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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Virginia Removes more than 6,300 Foreigners from its Voter Rolls, since Gov Youngkin took office , jan 2022 -July 2024, despite it being illegal for foreigners to vote in federal elections! Apparently the foreigners were somehow mistaken to think they could vote !
  2. Far left Squad Members ,radical ! The terms far-left and ultra-left are used for positions that are more radical, more strongly rejecting capitalism and mainstream representative democracy, instead advocating for a socialist society based on economic democracy and direct democracy, representing economic, political and social democracy. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left-wing_politics#:~:text=The terms far-left and,economic%2C political and social democracy.
  3. My country since the far left Squad members have been around!imop Does any of this Sound familiar ? Particularly the denouncing of traditional values , one example is character and merit vs Diversity Equity and Inclusion. And look at the youth movement in colleges and inner city minority neighborhoods all indicative of the Squads supporters ,radical. “In popular American usage, radicalism stands for political extremism of any variety, of the left or right; Communism serves as an example of the former, Fascism of the latter. The term has more commonly been applied to the left, but the expression “the radical right” came to be used commonly in the United States. Various youth movements in the United States, widely labeled as radical, were associated with denunciation of traditional social and political values”. https://www.britannica.com/topic/radical-ideologist
  4. He’s got a lot of dead Presidents in the bank to do it .This guy shook the world when he took away the lefts platform that exposed censorship of conservative speech ! Anytime a freedom warrior with money can implicate wrong doing , Im all for it! I’d love to see him get into the search engine business!
  5. harris/ walz are pimping donors! imop She’ll be using walz to act as her voice with the MsM asking softball questions! imop
  6. I watched a Peirce Morgan show ! He had a political campaign so called expert on ! The expert said she is raising money and her silence is intentional !Better to get campaign funds before she commits to a agenda! This conversation was before she took the far left walz for a VP! Vance just needs to stick to harris/ walz socialist Marxist rhetoric and he will be fine in turning Independents toward its Capitalist founding! imop
  7. Its Anti American extremism that appease and coddle terrorist!
  8. “Far-left "Squad" member Rep. Cori Bush, D-Mo., stopped short of calling the terrorist organization Hamas a terrorist organization in a new interview, suggesting she needed to be careful about labeling”. https://www.foxnews.com/media/squad-member-cori-bush-stops-short-calling-hamas-terrorist-group-be-careful-about-labeling Americans are fed up with far left dems appeasing terrorist organizations!
  9. To be precise , there is a reason why she is hated,she is a radical left wing extremist . With all the violence & protest , since Oct 7 in my country perpetrated by her parties foot soldiers, her and bowman’s extreme views ,have been accounted for! 'AIPAC, I'm coming to tear your kingdom down,' Bush said in a comment she did not further explain. Americans are getting fed up with this anti American, anti jew Dogwhistle nonsense! https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13720583/White-House-Squad-attack-Cori-Bush-meltdown.html
  10. Yes it blew her pivot to convince moderate independent voters! Middle Americans are reliving 2020 Summer of Love Riots !
