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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. As a long-time tech salesman I used to work with told me, he has a rule "never touch the product."
  2. The DT faithful are going to town on the on this steering wheel stuff as if it was the most important thing about her testimony. Fox can't talk about it enough. Yes, it was hearsay, she said so herself. Two hours of in-person testimony in addition to the previously recorded stuff, but nothing in there to talk about but this. Yeah, the steering wheel and the near-fatal assault on Rudy "I thought I wuz gonna die!" Giuliani. The blow was so intense it shook the earth and those around him felt it, but he doesn't mention how much he had to drink at the time. Calling this bunch a clown car is denigrating to clowns. A year from now will be the start of the presidential campaign. Will this stuff have any impact? DOJ? Things take a looooooooong time to happen there as it stands, and I suspect there are enough pro-DT elements in there to ensure this is not settled by Election Day 2024. IMO the best outcome is DT does a Thaksin and self-exiles to a friendly country like Russia or Hungary. The sooner the better.
  3. I thought their air force would be WWII Spitfires the Brits left behind.
  4. Have you seen God's Pocket ?
  5. Hey, I used to do that too! They don't call it Richmond anymore, do they? I remember when they named it that, but I can't recall hearing anybody saying it. Somewhere in the middle of it is this Buddhist museum, I think it was private. Made for a interesting day-trip date. Also the Statue of Liberty island. I realized everyone gets off the ferry, goes directly to the statue, then comes out and gets back on a ferry. NO ONE (in 1970s) walked around the island, not even the park police. So I'd find a peaceful spot on the edge of the water, smoke a joint and take in the view. I did that a number of times. The Narrows bridge took forever to build. In the distant future, when all we have has turned to dust and a new civilization emerges, archeologists are going to find what's left of that bridge's foundation and find all those human remains the mobs threw into the cement, and they are going to puzzle over the strange funeral practices of the ancient peoples.
  6. The Offer. It’s about the making of the first movie of The Godfather. In the vernacular of the time and place of the movie, it stinks. It’s ten hours of made-for-TV quality, as bad as some of the US television movies from the 1970s. What kept me watching was to see how certain historical events of the time were depicted (murders, scandals etc). Also it was the first time I got to see Juno Temple play an adult part; she is so funny looking it’s attractive, and I kept thinking of all the disgusting things I’d like to do with her. Robert Evans, the larger-than-life producer depicted wrote an autobiography called “The Kid Stays in the Picture.” I think it’s the only movie biz book I ever read. For some years nearly every Hollywood memoir published was compared to it by reviewers, which is what led me to pick it up. Evans himself said after the movie was done Coppola hated his guts, but in this teevee schlock they are smiling buddies. I assume cleaning this up, and a bunch of other stuff, has something to with Paramount producing this.
  7. Patriotism and defense of family are two of the favorite hiding places of the coward. When they get real adamant it's a sign they feel the threat closing in on them.
  8. Thanks for this. It now makes sense in a way. CBD concentrates in the US can max out at .03% without being classed as an intoxicant. I'm not particularly concerned with this, so in lieu of providing a link I suggest those who are interested give how much thc is in cbd oil to your favorite search site, like I did.
  9. I'll get rid of the stuff, will personally undertake the incineration with my furnace, which is specifically designed for this chore. I have many years of experience with this sort of thing and can provide references. I will bring in able sub-contractors to expedite the process.
  10. I saw this back when it was new and thought it was "too stupid" as my mother used to say of certain comedies (and believe me, she was no intellectual). I can't count how many times I thought back to things in that movie during recent years. It's as if the movie has gone from ridiculous to prophetic. Pink Flamingos was reviled, condemned etc when it first came out, and now it occasionally is the highlight of film festivals; this has led John Waters to ask "did the film change while it was in the can?"
  11. Anyone know if English language audio is available for this one?
  12. For a little different perspective, I view JA as someone who helped DT in the 2016 election, and I suspect those same people see him as a potential asset should he be sent to the US. I am against him being extradited because I don't like the team he'll possibly be working for, and I hold it against him that he was complicit in what happened in the 2016 election. He could have lived out his years turning the Ecuadorian embassy into a fungus farm as far as I'm concerned. Snowden is a different story: there is at least one US National Security Advisor who will flay him alive, given the chance; he'd best not return while she is alive, and I would think he knows it.
  13. A snowball's chance in hell for that! Can't forget Gorsich sailing through his hearings repeating "I will not comment on hypotheticals" all the while with that smirk that made me want to wipe it to the other side of his face. At least Kavanaugh put on his "errant schoolboy called to the dean's office" innocent routine. Collins nearly always does her hand-wringing concern routine, but in the end will vote the party line. When she doesn't it is because the party already has the votes to carry, and her's is inconsequential. Mitt Romney does the same stunt (he did it for one of the Orange impeachments). Manchin may carry his state in elections, but can't be counted on for anything, his infamous wash-and-wear excuse is "I'm doing this for the sake of my grandchildren" -- got to love a coward who hides behind kids. BTW, is it well-known that Mitt's niece is the Republican party chairperson?
  14. If not for the words "Thailand" and "Islamic" in the title of this thread a person might expect this to be about a something a US Supreme Court justice published a few days ago. Maybe this international trend should be called The Regressive Movement.
  15. Maybe the dog attacked because he wanted to be touched down there.
  16. So let's see: - no weed - lights off - oh yeah, and no sissy boys, like BTS Is there a Thai equivalent to Monty Python? How many military people have died of weed since it was legalized?
  17. oooo, pointing fetish porn! That's why there are no pyramids here.
  18. Well well! https://www.cnn.com/2022/06/24/politics/house-vote-bipartisan-safer-communities-act/index.html Lawmakers then raced to pass the bill before they left Washington for the July Fourth recess. Democrats in Congress doing things with GOP-like efficiency? Has hell frozen over?
  19. BiB is quite familiar with travel insurance claims, enough occidental backpackers have come to them in need of a police report to file their claim, sometimes they make accusations of monkey business on the part of the claimants. The concept of baksheesh is very much part of Indian life, perhaps they have an understanding.
  20. They apparently do. And they get insurance because, gosh darnnit, something just might happen to them . . . And who would take a picture of a brass chain anyway?
  21. Not long ago saw something about how they are dealing with this in Seoul, they had these huge vacuum cleaner trucks sucking up dust on the street. I thought it was silly at first but the before-and-after was impressive. Or maybe they can just get a big big big version of this and put it on a flatbed,
  22. This is what I've been expecting, and here it comes. In US politics it seems the women are the ones with the balls. https://www.businessinsider.com/top-conservative-activist-says-trump-is-disconnected-from-the-base-2022-6
  23. This is beginning to look like another GOP rope-a-dope: lead the Dems by the nose and make them think something is going to get done, and then just let it flop. In this case the Senate is taking the lead, and the House will p_ss on it, it usually works the other way around. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/house-gop-whip-bipartisan-gun-violence-prevention-bill-rcna34751
  24. "Where's the good guy with the gun?" "Hanging out in the hall."
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