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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Sickening to see this story. While checking out Patong videos on YT , I noticed many stalls with Cannabis signs ! It boggles the mind !
  2. 1982 at the Centrum , to a sold out crowd “Dont stop believing” and the drums , boom boom boom boom ,base sounds bouncing off my chest! 1972 Fleetwood Mc,Umass Amherst outside venue , amongst thousands of space cadets! Rip
  3. On the same soi as Apple’s is Steve’s Corner bar he’s from Singapore. I dont know if either will be having a Christmas celebration ! If I hear of anything I’ll be sure to post ! I never go to Chili Bar since they moved, so I can’t say . Apples has celebrated the holiday in the past when Dan was there but he’s gone to Hawaii , for good. Jom runs it now . Very good western and Thai food imop
  4. Flicking head lights 1000 meters to say they are coming and you must not impede their path! 555 In the states its the opposite ( the flickering is to acknowledge the other vehicle can go . This is understood but its use is officially frowned upon .
  5. Western countries rules of the road especially for pedestrians safety far succeeds Asian countries ! That pedestrian should of looked both ways. It will be interesting to hear the excuse coming from the vehicles driver if and when…….
  6. Maduro’s number one ally , vlad is. The hypocrisy reeks! “Venezuela’s socialist leader, Nicolás Maduro, is Russian President Vladimir Putin’s top ally in Latin America. But reducing the world’s dependance on one autocrat’s energy supplies could mean turning to another’s instead”. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/08/politics/joe-biden-saudi-arabia-venezuela-iran-russia-oil/index.html
  7. Me suspects they / he is counting on the ignorance of the masses to swallow the assault weapons narrative ! To many laws on the books for the criminal and the mentally disturbed to follow. Unfortunately nobody addressing this. Imop
  8. Sure as long as all merchants except it and I don’t have to pay extra such as a fee to use it such as some charge for using a credit card
  9. You will need that translated to Thai but you probably know that!
  10. Englanders are favored to win this match! No surprise! Ill be watching ! It was a rather one sided match Brazil dominated . Wales was lucky to have a tie with the Usa ! It was determined by a controversial foul which resulted in a penalty shot! No worries about soccer and football . Keep politics out of sports !
  11. I don’t care what this govt does about the drug cannabis,other than keeping the THC( that alters the mind )levels minimal if possible ! Cant have the population high driving around senseless . https://nida.nih.gov/publications/drugfacts/cannabis-marijuana#:~:text=Marijuana is the most commonly used addictive drug after tobacco and alcohol.&text=Its use is widespread among,marijuana in the past year.
  12. You hit it on the nail! Ive done everything known to man ,except for Ice! Weed and the byproducts of it ,is mind boggling and altering . Should be restricted and kept away from kids.
  13. Same problem , The Mrs seems to think we need a box! But Yalla shoot live works great on the computer. Hooked up the hdmi cable to the smart big tv and its good to go.
  14. Another mental illness candidate who imop escaped all prior local warnings! The incident wasnt pressed by the mom , so the matter was sealed which for all intents . avoid red flag indications! But now the DA gonna take up the bomb threat together with the murders ! Omg Law enforcement failed again to protect people from the scourge of mental illness imop! “Anderson Lee Aldrich — who was recovering in a hospital after the attack — had been arrested and charged with menacing and first-degree kidnapping in June 2021 for allegedly making a threat to detonate an explosive, according to police records”. https://nypost.com/2022/11/21/alleged-colorado-gunman-anderson-lee-aldrich-evaded-red-flag-law/
  15. Just a reminder the Sakon Nakhon office recently moved ! Its in the airport property,about a half kilometer on the right from the entrance .
  16. I just became a member a month ago ! I was fortunate to be able to participate in the poll! I like to see the FPOTUS followers numbers exceed further! I also would like to see him post now and again! Owe it all to Musk for his fortitude and money to right the ship of freedom ,me thinks.
  17. Like to see the Gop shut Garland/ Smith down !How many investigations on Trump,will this make! Some, like Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., even said that Republicans should use their newly won control of the U.S. House of Representatives to cut off funding for the investigation next Congress. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/republicans-accuse-biden-weaponizing-doj-trump-special-counsel-appointment
  18. Let him finish the roof come next rain season you and her can compare the falang vs Thai workmanship! Cost a few beers but in my opinion you’re goin to see the difference!
  19. One of my fav has won her election! Another feather in the cap for the republic ! Democrat Adam Frisch Concedes To Republican Lauren Boebert In Unexpectedly Close House Race https://www.forbes.com/sites/brianbushard/2022/11/18/democrat-adam-frisch-concedes-to-republican-lauren-boebert-in-unexpectedly-close-house-race/?sh=24eb12c06dfe
  20. Fox called it for Fetterman! Absolutely Stunned that he won! https://www.foxnews.com/video/6315199892112
  21. New leadership and majority in the house of reps.It flipped! Nancy as of January will no longer be 3rd in line to the Office of the Presidency!
  22. Its all about the bank notes ,me thinks! Are there any reports of payments given to the victims families an alike ,yet !Just wondering .
  23. Im happy he held off !Supporters deserve to have his endorsements rain triumphant first! Looking at the comments section in the post ,many would like to see him wait until after the midterm results come in.But who knows, there are all the intricacies ( legalities) he has to weigh . https://nypost.com/2022/11/07/trump-tells-allies-he-could-announce-2024-bid-tonight/
  24. Very sad situation nonetheless! Another dog related story! Cops showed up after investigating neighbor complaints( dogs chasing bikes) and during that time they came to find he was delinquent on his visa!
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