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Everything posted by riclag

  1. From claiming Trump as a target to being Within mm of a fatal head shot! https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/07/13/biden-trump-bullseye-quote/74397121007/
  2. The left political establishment from supporters to their propaganda media have emboldened violence.
  3. bidens call to surge the border has migrants children being trafficked by HHS! whistleblower: I was fired by HHS for investigating MS13 govt sponsored taxpayer funded mordern day slavery!
  4. Good news about this MP ,that scarf he’s wearing is becoming a symbol of terror ,just like the days of the KKK CLOTH HOODS! Yet Germany's Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper called the keffiyeh the "problem cloth" and suggested German pro-Palestinian protesters wear a Nazi uniform instead. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/palestinian-keffiyeh-scarves-controversial-symbol-solidarity-2023-12-14/ a symbol of hatred that guy is wearing in the pic story “The keffiyeh isn’t a fashion statement. To me, it’s a symbol of hatred” https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/the-keffiyeh-isn-t-a-fashion-statement-to-me-it-s-a-symbol-of-hatred/ar-BB1p99iW?item=flightsprg-tipsubsc-v1a?loadIn=defaultBrowser
  5. This potential crisis on election integrity is Not covered on the World news ! The Democrats Are Attempting To Undermine Our Elections’: Claudia Tenney Promotes SAVE Act 10 million illegals , many of which are given voter registrations from social programs such as Medicare ,and are expected to use the honor system not to cheat on the form! There is no way to confirm or verify if their ballot they receive is filed as a citizen.
  6. Legal immigration worked until the globalist took control of Governments. also I would love to see Chinese style trials of drug offenders . . Owing to historical and cultural reasons, Chinese society has little tolerance for illicit drugs, while the country has one of the most stringent anti-narcotics laws in the world. Anyone convicted of trafficking more than 50 grams of heroin, methamphetamine, or cocaine can be sentenced to death. https://www.statista.com/topics/11437/drug-use-in-china/ than 50 grams of heroin, methamphetamine, or cocaine can be sentenced to deathAnyone convicted of trafficking more than 50 grams of heroin, methamphetamine, or cocaine can be sentenced to deat
  7. He even made up the distancing from other people! But he never denied using it! 'You know, I don't recall. It sort of just appeared,' he said according to committee transcripts when pressed on how the rule came about. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13481839/dr-anthony-fauci-social-distancing-masks-prevent-covid.html
  8. Heres the rub. federal election commission in 2021 refused to bring charges against Trump for election violations! biden says during a Nov 2022 presser,we are gonna use constitutional powers to make sure Trump doesn’t get back into power ! “WE” . Who is we ? One month later December of 2022 “ We” Doj # 3 in line prosecutor Mathew Colangelo retires to go , to the SDNY to help bragg, concoct a scheme with other dems in NY to enact a felon charge from 2 misdemeanor charges ! State of NY used a federal election charge to boot strap a state charge! NDA aren’t illegal many of the monthly payments were during Trumps Presidency ! The office has immunity under Presidents immunity! bidens dems used lawfare and the constitution but they all failed to consider the justices who interpreted the law and the constitution ! Roll on 59:25 and hear Mr . Smith the expert witness Ny dem judge had issues with.
  9. He later became a opposition to the dems reckless non existent vetting process!
  10. I was visiting in San Diego in 2023 ! I asked the Walmart clerk why the Underwear was behind locked glass cabinets. Her response, A sign of the times! I reject all of these excuses for lawlessness!
  11. If stupid means no wars , cost of goods lower , traditional values of love of country! I’ll vote for it! Call me stupid!
