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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. Yes, let them clean up their own House. As McConnell said during the previous presidency, the GOP doesn't have to get rid of DT, the Dems will do it for them. How did that work out, ol' buddy? Yes, "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" is the old chestnut, but the moment that adversary is defeated it's a whole new game. If this Speaker ploy backfires it could cause rifts in the Dem caucus, the blame going to those that thought this was a good idea. A potential divide-and-conquer tactic. I hope Jeffries doesn't fall for it.
  2. But an even greater amount of idiocy is involved in not being able to see his own contempt for his audience.
  3. There is a long scene in this movie where only Richard Burton is on camera and he does not blink (no cuts). And here I thought that generation of Brit classical actors were undisciplined drunks. That made me go back to some of his other stuff, like "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" If interested, check out director Mike Nichols' story of the filming of the "burgen" scene, which somewhat justifies my remarks about drunkards. "Boom" is a gem with Liz & Dick. Nice scenery but a terrible movie; however the last 20 or so minutes is only L&D's characters finally having their confrontation, it shows them as capable actors as opposed to show biz caricatures.
  4. I actually feel sorry for her. She doesn't seem very bright (which we all know is not a crime in itself), reminds me too much of the female politician in "The Thick of It." Much like Boebert and Palin in the US without the MAGA/Tea Party tantrums. BoJo pushed her in as something between ensuring Britain's worst PM would not be himself and a practical joke, which is what his time at #10 can be seen as. In comparison to US Republicanism in this century (so far) imagine a claim that the Bush family machinery promoted the election of the orange guy so that it could no longer be said W was the worst POTUS.
  5. Reminds me of something an Irish fellow once told me: "there was no potato famine, we just forgot where we planted them."
  6. Not long ago there was a pop song with the musical question "would she go down on you in a theatre?" https://youtu.be/NPcyTyilmYY?t=23
  7. Repealing Federal anti-pot laws would probably lead to Federal regulation of the stuff. Rules and taxes. Will illegal growers be subject to Elliot Ness -type raids?
  8. I knew a guy in the US who never was an alcoholic but he would go to the meetings and talk about it to the people in his life. With his very Irish name and red hair I don't think anyone doubted his legitimacy as an alc. Go figure. I think ol' Brandy here is about to begin the re-entry phase of his social media spotlight. There is the old showbiz chestnut about "no such thing as bad publicity" but in this new media these characters eventually implode on themselves. Never lose sight of the social media standard that any words can be taken as offensive with the least bit of effort, and truth has nothing to do with anything. Still, even before these accusations Brand was an obnoxious jackass. He'll disappear from the headlines soon enough. Enshallah!
  9. In the Meghan Kelly interview with DT she was somewhat lecturing at one point that a subpoena is not something to ignore, he went off on a rant and said, in one breath: "I know this. I don't know that!" Waiting for him to say something about his study of Zen for an explanation. These blabberings usually span from a few hours to a few days, this is his record for fastest reversal The usual tactics: initial response deny it happened at all "It's a hoax! It didn't happen! Fake News!"; Next day: justify it "Everyone is saying she deserved it:" Third day: blame a Democrat.
  10. I can't take anything about him seriously, just another Internet Age attention sponge. Don't go for his over-the-top comedy style either.
  11. Looks like the "pointing and screaming at the other guy for being in cognitive decline" tactic ain't working for Team Orange. As has been said before, every accusation is a confession.
  12. If the guy was wearing Saudi garb the driver can claim he thought it was a ghost.
  13. The question is "under which table were these permits issued?"
  14. Just hazarding a guess here: it may have something to do with Sarah Palin losing a suit she brought against the NY Times, something to do with targeting non-conservatives with graphics of a rifle scope sight covering pics of the people she was denouncing, like Gabbie Giffords who was soon attacked by a gun-toting patriot. https://archive.ph/ed3ip#selection-533.0-540.0 Miz B here had been banging the drum about how "the church" should run the government. This is Mike Flynn's thing, with his road show that combines fringe conservative loonies and evangelical preachers, I'm expecting this to be amped up as the convention approaches. Boebert seems to have been quiet on this lately, maybe she realized she didn't know what she was talking about and just what a nutter Flynn is. Historical note: the origins of the MAGA "lock her up" chant was Flynn at the 2016 GOP convention.
  15. Rep. Lauren Boebert is now a 36-year-old grandmother, a spokesman confirmed to Insider.
  16. If I saw someone dressed like her at a theatre I would think some guy hired a hooker for company so he wouldn't have to go there alone. But I guess I understand her enthusiasm to show them off, they probably cost her a pretty penny. But wait, this is a (literally) frothing at the mouth conservative, she is patronizing theatre? Doesn't she know what kind of people she's supporting?
  17. I had a friend who used to say "Richard Brautigan (Trout Fishing in America) is proof the hippies made no contribution to literature." (I strongly suspect he picked that line up from someone else, he did that all the time.) But we'll always have Zap Comics. Sanders really more beatnik than otherwise, too New York to be a real hippie. I can relate.
  18. There was a fellow named Ed Sanders, of beatnik/hippie bent, poet, writer, songwriter etc. Shortly after the Charlie Manson stuff was in the headlines, he put out a book about it. Nicely done, I thought it should have been more popular. A few years later the DA on the case wrote a book about it and that one made the best-seller list. https://www.amazon.com/Audible-The-Family/dp/B09QT8TQ9T/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2NV2XKG2KX1H1 I haven't read it since back when. I know nothing about this audio thing.
  19. Take a look at the website the OP came from. Nearly all of their articles involve a pending disaster. No reason to see this article as outstanding. But yeah, China is buffing up the SEA region, even Obama mentioned it in a SOTU. I find it interesting that VN seems to be leaning toward the USA rather than the ancestral Middle Kingdom. Keep an eye on the alliances down there.
  20. Indeed. Don't forget to flush ten times like the boss says, Kev.
  21. Bear in mind that prior to January 20th 2021 Gaetz was trying to get a pardon from DT (he didn't). But seeking the pardon is an admission of guilt. Was it for the well-known underage sex thing, or is there something else?
  22. So we now have the witch hunt that T____ has been promising. Bengazi II
  23. When people ask what happened the answer will be "farang threw him out of his mama's house." You will not look good. Pitch forks and torches at worst. Maybe try this: tell him you know a farang who makes a lot of $$$ by bringing ganja to Singapore, they never look in your bags! Well yeah, that's a bit much.
  24. Johnny Too-bad on the run. Let's see how far he gets. My guess is he'll disappear and a few months later we find out he's in Japan.
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