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Everything posted by riclag

  1. Wrong guy to appoint ! He was part of the sweetheart deal that the judge in Delaware mistakenly found that was approving total immunity from other crimes, for the ex drug addicted son while he was still under investigation for Fara violations! Sitting on my edge waiting to hear what law professors say about this latest facade by bidens DOJimop “This action by Biden’s DOJ cannot be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewash the Biden family corruption,” Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., said in a tweet. “If Weiss negotiated the sweetheart deal that couldn’t get approved, how can he be trusted as a Special Counsel? https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/live-blog/hunter-biden-investigation-special-counsel-live-updates-rcna99483 https://news.yahoo.com/doj-reveals-hunter-biden-still-224814703.html
  2. The headline from your source, “Biden said his son earned no money from China. His son says otherwise”. “In court testimony last week, the younger Biden acknowledged that he in fact had been paid substantial sums in China — the first official confirmation that this was the case”.your source Lying Joe biden along with many in his family will be under subpoenas to appear in front of the House Oversight committees . https://nypost.com/2023/08/10/comer-says-he-plans-to-subpoena-the-bidens-putting-together-a-case/ The ex drug addicted son, hunter by his own admissions will prove that his Dad as Vice President was involved in the scheme to get money from Americas foreign adversaries, its a clear violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act . His emails from the laptop to another family member,said he paid his dads bills. “I hope you all can do what I did and pay for everything for this entire family for 30 years,” Hunter Biden groused to daughter Naomi in January 2019. “It’s really hard. But don’t worry, unlike pop, I won’t make you give me half your salary.” https://nypost.com/2022/04/09/hunter-biden-frequently-covered-family-expenses-texts-reveal/
  3. The mrs said you are at your house you can look at anything you want from your house ! Shes a wack jobimop
  4. With your wife,Go to the police and file a report! Soon thereafter go to the local Amphur and file a complaint. Dont forget to bring a long the PR! Its the first step to problem solving in Thailand! Oh dont get into a argument ! Welcome to Thailand the home of wondering dogs and idiot irresponsible owners imop
  5. Since when does RIP DESERVE a trolling laugh .What happened to this forum?
  6. Joe Biden is a liar and he got caught in a cover up of historic proportions! I expect a impeachment inquiry forthcoming from the House with subpoena witnesses ,evidence ,graphs, emails, hunters laptop,IRS testimony, and video highlights! It wont be to difficult to connect the dots using the Gop’s past investigation results. “Indeed, the law recognizes payments to family members to corruptly influence others can constitute a bribe,” the memo says. The panel points to a resource guide of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act that states “companies also may violate the FCPA if they give payments or gifts to third parties, such as an official’s family members, as an indirect way of corruptly influencing a foreign official.” Hunter Biden has not been charged or convicted of accepting bribes at this point”. https://edition.cnn.com/2023/08/09/politics/house-oversight-republicans-hunter-biden/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/28/politics/hunter-biden-joe-biden-2017-text-message/index.html
  7. Isnt there enough women to go around ! Why fight guys! No brains when primeval kicks in! Imop its a curse for some guys imop
  8. McCarthy is always preaching that he doesnt want to play politics. Cut to the chase , subpoena the bidens . Ask hunter about his email to a family member saying he was paying 1/2 of his fathers bills! That should make joe a accomplice to a FARA VIOLATION .imop https://nypost.com/2022/04/09/hunter-biden-frequently-covered-family-expenses-texts-reveal/
  9. Your mistaken.They didnt go after Elon ! They went after his company ! Maybe the filing charge has limits to amount the Govt can seek!
