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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. When they start offering other possibilities it's almost a confession.
  2. Looks like we're in for a beauty contest. No one with any sense would want that job, so that limits it to the Sedition Caucus. Let's see how quickly each comer gets scratched off. Everyone knows JJ would be a fiasco, and that includes himself.
  3. Aw, you missed his speech where he explained what oceans are, and how there is something living in them called "fish." I saw it on US tv, but it doesn't seem to be on-line yet. I liked the bit about having to flush the toilet ten times and the exploding washing machines. Instead of insulting the political satirists he should be trying to hire their writers; well, that won't work really because he would stiff them and they know it.
  4. Say what you will about either, but both McConnell and Pelosi would not put something out to Congressional vote without having the numbers. One of my fave incidents was when AOC confronted Nancy to do something, with the freshman touting that her and her pals had XX million social media followers, to which the Speaker replied "but in here you have only four votes." The new MAGA version of the GOP doesn't get this, which is why they had 15 rounds of voting before installing the previous tool.
  5. Summer of 1968, I was working as an usher in a theatre. The Odd Couple played for 14 weeks straight (it would have run longer but they had already agreed to open another movie). If I never see or hear him again . . . A few years later he won an Oscar, but I just couldn't take him seriously as an actor.
  6. Apocalypse Now Man Who Would be King Rumblefish Stray Dog : Japanese post-war film noir, 1949. Kurosawa (directed the samurai movies) and a young Mifune. From Russia With Love If that's too many take away two.
  7. You surprise me, with a name like Britman. The scene where Hackman opens a can a whoopazz on Richard Harris (English Bob) I think is why they gave Clint the Oscar. At least he didn't get to sing that damned song about a cake in a park in the rain.
  8. Classic DT empty statement. A lot of good things: like what comes out of a piñata? You'd be surprised: yes, tell me more about myself many people are taking it: who, exactly? front-line workers: been to the front lines, have you?
  9. Maybe it's the art students who understand cubism that find him attractive.
  10. The solution is always in the check bin, isn't it? When the going gets tough, the tough collect money.
  11. While living in Malaysia I decided to do a trip to Siem Reap (Angkor Wat, Cambodia) a few years back. The visa on arrival, and the stuff I had to pay when leaving (can't recall the names, exit fee or airport tax etc) combined cost more than my round-trip Kuala Lumpur ticket.
  12. So it makes the world news that LOS has experienced a mass shooting. Such a thing is bad for tourism. How to solve this problem? Introduce another tourist fee! Or did this news tidbit really originate in The Onion ?
  13. Biden mocks Trump’s ‘infrastructure week’: ‘He didn’t build a damn thing’ That is because he didn't get re-elected. If he did get a second term he would have said, on Jan 20th 2021, "next week is infrastructure week."
  14. I don't think Jordan actually wants it: it's beyond his skill set and he knows it. Also it's a lot of work, the kind there is no holiday from.
  15. US senator from Kentucky. Mitch McConnell is one also. Lots of Russia-connected monkey business in that state, remember the Moscow Mitch thing? That had to do with Russian oligarchs investment in the state. Hey, after the Ukraine thing is over maybe Russia will try to annex Kentucky, they already have a foot in the door. Ron Paul, the father, yeah, he's another national treasure. Check out their dentistry con.
  16. Hey MAGAphiles, Biden is giving you the damned border wall you loved the orange guy for promising, and STILL nothing but complaints from you guys. Next up you're going to complain about the color. I do wonder if this is a ploy for reaping swing votes.
  17. Hang loose, I think we're going to see a competition for shortest Speaker tenure.
  18. Well, that would depend on your definition of "best." A history teacher once told the class "the difference between JFK and LBJ was that JFK didn't understand the advantage of having stupid people around." There is a certain former PM of LOS who, it seems, would not hire anyone smarter than himself. I don't know how much is archived, but the guys he had negotiating with the then-government during the street occupation were a great example of this, they really did come off like The Three Stooges. DT may not be as stupid as he seems, but he is certainly no great mind. From a different perspective, bear in mind one of the businesses he ran before he officially entered politics was money laundering for Russian oligarchs. These inflated valuations could turn out to be part of fluffing things up with those intentions, rather than the charges being aired at present. If this can be proven it could move things up a notch or two.
  19. The thing of it is the unredacted Mueller report needs to be held up to the glaring light of the media and reveal what it says once and for all. My guess is the current AG is reluctant to do this because a) it would look like a political move and b) it would make the Justice Dept look bad (or worse). It's like former AG Barr stepped on the report by censoring it and the residual doo-doo is stuck to Justice's shoe. But I'm sure Rudy has an absolutely solid (and viable) excuse for running around in that part of the world in the first place
  20. Pattaya is on Godzilla watch in the wake of the storm.
  21. The same Giuliani that is the only person to attempt to corroborate DT's claim that there were tailgate parties in New Jersey on 9/11 to celebrate the attack. DT didn't seek him out, Rudy sort of sidled his way into the cabal.
  22. Yes, phenomenal would be another word. A huge block of voters who consistently voted against their own self-interest. Hey, how about rounding up the guys who came up with that Tea Party hogwash back when and have them answer for their lies spreading misleading info?
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