https://nypost.com/2024/08/14/us-news/federal-judge-smacks-down-ucla-over-anti-israel-encampment-that-blocked-jewish-students-from-campus/ its about time, imop
  17. Here i finished it, for you… Im with you ! Brilliantly written! Imop Extreme left ! Heres a good read ,it talks about both sides of extreme!imop But more recently what’s happening currently imop.
  18. Yes, The first thing they mentioned! Unfortunately for your side it also goes into extreme left! Currently in my country who’s marching in the streets? Sure wish I had the balls to ignore the 3 line paste rule!imop
  19. Im with you ! Brilliantly written! Imop Extreme left ! Heres a good read ,it talks about both sides of extreme!imop But more recently what’s happening currently imop. You’d be hard pressed to find credible sources favorably arguing the extreme left in America wants america to be friends with islam ,in the context of your opinion. Imop This left leaning article mentions the concerns in the Usa . Imop https://newlinesinstitute.org/nonstate-actors/operating-under-the-radar-violent-left-wing-extremism-is-becoming-more-dangerous/
  20. Only time will tell if the dems / harris tell them to stuff it! Imop but if they riot like they have in the past imop, “According to the poll, 32% of Democrats questioned say they support the demonstrations, with 38% saying they agree with the protesters' demands but oppose the way they are conducting themselves. Seventeen percent of Democrats said they oppose the protests”. She might answer for it imop She has in the past condemned the dc riots during NETANYAHUA speech at congress! "Pro-Hamas graffiti and rhetoric is abhorrent and we must not tolerate it in our nation," Harris wrote. Harris said. "I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews. " Have you ever thought of why her?imop Why does she need to denounce these people who hide their faces and carry on , “as they have”? Imop https://www.foxnews.com/politics/democrats-divided-on-anti-israel-pro-palestinian-college-campus-protests-republicans-united-poll https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-reacts-anti-israel-riots-dcs-union-station
  21. New illegal migrant news: Swing voters in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Georgia ,Arizona need to pay attention …Listen to one of Florida’s Law Enforcement! Many of Harris’s newcomers , who came as illegals are serial criminals.
  22. Sounds like you’re in favor of Control, having a Government decide what is best
  23. I Think Nixon never dealt with the Woke Mob, the revised version of the dem party! Never let a Crisis go to waste,everything they touch is a abomination. “Although the reasons for price controls may be affordability and economic stability, they may have the opposite effect. Over the long term, price controls have been known to lead to problems such as shortages, rationing, deterioration of product quality, and illegal markets that arise to supply the price-controlled goods through unofficial channels. Producers may experience losses, especially if prices are set too low”. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/price-controls.asp#:~:text=Price controls are commonly imposed,may impose minimums or maximums.
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