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Everything posted by riclag

  1. And the beat goes on! January 20, 2025,Liberation Day!
  2. Put your Trust in Trump ,he’s on Offense for a change!
  3. Opinion Article written by the same Author as the “LAPTOP from Hell” “Trump is attempting to clean up the FBI and DOJ” and … Clean House: First and last ,Control the FBI-with a America First loyalists wingperson . First and Last , Control the DOJ with a Attorney General loyalist wingperson ! Clean House : with the former 51 ex spooks who all signed off on the Hunters Laptop ,supposedly it looked like possible Russian propaganda to them . Now these political shills have their Security Clearances removed . 6 high ranking FBI agents escorted out Of the building by acting DAG Bove , former Trump lawyer. Some Fbi field office heads removed too. Musk’s Doge agency people commandeered the Treasury and Office of Personnel Mgr. https://nypost.com/2025/02/02/opinion/trump-is-sending-the-deep-state-to-the-outhouse-as-he-cleans-house-at-the-fbi-and-doj/ January 20, 2025 , Americans citizens are witnessing the first day of their Liberation. Story based on a opinion report :NYP
  4. Do ya get the warm fuzzy feeling that what went around for 10 years is gonna come around! Instead of Dem democracy being exercised through their cohort's in the media ,three letter agency bureaucrats & intel agencies , Trumps America First will exercise its democracy of all forms of media, as mentioned in the WH press briefings. America First Doge type Agencies , all being scrutinized on waste, fraud & abuse. And lastly intel agencies working to keep our international & domestic security interests safe again ,instead of being used by Dems to persecute political rivals . ”For American citizens , January 20, 2025 is Liberation Day”. Quote from 47 on Inauguration day.
  5. Another problem solved that should give a bounce to Trump’s approval ratings. With the help of Rubio , Trumps wingman,Panama President capitulated on the canal. https://www.allsides.com/news/2025-02-02-1400/politics-rubio-tells-panama-reduce-chinese-influence-canal-or-face-retaliation
  6. President Trump is back in the House! 4 more years of you vs they/them ! Dreams do come true if it happens to you when you’re young/old at heart.
  7. The Dogwhistle by Jefferies and soon thereafter the extremist flood the Freeways and Highways! As a result:Prompting efforts for a federal law to be introduced… “I will soon reintroduce legislation to make blocking a highway intentionally a federal crime,” House Rep. Mike Collins (R-Georgia)wrote on social media”. https://nypost.com/2025/02/02/us-news/protesters-against-trumps-immigration-crackdown-block-los-angeles-freeway/ God speed! The cultural Marxist in the NYP article pictures ,traded flags it seems. Mask up ladies theres laws if you arent a citizen while protesting.
  8. Especially when the Trumps wingpeople start digging in and uncovering corruption of the last 4 years and prior. The perfect storm
  9. KIDS! My mother use to say during a fit of rage, You know somethin ? What Ma, I asked , Kids suck . Peace through strength!Rubio takes the message to Panama’s Leader . Capitulate or else ! The art of the deal!
  10. Raditz got shamed by JD. JD is much much more effective at shaming the dems media cronies. How about his debate when they fact checked only him and it came back to bite the bias moderators.
  11. A self described Knucklhead lol The American people wanted Change, not admitted knuckleheads!
  12. Making America Safe Again ! The stat below drives Trumps approval even further ! There aint no amount of negative spin the lefts media can attach to this number below. Dailey encounters at the southern border have plunged 93% since Trump took office.
  13. Its all about the feeling! Your side lost because of the feeling and 70+ % of Americans “felt” the country was going in the wrong direction! Somehow I find it difficult to understand how non citizens of my country would comprehend such a phenomenon ! Exit polling results: “The voters in the 2024 presidential election were looking for a leader and someone who could bring needed change, and for that change they looked back to former President Donald Trump. He was propelled by an electorate dissatisfied with the state of the country, the economy and by the many voters who were feeling the impact of inflation”. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/exit-polls-2024-presidential-election/#
  14. Yes after he was shot but fortunately he got up and didnt say ,fight in the streets, fight in the streets, Fight in the streets ! It wasnt long afterwards a dem tried it again ( Routh).Even before the first assassination attempt , in April dems wanted Trumps rights to Secret Service curtailed. The caustic rhetoric by the dems is a cause for investigation , Schumer threats directed to the Scotus saw a man arrested for attempting murder in 2022. That all being said , Jefferies use of the fight in the streets is a dog whistle for all the extremist on the left to get active. I’d like to see him censured from his position as minority leader for the dangerous rhetoric, it wasnt long ago , a extremist was killing in the streets of New Orleans.
  15. How many years now has it been that the Military complex failed a federal audit?And another thing All these names are a important database , how can DOGE INVESTIGATE with out people to identify! Musk Doge aids locked out Government bureaucrats. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/musk-aides-lock-government-workers-out-computer-systems-us-agency-sources-say-2025-01-31/
  16. Is it possible Schumer broke the law? Is it predicated on a crime ? If this is true and there is a investigation , what went around is about to come around. Gop democracy style. When are the dems going to be held accountable for chaotic rhetoric? It doesn’t take much for the left to step it up with attempts of violence ( Nicholas John Roske) , Routh assassination attempt and serial terrorism in New Orleans. Back than ,“The remarks prompted Roberts to release a rare statement rebuking the minority leader. “Justices know that criticism comes with the territory, but threatening statements of this sort from the highest levels of government are not only inappropriate, they are dangerous,” Roberts said. https://www.politico.com/news/2020/03/05/chuck-schumer-supreme-court-comments-121960
  17. “Dems are acting precivilizational ! Dnc devolves into chaos! 37 % of Americans favor dems”. Victor Davis Hanson brings sense to the insanity of the Dems democracy! Fighting in the streets isnt the answer! Burning cities. Burning churches . Trying to rush the White House grounds. Causing billions of dollars in damage! Injuring thousands of police! Murdering innocent citizens Torching police precincts! Remembering the lefts rath in 2020 above.
  18. Remember the reporter in the street proclaiming it was a mostly peaceful protest while in the background the building structures where all on fire. I think Jefferies needs to go to the well ! He must be held accountable for his divisiveness ! He must be censured!
  19. I didnt say that 51 % was a landslide! Sweeping 7 of 7 swing states was ! Especially when just about all the lefts experts were polling all where gonna be close!
  20. Say what ? 51 b a majority !Actually he got a tad below 50! But he swept the 7 crucial Swing States . Sweep , Sweep , count them, 7x . Which provided the electoral landslide needed to beat the installed choice, kHarris.
  21. For the Karen elites to get a grip: What usually occurs is when the left turns on their own . You dont often see a extreme leftest turn on a dime but case and point Ana Kasperian from Young Turks is a good example. Is it possible for Gomez ? https://nypost.com/2024/10/10/media/progressive-journalist-unleashes-on-liberal-intolerance-that-drove-her-away-from-dem-party/#!
  22. What it means to say goodbye to the illegal migrant murderers! The Lakin Riley Act.
  23. What it means to say goodbye to the pronouns crowd.
  24. What it means to say goodbye to the Open Borders crowd! Accountability or as the left would say retribution .
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