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Everything posted by bendejo

  1. This has been part of that right-wing fringe since the Gingrich days: those that push the iron-heel philosophy all hate each other. It's not about a purity of cause (though some will play it that way, like Rubio used to do) but it's more like those high school movies like "Mean Girls" or "Heathers." For clarity here, I am not saying it's limited to the MAGA females, though I am expecting Nancy Mace to join the ladies' brawls between MTG and Boebert. The only real allegiance I have detected was between Limbaugh and Hannity, but that was more of a mutual don't get in my way than an actual camaraderie. And usually all this nastiness was off-air.
  2. Let's see if these pleaders deliver as promised at the trial(s).
  3. They don't even try for that any more, except for the Sedition Caucus. McConnell announced that the purpose of the GOP Congress was to ensure that Obama was a one-term president, and that was that. I think it was the day after the GOP lost the 2012 election that Bobby Jindel, a GOP contender for the WH that year, said "the Republican Party has to stop being the party of stupid." Sez who?
  4. The guy looks like a ventriloquist's doll. Is Jeff Dunham in politics now?
  5. A weekend in jail for the traitorous FORMER president would be a worthy gift for us all.
  6. Six years probation? Is this real probation, where cops up roll up whenever they want and demand a urine test and look through her things? That's the way it is for everybody else.
  7. What's all this about indicting ham sandwiches, do you guys live under Sharia?
  8. If there is any Biblical reference to the guy it is the golden calf. This depiction was on display at a CPAC.
  9. Looks like the guy with the bow-tie might be named as expanded pro-tem.
  10. Pictures will be taken, facial recognition, etc . . . And then there's the army of security for Vlad, "Hey Alexi! Remember me? I'm your brother-in-law! My sister, she is looking for you! Come with me now, I give you free trip back home with me."
  11. This visit will cause some discomfort for the Russian draft dodgers in that area.
  12. This past weekend Nancy Mace (a new member of the MAGA ladies association) was being interviewed by Jake Tapper of CNN. When she began extolling Jordan as honest and trustworthy, Tapper's response was hilarious. If nothing else, the DT era has caused media people to grow a pair. https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2023/10/11/mace-house-speaker-jordan-democrats-scalise-jake-tapper-lead-vpx.cnn
  13. Ironic, isn't it, that someone who makes so much noise about keeping immigrants out has been married three times, twice to women from the former Soviet bloc.
  14. I met a fellow from Texas working a temp job, he told me for a while he was a trans hooker in New Orleans. He said at least half of the guys he did probably had no idea. Or maybe this is a braggadocio thing in that world.
  15. Assuming you are in Thailand. What country was the VPN server in?
  16. Slept on the beach in Prachuap. Was woken up with a kick in the face and three lads over me. This was nearly 50 years ago.
  17. Kissing his butt in advance on the possibility he gets it.
  18. At a time when we have screaming idiots in Congress (literally) having a MAGA person only 2 heartbeats away from the WH is, well, draw your own images . . . And then there is how long he will last, my guess is less than a month, but probably more like 2 weeks. And what will the orange guy will do the Speaker's rubber stamp? Welcome to US politics in the 21st century, it's not for the faint of heart. I think we're not in 1776 anymore!
  19. In Star Wars-esque terms, the New Republican Party will contain elements of the defeated Federation that need to be culled. There will probably be a fight for the brand name. DT should call his Orange Party.
  20. He can come up with "during my term we got Obama to step down!" and he can fund raise from it. Yes, there are people who are that dumb.
  21. Ever find yourself in a situation where you deliberately ignore something because you just don't want to face it? This is the way I feel about how easy it is to get elected to US Congress. The shirt storm that began in 2015 has forced me to see it for what it is. The ease with which that tenpin Santos got elected is a great example. There is a US political pundit who previously worked as an aid to a House speaker who had this to say about Jordan when he was elected, I guess he had a source: Jordan was brought in for express purpose of confronting a certain Dem member. He said it was inspired by something a basketball team did (I don't know sports) ten or so years ago, assigning one player with express job of always being on a certain opponents tail. The guy I'm taking about is Chris Matthews. I did some searching in regard to this but ran out of patience. The only move Jordan has is: "Did the blah blah blah (insert 30 seconds of mile-a-minute babble here), yes or no?"
  22. Maybe we need to start a rumor that her name is "Greene" because she comes from a family of environmentalist commie jihadis. Going on the idea that there will emerge a new deloused GOP free of MAGA, eventually, now is the time for some sort of social wiz to emerge and start sorting things out. If and when they finally get to locking people up (hey Jimbo, no need for shirt sleeves in a prison jumpsuit) they can do their purge and maybe get back to reality (well, sort of) in 2032.
  23. This chimp 2nd in line for the presidency? The House needs to impose an alcohol-free day to take the vote. The Dems should bring in Liz Cheney, that will shake up the resident of MAL.
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