  11. walz & harris are in a documentary that features the Summer of Love riots of 2020 that left Minneapolis look like a war zone afterwards! Megyn Kelly: George Floyd Documentary Will Completely Change How You Think About The Case, "It Was Built On A Lie" https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2023/11/16/megyn_kelly_george_floyd_documentary_will_completely_change_how_you_think_about_the_case_it_was_built_on_a_lie.html
  12. Team SJW ! He encouraged the George Floyd Summer of Love 2020 protests turned Riots that originated in his state! He waited 3 days before calling in the National Guard as his daughter was alerting the left radicals as to the NG location. harris asked for help bailing out Violent BLM and also encouraged BLM on a Steven Colbert show. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/harris-backing-bail-fund-during-george-floyd-protests-dampens-trump-prosecutor-campaign-pitch https://www.foxnews.com/politics/walz-slammed-hesitating-send-guard-his-daughter-tipped-off-rioters-via-social-media
  13. dark money leftest organizations representing get out the vote and other anti American efforts!By denying gop access to bidens EO what would you suggest Americans do ! Just sit by and let it happen! Every plan , effort , proposal from the the Gop is demonized by the same groups that support death to America imop
  14. The ‘Squad’ mobilizes in bid to save Rep. Cori Bush ahead of primary! https://nypost.com/2024/08/05/us-news/the-squad-mobilizes-in-bid-to-save-rep-cori-bush/ She lost in her election attempt! Denied! Thats two radical leftest gone from the Squad, Missouri cori bush now ex congresswoman joins ny jammal Bowman https://nypost.com/2024/08/06/us-news/squad-rep-cori-bush-loses-missouri-democratic-primary-race-to-wesley-bell/
  15. Biden Bucks: Executive Order 14019 as mentioned by Gop Rep Steil in the Forbes video! bidens secret plan that his administration doesn’t want to share with the election committee! President Biden's Executive Order 14019, signed on March 7, 2021, directs federal agencies to promote access to voting. This includes using agency resources and premises to support voter registration through "approved" nonpartisan organizations, which lack any center or right-of-center representation. https://www.heritage.org/the-oversight-project/election-integrity/biden-bucks-executive-order-14019
  16. North Carolina housing complex non citizens registered to vote in the coming elections
  17. This isnt about Trump , so im done talking to you!The video explains the gop concerns and many Americans ! Its very difficult to prove fraud!
  18. The video above from Gop Chairman Steil says it all ! Democrats cant be trusted! Many want non citizens to have a right to vote! biden has EO thats design & plan to get out the vote is hidden from public view. 1. They flew in 500k and discovered fraud after months & months , only to temporarily shut down their operations ! 2. They gave billions to the EPA and some of it funds groups that are anti American .Pro hamas supporters!
  19. You should be aware of linking sources and copyright rules , just sayin. Your claim is a excuse the dems use! I want everyone to vote who is a citizen a nd eligible ! Its extremely difficult to verify voting irregularities! Whats so hard about the Save act produced by the GOP to grant election integrity!
  20. biden and harris let them in ! Some were asked if you were registered to vote “In the coming Election “. This is a concern for many Americans , we’ve watched an historic 12 million cross illegally,while you say “ nothing “ illegal is going on. Can you dispute Non citizen illegals thinking they are residents residing in the USA and honestly think they are qualified? Its extremely difficult to verify fraudulent ballots, non citizen voting especially when the Supreme court rejected a inquisition in past rulings to verify status. https://votingrightslab.org/2022/06/27/unconstitutional-and-on-the-rise-proof-of-citizenship-requirements-in-2022/ Text of Paragraph II: Right to Register and Vote Every person who is a citizen of the United States and a resident of Georgia as defined by law, who is at least 18 years of age and not disenfranchised by this article, and who meets minimum residency requirements as provided by law shall be entitled to vote at any election by the people. The General Assembly shall provide by law for the registration of electors.[1] https://ballotpedia.org/Article_II,_Georgia_Constitution
  21. I think we’ll wait to see how much woke the Independent swing voters will tolerate before he & her pivots to the middle! Im hoping for a transparent press ,reporting all of the Wokeness of both individuals !
  22. New york voters sound off about the summer of love riots 2020 originator state governed by Gov walz! “Oh boy another winner” “He’s a socialist and the country will burn down just like It did during the George Floyd riots” Reporting from Time Sq
  23. is Cnn’s jeffery Toobin still reporting the Stories over there!
  24. I like your dedication to the name & a party that use to represent a capitalist generation hell bent on Traditions & Merit! That party that took over the name has morphed into a bunch of USEFUL Idiots, with some chanting death to its country and where there donors like ,Soros support terrorism !
  25. Everything that administration does creates a Crisis , its a good thing they have leftest corporate elites running cover for them in the MSM! imop
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