  12. You & I and millions of others think this way! But millions of others that support no borders, come one , come all , regardless of the expense & burden it has on communities, infrastructure , in my country,love her purposeful abject failure of the largest illegal migration of people to cross borders in USA history. its all by design! Kamala Harris is a threat to traditional AMERICANS.The organization members that she helped bailout out during the Summer of Love riots hate everything the Constitution stands for ! She must be asked in a debate if she condemns BLM’s hatred & violence towards police & the historical founding of America. https://nypost.com/2021/07/08/blm-chapter-calls-american-flag-symbol-of-hatred/
  13. Harris has no experience running Government! Her whole life is about activism the same as Obama , the community activists legend ! A old article from her past campaign as POTUS.She offers hope eternal for the radical wing of Dem cultural Marxist. She speaks to all the white nose ring , blue hairs who think skin color matters , instead of character. “Our campaign uniquely spoke to the experiences of Black women and people of color — and their importance to the success and future of this party,” Harris wrote in her letter to supporters”. https://rollcall.com/2019/12/03/kamala-harris-drops-out-of-2020-presidential-race/
  14. I believe a day a reckoning will come for the criminals involved in that whole cover up . The Doj & FBI are corrupted beyond measure. Imagine if the two IRS criminal investigators , who turn WB witnesses werent impeded in their attempt to expose the rot on that laptop!
  15. Just the beginning! Rep Claudia Tenney calls for investigation into characters involved in bidens laptop censorship!
  16. Professor Turley: Antifa radicals elected to the French and European Parliament! Remember biden in a 2020 debate dismissed Antifa as a Idea? https://jonathanturley.org/2024/07/09/antifa-radicals-elected-to-the-french-and-european-parliaments/
  17. biden called the army chief of staff, commander & chief ( Potus are). He called Trump, VP Trump, Harris is. He introduced Ukraine President Zelinsky as President Putin! Other than that biden is in a world of his own!.
  18. A New Orleans french Quarter tour guide , killed in a robbery attempt! This one came in as a juvenile and has been arrested many times during his stay and let go, on house arrest. The ankle bracelet was deactivated prior to his arrest. https://www.foxnews.com/us/suspect-new-orleans-tour-guide-murder-us-illegally-has-criminal-history-ice
  19. biden was calling on pre determined reporters at the big boys conference ! Another words he knows exactly how to answer the question , when asked . When asked if Harris is ready,”I wouldn’t of picked her if I thought she wasn’t qualified to be President”. She’s been the border czar since 2021 and is purposely in charge of the biggest illegal migration of border crossers in the history of the USA.
  20. biden: And now i want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine who has as much courage as he has determination, ladies & gentlemen President Putin. I would say, after that screw up, it was clear sailing to the WH for Trump ,if it wasnt for the elephant in the room , “who’s voting”. https://nypost.com/2024/07/11/us-news/biden-calls-ukraines-zelensky-president-putin-in-latest-brutal-gaffe/
  21. Sounds like you’re just got into politics! Do a little research , many others are vying for the top spot! DNC made a big mistake by using their Democracy to only include nobody, 0 ,nada, In the dem primaries . https://news.northeastern.edu/2023/05/11/democrats-running-against-biden/
  22. Harris liked those Marxist organizations .Its gonna come back to bite her in the … imop As a guest on Steven Colbert , she said they( BLM)ain’t going to stop either . Kamala Harris praises BLM, says ongoing protests are 'essential' for change in US . https://www.foxnews.com/politics/kamala-harris-blm-protests-louisville https://www.foxnews.com/politics/flashback-kamala-harris-nationwide-protests-not-going-to-stop https://www.foxnews.com/politics/anti-israel-encampments-share-common-traits-marxist-revolutionaries-blm-kkk
  23. Her activism comes with much baggage! Kamala Harris-backed bail fund helped incarcerated man, now charged with murder, go free https://abcnews4.com/news/nation-world/kamala-harris-backed-bail-fund-helped-incarcerated-man-now-charged-with-murder-go-free
  24. Cultural Marxist answer to the highest office on planet democracy. The lady who helped support bailing out George Floyd thugs. bidens VP is the definition of the devils advocate imop The Minnesota Freedom Fund has raised $20 million to bail out protestors amid George Floyd protests. Here's what to know about the group https://www.complex.com/life/a/zfagenson/what-is-the-minnesota-freedom-fund-explainer
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