  10. Fever pitched moment in time! Dont know much of the particulars of what set him off! Perhaps all the news surrounding all the scandals !imop To say this is indicative of all Make america great again supporters is a far left conspiracy theory beyond imagination! Everyone knows violence-is never the alternative! A 1 in 71 million thought actor that got caught up in the news events since the indictments by bidens / garlands doj imop stay tuned much more to come I expect,
  11. No it never justifies the reaction but thats the difference between gang mentality( bouncers in a group) in a third world country vs western countries , everything goes. It all makes sense to me about what some people can do in this country , shocking and get away with it,my wife tells me to hide the gasoline for the mower or not to beep the horn and people getting out of jail for murder! Its crazy
  12. Than i went on to talk about bouncers ganging up! My point with the Thai boxing they all learn some unprofessional thai boxing skills and use them when the need arises! When one is faced with a gang of p’d off thai bouncers , you better leave put your tail between ones legs and call it a night
  13. Sounds like your in favor of the Marquess of Queensberry Rules! That was a movie your referring to ,a far cry of what happens in real life bars in third world establishments! These people here pride themselves with Mui Thai style boxing, kicking,punching elbows and knees ! And in gangs , such as bouncers they can be relentless , predictable and deadly!
  14. A rezum balloon from the Bnh lobby. I forgot to mention I got a hotel up the Soi from the Hospital ( 300m). I thought i would walk back after but changed my mind on advice from others! So I took a tuc tuc !Dont get out of a appointment their after 2pm! There’s a school next door,when school gets out the police make the Soi a one way! The tuc tuc took 45 minutes of going around the opposite way , only to be brought to the beginning of the Soi jamb with bumper to bumper traffic. So I ended up walking 100 meters to the hotel! Small complaint but beware!
  15. Just look at that pic! Thats a pic of a fighter! from the source article “ in the case connected to Mr Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election”. It wasnt a radical overthrowing of a election as some on the left would have the world believe! it was a constitutional debate that was in order!imop “I agreed with objections that were made to two states, especially because constitutional questions have been raised about changes to election processes and whether these changes were approved by their respective legislatures, as required in Article II,” McCarthy said in a Jan. 7 statement. "The debate and votes were not about overturning an election or federalizing elections.” https://www.reuters.com/graphics/USA-TRUMP/LAWMAKERS/xegpbedzdvq/
  16. if ever a politician were to be censored it would be her, she’s unhinged! But the constitution protects her radicalism! Brings to mind , A passage I once read in a movie forward, ”from its earliest days, the american experiment in democracy was threatened by internal division”! These people ( congress) elected by the people throughout the decades have brought about many laws through heated debate! And yet It continues ,this internal strife! The republic that millions have fought and died for is under siege more so than ever before . The executive branch with the Doj / Fbi have weaponized government against their political opponents ! This has never been done in the history of my country. Imop
  17. BNH hospital Bangkok.Arrived @ 10:45 for 11:00 appointment on the 8th of August.They prep me with IV to administer antibiotic and knockout medication and took my vitals , blood pressure was high , usually its normal. Spoke to the doctor beforehand about Bph medication , he suggested i continue another two months! Went up to the op room shortly thereafter , more vitals taken while starting the antibiotics drip within minutes they put my feet in the stirrups and slowly administered the knockout juice . No pain at all . I woke with some pressure where the catheter is and started drinking water! Met with the doctor again he confirmed everything went well during the procedure ! He used 9 vapor injections and scheduled a catheter removal in 9 days! Little bit of burning & pressure in my manhood and abdomen. I went to pay the 200k package price and the billing clerk tried to charge a extra 10k ! Had to voice my concerns and the nurse took care of it and straightened out the matter. I ‘ll keep posting in a couple of days. Hope that helps Good luck
  18. Thais jest, Moo uaan, fat pig! She Must exercise! Its up to you to explain this to her, my wife exclaimed
  19. God forbid the cult wants to see globalists world order binned! Make America Great Again. America First has a huge Mess to clean up ,on aisle USA. imop
  20. The burden of proof is on the government ! Such a high profile case with so many twists involving the Constitution ! The bias(previous ruled against Trump)judge can determine the scope of evidence presented pretrial! It’s reported Trumps atty wants to have TV coverage! They didnt have live coverage for the j6 protestors! https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/suppression_of_evidence
  21. Blessed are the peacemakers , for they to stand a chance to gain fame with ones god and people of all.
  22. I have a AAVANTAGE AVIATOR CARD from Barclays usa ! No foreign transaction fees and i use it on AliExpress as well! Ive accumulated enough mile points to fly round trip to the states from here several times over a 10 years span. I keep a residential address in the states for this and other cards otherwise barclays would disqualify me for using the card
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