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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. If you are white then you are a racist and there is nothing you can do about it, an original sin that there is no baptism to remove, so anything you say about race is offensive. If not, then you are entitled to free speech with impunity.
  2. Poles Apart is a series of pornographic movies involving 2 male-1 female throuples.
  3. My attitude regarding who gets to call who a racist will be re-evaluated when Black celebrities on US television start getting cancelled for making remarks about White people.
  4. Coffee. Good coffee. I think about my morning coffee when I go to bed at night. I have no family left. I really really like that. Each to his own, of course.
  5. Did that for more than 10 years. Mostly southern South America and SEA. Move with visa expiry. Argentina, Uruguay, and Malaysia were the easiest passport-wise: all three give you three months at the border, chop-chop and the imm. officer usually too bored to give your pp more than a cursory glance. When it's done run for the border, spend a little time out and come back in. If you decide to "do it right" by applying for a visa extension will require a lot of bs: show of funds, local references, waking up before dawn to get a place in line at the imm, office etc. Also with cheap flights (pre-pandemic days) a visa run is an excuse for a week or two "vacation." I really liked South Africa, but the crime puts it beyond consideration. In the local newspapers you'll find articles about crimes that will contain phrases such as "acts committed are too grisly to describe in print." Too bad.
  6. Does anyone else suspect that perhaps some of the people who responded to the poll don't know the difference between Taiwan and Thailand? I've come across a few people who think Thai food comes from Taiwan.
  7. A few weeks ago there was some discussion of the greatest movie ever made. I don’t have one to offer, but one that I’ve heard that said of more than a few times over the years is Johnny Guitar. I tried watching it a few times over the ages (the film is almost as old as me) and never made it through; I don’t like westerns, and when I was a kid I didn’t like seeing Joan Crawford because I thought she looked like my mum in a bad mood. Well, this time I got it, albeit in my own way. It’s a film noir, but instead dark alleys and cheap furnished rooms it’s the Old West on the verge of change (the railroad is being built). Are the good folk of the town the bad guys? Are all of the bad guys bad? Also some timely fear mongering: change is coming, it’ll destroy us. I wonder what feminist types would have to say about the confrontation of the two female leads. Oh, and it’s in color! I don’t know about it being the greatest, but it does bear being looked at as just another horse opera. In some ways it reminds me of another old one I saw recently, The Ox-Bow Incident (with young Henry Fonda as a rowdy cowhand and, if you don’t blink, young Anthony Quinn). Found both to be entertaining.
  8. Haven't been there in about 10 years, back when the peso was 3.xx to the US$ There is that subway line along the south of the city with the ancient cars with doors that have to be open by the passengers, and sometimes open by themselves when the train is in motion. Gotta wonder how many casualties these have caused over the years. Somewhere along that line (can't recall where) there is (was?) an ice cream parlor where the guy makes his own ice cream, worth the ride IMO, just keep away from the doors while in motion. I know in NYC not all the subway lines can use cars interchangeably as well. When I was a boy we lived on a line that was almost as bad, with straw seats that would tear your trousers.
  9. And in the Buenos Aires subway system as well. But I don't know if they bother to refurbish, the cars there still have signs in Japanese. They probably just hose them down inside and out and that's it. There are certain lines there that have ancient cars where the passengers have to open the doors manually.
  10. I feel your pain, I want my weenie to function the way it did 20 years ago, but alas . . . Back then it was Windows XP, the entire installation was less than 1Gb. My Win 10 installation, with most of my apps and personal data on other drives/partitions (and no MS Office) is around 40Gb, never succeeded in getting it any lower. An easy thing to do that may help a bit is check your browser settings, get it to clear cache whenever you close it -- not the full solution to your problem, but it removes a boatload of carp.
  11. I heard the vaccine makes your scrotum really big. Well, I got the shots a few months back and I'm still waiting . . . Gotta run now and continue with my own research.
  12. Opinion is one thing, faith is another. Or is it? Some people say the Earth is flat. It has been proven the planet is a sphere. Saying the world is flat is not expressing an opinion, it is saying something false. And that's that. If you were standing out in a blizzard but described it as tropical sun bathing you are either sarcastic or truly stupid. What can be said of these people? man is leading QAnon gathering in Dallas, waiting for the late JFK Jr. to show up For the past several weeks, dozens of QAnon conspiracy theorists have gathered at Dealey Plaza in Dallas in the belief they’d witness the return of John F. Kennedy Jr., who would reinstate [...] as president. There is also an adjunct contingent that says JFK Senior (who was assassinated at Dealey Plaza) will also return. I think this one is too coo-coo for mainstream media. You might have to go to the Q source for that brilliance. My pet conspiracy is the abandoned Walmarts below which are FEMA concentration camps and are all connected to each other via clandestine tunnels. I first heard this one around 2011. It's changed a few times, last I heard it was a Chinese infiltration plot, can't recall the rest. But yeah, keep an ear out for abandoned Walmarts in Texas and Dixie, loads of entertainment.
