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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Very little info on the drug she consumed ! Some of these date rape drugs screw with your memory! Its possible she did agree to many suggestions while in the company of a bad sleazy male acting out his desirers ! Stupid people taking drugs, stupid is as stupid does! No signs of a violence either!
  2. Mr. Trump endorses Mc to do his bidding ! But all of us America First fans dont want the rino unless of course he gives in to our demands of having censoring powers,Is it possible to have Tucker Carlson!
  3. Dont screw around when it comes to your eyes.Also there are different procedures according to your requirements
  4. Welcome to Thainess! Suppose to have “just falangs and their wives” come for a small party ,immediate neighbors in the dog community ( moo baan ma)we reside in. I asked the Mrs if her family was coming over ,she said no ! That was short lived . Even had a contractor come unannounced to give a quote on a fence extension to go over the wall so we dont have to see the Thai neighbors dogs and garden. Most astonishing thing today was her giving the young neise and nephews beer and Spy’s and then letting them use her motorbike. Sawadee pe mai
  5. For the record ,the left has been out to get’em. Now they have what they think is a treasure trove of political fodder! Imop In the grand scheme of things he’s my countries only hope in 2024, of draining and exposing the “ Washington Swamp” , the political cesspool of media ,merchants, politicians and bureaucrats , who suck off the Government system.imop
  6. Astonishing in deed. Im sure the edit time allowance has expired ! You’ll need help now to change the name !
  7. Good purchase for truth and justice imop. On March 25, before the news of his investment had come out, he created a Twitter poll asking if the platform “rigorously adhered” to the principle of free speech. Overwhelmingly, his audience voted no. See vox source
  8. In your opinion! Vox seemed to hit it on the nail in this opinion piece . The free speech absolute .mind you this is before the big buy which resulted in exposing the left and their sycophants. Elitist dont go blow billions on pet projects willy nilly imop “Now, he’s Twitter’s largest shareholder after buying a 9.2 percent stake in the company. The move has prompted whirlwind speculation around why Musk has bought such a large stake and what the future holds for Twitter. After Musk walked back plans to join the company’s board of directors over the weekend, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal said in a note to the company that the decision was “for the best,” and urged employees to “tune out the noise” surrounding recent changes”. https://www.vox.com/recode/23022438/elon-musk-free-speech-twitter-stake-top-shareholder
  9. I wont be exposing myself publicly to police scrutiny during the day or evening during this time period!
  10. Stop sending aid !Or at least make it conditional! The United States is providing nearly $327 million in additional humanitarian assistance to help the people of Afghanistan. This funding includes nearly $119 million through the Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration and nearly $208 million through the U.S. Agency for International Development’s Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance, bringing the total U.S. humanitarian assistance in Afghanistan and neighboring countries to more than $1.1 billion since the Taliban takeover one year ago in August 2021. https://www.state.gov/united-states-announces-humanitarian-assistance-for-afghanistan
  11. Apply for the two months, like someone else suggested op, avoid paying the brown envelope fee .
  12. My wife makes hot dogs and heinz beans every week ! She fry’s onions in the mix , not as good as B & M baked beans but still aloi.
  13. SC is Gonna hear arguments ! Americans Need the help of the guys and gals in the black robes ! “The Supreme Court temporarily halted the termination of Title 42 on Tuesday, allowing the Trump-era policy to remain in place until the justices hear a challenge from Republican-led states in February. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/supreme-court-halts-termination-title-42-will-hear-case-february
  14. “He suggested it would be in part aimed to jog loose more information from pharmaceutical companies about the vaccines and potential side effects”. https://apnews.com/article/ron-desantis-health-florida-covid-f90dbf672338461457f6c30633398e90 Many of these big pharmaceuticals have immunity from prosecution in regards to the covid vax so it would be very advantageous to see what other information they have or haven’t provided.
  15. Oh sure just lump us all together! It was the FALANG’s fault! Very wrong ! When are they going to realize, countries cultures and morals are not the same !
  16. Abbott is aiding and abetting according to this outdated article. “The free rides given to migrants to travel to sanctuary cities like New York, Washington, D.C., and now Chicago have cost the state $12.7 million so far. Abbott has provided voluntary trips to 8,900 migrants so far, according to his office. The voluntary busing policy, part of the governor’s Operation Lone Star initiative to slow the number of migrants crossing the border, may actually incentivize migrants coming through Central America and Mexico to reach Texas, Nuñez said. https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/02/texas-migrant-bus-cost
  17. Trump is right if the NG was there ,wouldn’t of been chaos at the capitol! Thanks for sourcing the reports .
  18. I seen these temps on weather forecasting sites ( wind chill temps) in some cases . A natural gas supplier in Wisconsin asked some of their customers to lower their thermostats to 60f to avoid shut downs, burr. MADISON, Wis. (WMTV) - We Energies is asking customers to turn down their thermostats Friday immediately after an “equipment failure” limited its ability to provide fuel. Some areas got hit hard with blizzard conditions. Watching the videos makes me happy that I dont have to pick up a shovel or go out side to scrape the ice off the car anymore! https://www.nbc15.com/2022/12/24/we-energies-asking-customers-lower-their-heat-immediately/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/photography/interactive/2022/photos-winter-storm
  19. Learn something every day about the powers of congressional committees ,thanks for that post
  20. Theres a lot of truth behind what he says! Stay tuned to what possibly could be exposed when the new Gop house majority takes over in January . Perhaps the whole Trump hating world will know more about Trumps request to have the national guard preside over what started as a peaceful protest . Very good video on his response to the j6 report. “The events of January 6 were not an insurrection. They were a protest that tragically got out of control, and which the left has been weaponizing ever since, to censor, spy on and persecute American citizens. The entire phony hoax is about taking away your speech, taking away your vote and taking away your freedom,” Trump said. https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/23/donald-trump-issues-response-video-jan-6-report/ https://www.click2houston.com/news/investigates/2022/01/07/jan-6-has-been-called-an-insurrection-so-why-has-no-one-been-charged-with-that-crime dailycaller was used in another thread as a attributed source so i presume its ok to use.
  21. No surprise ! A article from a few years ago. Complicated! who wants to pay taxes when there are so many accountants willing to find legal ways to avoid them ! “These are eye-popping revelations, but most people won’t wade through the details, which are complicated as hell. And even the Times doesn’t claim that Trump broke any laws. He took advantage of a labrynth of legal deductions that are available to people who traffic in real estate and investments--unfairly, in my view, but that’s the system approved by Congress. https://www.foxnews.com/media/new-york-times-and-trump-taxes-why-its-not-a-campaign-bombshell
  22. You misunderstood ! My bad! I should’ve put a question mark .Do you think he is setting aside any funds for his county to rebuild?Nothing nefarious or right wing about saving money for the country’s future!
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