  13. Another vote for DBAN here.
  14. If the figures are available I'm curious how the much the land area of Macau has been increased artificially in the past 20 or so years. While I have no doubts that Macau makes efforts to lure in people from all over the region ("Hello, my Japanese friend! You like gambling? You like lady? All kinds lady here!") it is pretty obvious the Mainland Chinese are the bread and butter. I haven't been there lately, used to visit around once or twice a year, and every time a new high-rise casino/hotel complex has suddenly appeared. Not long after Ho lost his monopoly and big investors started showing up Wynn (of Las Vegas notoriety) opened a huge resort -- word on the street (for what it's worth) at the time was Wynn recouped the investment in nine months. This announcement being made at this time very likely has something to do with this: China-Laos Railway to boost China-ASEAN economic links Expect there to be an announcement of a high-speed rail link from Vientiane to Pattaya, if it hasn't already been done. Another place for a casino site would be Sadao. Already lads come up from Malaysia and Singapore for the sport, but I think gambling would bring in the adults.
  15. Haven't seen it yet, but I expect it is digital monochrome. Some years back (when cameras used something called film) I had a b&w photo lab, studied Ansel Adams' techniques, so I have an appreciation for it. A few years ago there was a movie called "Roma" shot entirely in digital monochrome, blew me away! When I was a kid saw "A Christmas Carol" with Alistair Sim as Scrooge. Those scenes in the graveyard scared the hell out little me, the effect would not have worked in color.
  16. Consider it a new normal. https://www.cbsnews.com/video/usps-hikes-prices-and-slows-deliveries/?intcid=CNM-00-10abd1h
  17. Saw the new version of Dune. IMO yet another action movie, as opposed to sci-fi. Buffed up hero types sword/knife fighting, more of a Marvel venture. Or maybe a trans-planetary Game of Thrones. Gave me an appreciation for the 1980s version I didn't have before.
  18. Anyone been watching Succession ? New season has been pretty dry, but after this last episode (#1 son gives himself a birthday exposition) I get the feeling they added a new writer to the show, someone with a psych degree. Each of the central characters are going coo-coo in their own particular way. I get the impression someone in the family is going to go postal. We can take bets on who(m). Saw Sirocco (1951) last night. Bogie as a slightly less moral version of Rick. B&W and no location filming (it's supposed to be Damascus), all shot on a studio lot.
  19. What the user gets is a lot of legal text (forwarded by the ISP) from the complaining party, detailing the transgression and threatening action if the alleged criminal does not send them his name, address, etc immediately and face the music. In other words, outside of the connection details they know absolutely nothing else. HBO aggressively uses this approach, or at least did for a while. There are some ambulance-chasing lawyers out there doing this vigilante style. I would think in a country where legalities are cheaply bartered for (unlike the US, where it is not so cheap: for prices contact Senator Sinema) the personal information sought by the owner of the content (or their watchdog) wouldn't be so difficult to obtain. The VPN called PIA supposedly does not keep user logs and costs around US$50/year. They also have servers in a lot of countries, which is handy when you want access to a country that is not allowed from your current location. E.g. there are a few BBC sites that restrict access from outside UK.
  20. The topic of dog excrement pivots to that the real problem is bringing children to the beach. Very Kellyanne-ish.
  21. It's been a while since I've been to Hua Hin, so maybe this has changed. They have horse rides on the beach there, and guess what there is in the sand and surf. Usually there are dogs following the horses to devour their droppings. No need to mention what the dogs leave behind. The beach is for the view only, you don't want to actually visit it. If you take the "it's only poop attitude" you should visit India: the stuff is everywhere, but no problems for you if you think it's only . . . I lived there for a while some years back. Afterwards, in the US, they found I had some rare form of intestinal worm. Well, rare in North America. The specialist had never actually encountered it before. He told me that it's caused by fecal contact -- the larvae come in through the skin and the critters make their home in the intestines. Just lovely. The story makes a good case for not wearing sandals.
  22. That's the U.S. way to discourage cigarette smoking. A pack can cost as much as $14 in some states, I've been told. Maybe educating them worked, it seems the most visible of those who still smoke cigs drive pickup trucks.
  23. PM's New Year gift to Thais wanting to travel abroad - a free electronic "Vax Passport" A real Santa Claus this guy.
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